P-EB 32886d3a3d
Replace CIS_ROOT_DIR by a more flexible system (#204)
* Replace CIS_ROOT_DIR by a more flexible system

* Try to adapt the logic change to the functional tests
2023-09-25 14:24:01 +02:00

22 lines
646 B

# shellcheck shell=bash
# run-shellcheck
test_audit() {
describe Running on blank host
register_test retvalshouldbe 0
# shellcheck disable=2154
run blank "${CIS_CHECKS_DIR}/${script}.sh" --audit-all
local test_user="testpasswdgroupuser"
local dir="/etc/passwd"
describe Tests purposely failing
echo "$test_user:x:1100:1100::/home/$test_user:" >>"$dir"
register_test retvalshouldbe 1
register_test contain "is referenced by /etc/passwd but does not exist in /etc/group"
run noncompliant "${CIS_CHECKS_DIR}/${script}.sh" --audit-all
# cleanup
userdel "$test_user"