#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (C) 2016 Andris Raugulis (moo@arthepsy.eu) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from __future__ import print_function import os, io, sys, socket, struct, random, errno, getopt, re, hashlib, base64 VERSION = 'v1.6.1.dev' if sys.version_info >= (3,): StringIO, BytesIO = io.StringIO, io.BytesIO text_type = str binary_type = bytes else: import StringIO as _StringIO StringIO = BytesIO = _StringIO.StringIO text_type = unicode binary_type = str try: from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Callable, Union, Any except: pass def usage(err=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> None out = Output() p = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) out.head('# {0} {1}, moo@arthepsy.eu'.format(p, VERSION)) if err is not None: out.fail('\n' + err) out.info('\nusage: {0} [-12bnv] [-l ] \n'.format(p)) out.info(' -h, --help print this help') out.info(' -1, --ssh1 force ssh version 1 only') out.info(' -2, --ssh2 force ssh version 2 only') out.info(' -b, --batch batch output') out.info(' -n, --no-colors disable colors') out.info(' -v, --verbose verbose output') out.info(' -l, --level= minimum output level (info|warn|fail)') out.sep() sys.exit(1) class AuditConf(object): def __init__(self, host=None, port=22): # type: (Optional[str], int) -> None self.host = host self.port = port self.ssh1 = True self.ssh2 = True self.batch = False self.colors = True self.verbose = False self.minlevel = 'info' def __setattr__(self, name, value): # type: (str, Union[str, int, bool]) -> None valid = False if name in ['ssh1', 'ssh2', 'batch', 'colors', 'verbose']: valid, value = True, True if value else False elif name == 'port': valid, port = True, utils.parse_int(value) if port < 1 or port > 65535: raise ValueError('invalid port: {0}'.format(value)) value = port elif name in ['minlevel']: if value not in ('info', 'warn', 'fail'): raise ValueError('invalid level: {0}'.format(value)) valid = True elif name == 'host': valid = True if valid: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) @classmethod def from_cmdline(cls, args, usage_cb): # type: (List[str], Callable[..., None]) -> AuditConf conf = cls() try: sopts = 'h12bnvl:' lopts = ['help', 'ssh1', 'ssh2', 'batch', 'no-colors', 'verbose', 'level='] opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, sopts, lopts) except getopt.GetoptError as err: usage_cb(str(err)) conf.ssh1, conf.ssh2 = False, False for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage_cb() elif o in ('-1', '--ssh1'): conf.ssh1 = True elif o in ('-2', '--ssh2'): conf.ssh2 = True elif o in ('-b', '--batch'): conf.batch = True conf.verbose = True elif o in ('-n', '--no-colors'): conf.colors = False elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'): conf.verbose = True elif o in ('-l', '--level'): if a not in ('info', 'warn', 'fail'): usage_cb('level {0} is not valid'.format(a)) conf.minlevel = a if len(args) == 0: usage_cb() s = args[0].split(':') host, port = s[0].strip(), 22 if len(s) > 1: port = utils.parse_int(s[1]) if not host: usage_cb('host is empty') if port <= 0 or port > 65535: usage_cb('port {0} is not valid'.format(s[1])) conf.host = host conf.port = port if not (conf.ssh1 or conf.ssh2): conf.ssh1, conf.ssh2 = True, True return conf class Output(object): LEVELS = ['info', 'warn', 'fail'] COLORS = {'head': 36, 'good': 32, 'warn': 33, 'fail': 31} def __init__(self): # type: () -> None self.batch = False self.colors = True self.verbose = False self.__minlevel = 0 @property def minlevel(self): # type: () -> str if self.__minlevel < len(self.LEVELS): return self.LEVELS[self.__minlevel] return 'unknown' @minlevel.setter def minlevel(self, name): # type: (str) -> None self.__minlevel = self.getlevel(name) def getlevel(self, name): # type: (str) -> int cname = 'info' if name == 'good' else name if cname not in self.LEVELS: return sys.maxsize return self.LEVELS.index(cname) def sep(self): # type: () -> None if not self.batch: print() def _colorized(self, color): # type: (str) -> Callable[[text_type], None] return lambda x: print(u'{0}{1}\033[0m'.format(color, x)) def __getattr__(self, name): # type: (str) -> Callable[[text_type], None] if name == 'head' and self.batch: return lambda x: None if not self.getlevel(name) >= self.