#!/bin/bash # run-shellcheck # # CIS Debian Hardening # # # 6.2.8 Ensure users' home directories permissions are 750 or more restrictive (Scored # set -e # One error, it's over set -u # One variable unset, it's over # shellcheck disable=2034 HARDENING_LEVEL=2 # shellcheck disable=2034 DESCRIPTION="Check permissions on user home directories." ERRORS=0 # This function will be called if the script status is on enabled / audit mode audit() { for dir in $(get_db passwd | grep -Ev '(root|halt|sync|shutdown)' | awk -F: '($7 != "/usr/sbin/nologin" && $7 != "/sbin/nologin" && $7 != "/bin/false" && $7 !="/nonexistent" ) { print $6 }'); do debug "Working on $dir" debug "Exceptions : $EXCEPTIONS" debug "echo \"$EXCEPTIONS\" | grep -q $dir" if echo "$EXCEPTIONS" | grep -q "$dir"; then debug "$dir is confirmed as an exception" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 RESULT=$(sed "s!$dir!!" <<<"$RESULT") else debug "$dir not found in exceptions" fi if [ -d "$dir" ]; then dirperm=$(/bin/ls -ld "$dir" | cut -f1 -d" ") if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c6)" != "-" ]; then crit "Group Write permission set on directory $dir" ERRORS=$((ERRORS + 1)) fi if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c8)" != "-" ]; then crit "Other Read permission set on directory $dir" ERRORS=$((ERRORS + 1)) fi if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c9)" != "-" ]; then crit "Other Write permission set on directory $dir" ERRORS=$((ERRORS + 1)) fi if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c10)" != "-" ]; then crit "Other Execute permission set on directory $dir" ERRORS=$((ERRORS + 1)) fi fi done if [ "$ERRORS" = 0 ]; then ok "No incorrect permissions on home directories" fi } # This function will be called if the script status is on enabled mode apply() { for dir in $(get_db passwd | grep -Ev '(root|halt|sync|shutdown)' | awk -F: '($7 != "/usr/sbin/nologin" && $7 != "/sbin/nologin" && $7 != "/bin/false" && $7 !="/nonexistent" ) { print $6 }'); do debug "Working on $dir" debug "Exceptions : $EXCEPTIONS" debug "echo \"$EXCEPTIONS\" | grep -q $dir" if echo "$EXCEPTIONS" | grep -q "$dir"; then debug "$dir is confirmed as an exception" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 RESULT=$(sed "s!$dir!!" <<<"$RESULT") else debug "$dir not found in exceptions" fi if [ -d "$dir" ]; then dirperm=$(/bin/ls -ld "$dir" | cut -f1 -d" ") if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c6)" != "-" ]; then warn "Group Write permission set on directory $dir" chmod g-w "$dir" fi if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c8)" != "-" ]; then warn "Other Read permission set on directory $dir" chmod o-r "$dir" fi if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c9)" != "-" ]; then warn "Other Write permission set on directory $dir" chmod o-w "$dir" fi if [ "$(echo "$dirperm" | cut -c10)" != "-" ]; then warn "Other Execute permission set on directory $dir" chmod o-x "$dir" fi fi done } # This function will create the config file for this check with default values create_config() { cat <<EOF status=audit # Put here user home directories exceptions, separated by spaces EXCEPTIONS="" EOF } # This function will check config parameters required check_config() { if [ -z "$EXCEPTIONS" ]; then EXCEPTIONS="@" fi } # Source Root Dir Parameter if [ -r /etc/default/cis-hardening ]; then # shellcheck source=../../debian/default . /etc/default/cis-hardening fi if [ -z "$CIS_ROOT_DIR" ]; then echo "There is no /etc/default/cis-hardening file nor cis-hardening directory in current environment." echo "Cannot source CIS_ROOT_DIR variable, aborting." exit 128 fi # Main function, will call the proper functions given the configuration (audit, enabled, disabled) if [ -r "$CIS_ROOT_DIR"/lib/main.sh ]; then # shellcheck source=../../lib/main.sh . "$CIS_ROOT_DIR"/lib/main.sh else echo "Cannot find main.sh, have you correctly defined your root directory? Current value is $CIS_ROOT_DIR in /etc/default/cis-hardening" exit 128 fi