
# CIS Debian 7 Hardening

# 2.18 Disable Mounting of cramfs Filesystems (Not Scored)

set -e # One error, it's over
set -u # One variable unset, it's over

# Assumption made : You have a monolothic kernel with your config zipped in /proc/config.gz

# This function will be called if the script status is on enabled / audit mode
audit () {
    is_kernel_option_enabled $KERNEL_OPTION
    if [ $FNRET = 0 ]; then # 0 means true in bash, so it IS activated
        crit "$KERNEL_OPTION is enabled !"
        ok "$KERNEL_OPTION is disabled"

# This function will be called if the script status is on enabled mode
apply () {
    is_kernel_option_enabled $KERNEL_OPTION
    if [ $FNRET = 0 ]; then # 0 means true in bash, so it IS activated
        warn "I cannot fix $KERNEL_OPTION enabled, recompile your kernel please"
        ok "$KERNEL_OPTION is disabled, nothing to do"

# This function will check config parameters required
check_config() {

# Source Root Dir Parameter
if [ ! -r /etc/default/cis-hardening ]; then
    echo "There is no /etc/default/cis-hardening file, cannot source CIS_ROOT_DIR variable, aborting"
    exit 128
    . /etc/default/cis-hardening
    if [ -z $CIS_ROOT_DIR ]; then
        echo "No CIS_ROOT_DIR variable, aborting"

# Main function, will call the proper functions given the configuration (audit, enabled, disabled)
[ -r $CIS_ROOT_DIR/lib/main.sh ] && . $CIS_ROOT_DIR/lib/main.sh