__minlevel: return lambda x: None if self.colors and os.name == 'posix' and name in self.COLORS: color = '\033[0;{0}m'.format(self.COLORS[name]) return self._colorized(color) else: return lambda x: print(u'{0}'.format(x)) class OutputBuffer(list): def __enter__(self): # type: () -> OutputBuffer self.__buf = StringIO() self.__stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.__buf return self def flush(self): # type: () -> None for line in self: print(line) def __exit__(self, *args): # type: (*Any) -> None self.extend(self.__buf.getvalue().splitlines()) sys.stdout = self.__stdout class SSH2(object): class KexParty(object): def __init__(self, enc, mac, compression, languages): # type: (List[text_type], List[text_type], List[text_type], List[text_type]) -> None self.__enc = enc self.__mac = mac self.__compression = compression self.__languages = languages @property def encryption(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] return self.__enc @property def mac(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] return self.__mac @property def compression(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] return self.__compression @property def languages(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] return self.__languages class Kex(object): def __init__(self, cookie, kex_algs, key_algs, cli, srv, follows, unused=0): # type: (binary_type, List[text_type], List[text_type], SSH2.KexParty, SSH2.KexParty, bool, int) -> None self.__cookie = cookie self.__kex_algs = kex_algs self.__key_algs = key_algs self.__client = cli self.__server = srv self.__follows = follows self.__unused = unused @property def cookie(self): # type: () -> binary_type return self.__cookie @property def kex_algorithms(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] return self.__kex_algs @property def key_algorithms(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] return self.__key_algs # client_to_server @property def client(self): # type: () -> SSH2.KexParty return self.__client # server_to_client @property def server(self): # type: () -> SSH2.KexParty return self.__server @property def follows(self): # type: () -> bool return self.__follows @property def unused(self): # type: () -> int return self.__unused def write(self, wbuf): # type: (WriteBuf) -> None wbuf.write(self.cookie) wbuf.write_list(self.kex_algorithms) wbuf.write_list(self.key_algorithms) wbuf.write_list(self.client.encryption) wbuf.write_list(self.server.encryption) wbuf.write_list(self.client.mac) wbuf.write_list(self.server.mac) wbuf.write_list(self.client.compression) wbuf.write_list(self.server.compression) wbuf.write_list(self.client.languages) wbuf.write_list(self.server.languages) wbuf.write_bool(self.follows) wbuf.write_int(self.__unused) @property def payload(self): # type: () -> binary_type wbuf = WriteBuf() self.write(wbuf) return wbuf.write_flush() @classmethod def parse(cls, payload): # type: (binary_type) -> SSH2.Kex buf = ReadBuf(payload) cookie = buf.read(16) kex_algs = buf.read_list() key_algs = buf.read_list() cli_enc = buf.read_list() srv_enc = buf.read_list() cli_mac = buf.read_list() srv_mac = buf.read_list() cli_compression = buf.read_list() srv_compression = buf.read_list() cli_languages = buf.read_list() srv_languages = buf.read_list() follows = buf.read_bool() unused = buf.read_int() cli = SSH2.KexParty(cli_enc, cli_mac, cli_compression, cli_languages) srv = SSH2.KexParty(srv_enc, srv_mac, srv_compression, srv_languages) kex = cls(cookie, kex_algs, key_algs, cli, srv, follows, unused) return kex class SSH1(object): class CRC32(object): def __init__(self): # type: () -> None self._table = [0] * 256 for i in range(256): crc = 0 n = i for j in range(8): x = (crc ^ n) & 1 crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (x * 0xedb88320) n = n >> 1 self._table[i] = crc def calc(self, v): # type: (binary_type) -> int crc, l = 0, len(v) for i in range(l): n = ord(v[i:i + 1]) n = n ^ (crc & 0xff) crc = (crc >> 8) ^ self._table[n] return crc _crc32 = None # type: Optional[SSH1.CRC32] CIPHERS = ['none', 'idea', 'des', '3des', 'tss', 'rc4', 'blowfish'] AUTHS = [None, 'rhosts', 'rsa', 'password', 'rhosts_rsa', 'tis', 'kerberos'] @classmethod def crc32(cls, v): # type: (binary_type) -> int if cls._crc32 is None: cls._crc32 = cls.CRC32() return cls._crc32.calc(v) class KexDB(object): FAIL_PLAINTEXT = 'no encryption/integrity' FAIL_OPENSSH37_REMOVE = 'removed since OpenSSH 3.7' FAIL_NA_BROKEN = 'not implemented in OpenSSH, broken algorithm' FAIL_NA_UNSAFE = 'not implemented in OpenSSH (server), unsafe algorithm' TEXT_CIPHER_IDEA = 'cipher used by commercial SSH' ALGORITHMS = { 'key': { 'ssh-rsa1': [['1.2.2']], }, 'enc': { 'none': [['1.2.2'], [FAIL_PLAINTEXT]], 'idea': [[None], [], [], [TEXT_CIPHER_IDEA]], 'des': [['2.3.0C'], [FAIL_NA_UNSAFE]], '3des': [['1.2.2']], 'tss': [[''], [FAIL_NA_BROKEN]], 'rc4': [[], [FAIL_NA_BROKEN]], 'blowfish': [['1.2.2']], }, 'aut': { 'rhosts': [['1.2.2', '3.6'], [FAIL_OPENSSH37_REMOVE]], 'rsa': [['1.2.2']], 'password': [['1.2.2']], 'rhosts_rsa': [['1.2.2']], 'tis': [['1.2.2']], 'kerberos': [['1.2.2', '3.6'], [FAIL_OPENSSH37_REMOVE]], } } # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[str]]]] class PublicKeyMessage(object): def __init__(self, cookie, skey, hkey, pflags, cmask, amask): # type: (binary_type, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], int, int, int) -> None assert len(skey) == 3 assert len(hkey) == 3 self.__cookie = cookie self.__server_key = skey self.__host_key = hkey self.__protocol_flags = pflags self.__supported_ciphers_mask = cmask self.__supported_authentications_mask = amask @property def cookie(self): # type: () -> binary_type return self.__cookie @property def server_key_bits(self): # type: () -> int return self.__server_key[0] @property def server_key_public_exponent(self): # type: () -> int return self.__server_key[1] @property def server_key_public_modulus(self): # type: () -> int return self.__server_key[2] @property def host_key_bits(self): # type: () -> int return self.__host_key[0] @property def host_key_public_exponent(self): # type: () -> int return self.__host_key[1] @property def host_key_public_modulus(self): # type: () -> int return self.__host_key[2] @property def host_key_fingerprint_data(self): # type: () -> binary_type mod = WriteBuf._create_mpint(self.host_key_public_modulus, False) e = WriteBuf._create_mpint(self.host_key_public_exponent, False) return mod + e @property def protocol_flags(self): # type: () -> int return self.__protocol_flags @property def supported_ciphers_mask(self): # type: () -> int return self.__supported_ciphers_mask @property def supported_ciphers(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] ciphers = [] for i in range(len(SSH1.CIPHERS)): if self.__supported_ciphers_mask & (1 << i) != 0: ciphers.append(utils.to_utext(SSH1.CIPHERS[i])) return ciphers @property def supported_authentications_mask(self): # type: () -> int return self.__supported_authentications_mask @property def supported_authentications(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] auths = [] for i in range(1, len(SSH1.AUTHS)): if self.__supported_authentications_mask & (1 << i) != 0: auths.append(utils.to_utext(SSH1.AUTHS[i])) return auths def write(self, wbuf): # type: (WriteBuf) -> None wbuf.write(self.cookie) wbuf.write_int(self.server_key_bits) wbuf.write_mpint1(self.server_key_public_exponent) wbuf.write_mpint1(self.server_key_public_modulus) wbuf.write_int(self.host_key_bits) wbuf.write_mpint1(self.host_key_public_exponent) wbuf.write_mpint1(self.host_key_public_modulus) wbuf.write_int(self.protocol_flags) wbuf.write_int(self.supported_ciphers_mask) wbuf.write_int(self.supported_authentications_mask) @property def payload(self): # type: () -> binary_type wbuf = WriteBuf() self.write(wbuf) return