#!/bin/bash # run-shellcheck # usage : $0 [--nodel|--nowait] [1.1_script-to-test.sh...] # --nodel will keep logs # --nowait will not wait for you to see logs # if all test docker passed return 0, otherwise 1 meaning some tests failed tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t debcistest.XXXXXX) failedtarget="" cleanup() { if [ "$nodel" -eq 0 ]; then rm -rf "$tmpdir" fi } # `exit 255` for runtime error trap "cleanup; exit 255" EXIT HUP INT if [ ! -t 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[34mNo stdin \e[0m" nodel=1 nowait=1 fi nodel=0 nowait=0 OPTIONS=$(getopt --long nodel,nowait -- "$0" "$@") eval set -- "$OPTIONS" # Treating options while true; do case "$1" in --nodel) nodel=1 shift ;; --nowait) nowait=1 shift ;; --) shift break ;; *) break ;; esac done # Execution summary if [ "$nodel" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\e[34mLog directory: $tmpdir \e[0m" fi if [ "$nowait" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\e[34mRunning in non-interactive mode\e[0m" fi # Actual execution # Loops over found targets and runs docker_build_and_run_tests for target in $("$(dirname "$0")"/docker_build_and_run_tests.sh 2>&1 | grep "Supported" | cut -d ':' -f 2); do echo "Running $target $*" "$(dirname "$0")"/docker_build_and_run_tests.sh "$target" "$@" 2>&1 | tee "${tmpdir}"/"${target}" | grep -q "All tests succeeded" ret=$? if [[ 0 -eq $ret ]]; then echo -e "\e[92mOK\e[0m $target" else echo -e "\e[91mKO\e[0m $target" failedtarget="$failedtarget ${tmpdir}/${target}" fi done if [[ ! -z "$failedtarget" && "$nowait" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nPress \e[1mENTER\e[0m to display failed test logs" echo -e "Use \e[1m:n\e[0m (next) and \e[1m:p\e[0m (previous) to navigate between log files" echo -e "and \e[1mq\e[0m to quit" # shellcheck disable=2015,2162,2034 test -t 0 && read _wait || true # disable shellcheck to allow expansion of logfiles list # shellcheck disable=2086 less -R $failedtarget fi trap - EXIT HUP INT cleanup exit ${failedtarget:+1}