wbuf.write_flush() @classmethod def parse(cls, payload): # type: (binary_type) -> SSH1.PublicKeyMessage buf = ReadBuf(payload) cookie = buf.read(8) server_key_bits = buf.read_int() server_key_exponent = buf.read_mpint1() server_key_modulus = buf.read_mpint1() skey = (server_key_bits, server_key_exponent, server_key_modulus) host_key_bits = buf.read_int() host_key_exponent = buf.read_mpint1() host_key_modulus = buf.read_mpint1() hkey = (host_key_bits, host_key_exponent, host_key_modulus) pflags = buf.read_int() cmask = buf.read_int() amask = buf.read_int() pkm = cls(cookie, skey, hkey, pflags, cmask, amask) return pkm class ReadBuf(object): def __init__(self, data=None): # type: (Optional[binary_type]) -> None super(ReadBuf, self).__init__() self._buf = BytesIO(data) if data else BytesIO() self._len = len(data) if data else 0 @property def unread_len(self): # type: () -> int return self._len - self._buf.tell() def read(self, size): # type: (int) -> binary_type return self._buf.read(size) def read_byte(self): # type: () -> int return struct.unpack('B', self.read(1))[0] def read_bool(self): # type: () -> bool return self.read_byte() != 0 def read_int(self): # type: () -> int return struct.unpack('>I', self.read(4))[0] def read_list(self): # type: () -> List[text_type] list_size = self.read_int() return self.read(list_size).decode().split(',') def read_string(self): # type: () -> binary_type n = self.read_int() return self.read(n) @classmethod def _parse_mpint(cls, v, pad, sf): # type: (binary_type, binary_type, str) -> int r = 0 if len(v) % 4: v = pad * (4 - (len(v) % 4)) + v for i in range(0, len(v), 4): r = (r << 32) | struct.unpack(sf, v[i:i + 4])[0] return r def read_mpint1(self): # type: () -> int # NOTE: Data Type Enc @ http://www.snailbook.com/docs/protocol-1.5.txt bits = struct.unpack('>H', self.read(2))[0] n = (bits + 7) // 8 return self._parse_mpint(self.read(n), b'\x00', '>I') def read_mpint2(self): # type: () -> int # NOTE: Section 5 @ https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4251.txt v = self.read_string() if len(v) == 0: return 0 pad, sf = (b'\xff', '>i') if ord(v[0:1]) & 0x80 else (b'\x00', '>I') return self._parse_mpint(v, pad, sf) def read_line(self): # type: () -> text_type return self._buf.readline().rstrip().decode('utf-8') class WriteBuf(object): def __init__(self, data=None): # type: (Optional[binary_type]) -> None super(WriteBuf, self).__init__() self._wbuf = BytesIO(data) if data else BytesIO() def write(self, data): # type: (binary_type) -> WriteBuf self._wbuf.write(data) return self def write_byte(self, v): # type: (int) -> WriteBuf return self.write(struct.pack('B', v)) def write_bool(self, v): # type: (bool) -> WriteBuf return self.write_byte(1 if v else 0) def write_int(self, v): # type: (int) -> WriteBuf return self.write(struct.pack('>I', v)) def write_string(self, v): # type: (Union[binary_type, text_type]) -> WriteBuf if not isinstance(v, bytes): v = bytes(bytearray(v, 'utf-8')) self.write_int(len(v)) return self.write(v) def write_list(self, v): # type: (List[text_type]) -> WriteBuf return self.write_string(u','.join(v)) @classmethod def _bitlength(cls, n): # type: (int) -> int try: return n.bit_length() except AttributeError: return len(bin(n)) - (2 if n > 0 else 3) @classmethod def _create_mpint(cls, n, signed=True, bits=None): # type: (int, bool, Optional[int]) -> binary_type if bits is None: bits = cls._bitlength(n) length = bits // 8 + (1 if n != 0 else 0) ql = (length + 7) // 8 fmt, v2 = '>{0}Q'.format(ql), [0] * ql for i in range(ql): v2[ql - i - 1] = (n & 0xffffffffffffffff) n >>= 64 data = bytes(struct.pack(fmt, *v2)[-length:]) if not signed: data = data.lstrip(b'\x00') elif data.startswith(b'\xff\x80'): data = data[1:] return data def write_mpint1(self, n): # type: (int) -> WriteBuf # NOTE: Data Type Enc @ http://www.snailbook.com/docs/protocol-1.5.txt bits = self._bitlength(n) data = self._create_mpint(n, False, bits) self.write(struct.pack('>H', bits)) return self.write(data) def write_mpint2(self, n): # type: (int) -> WriteBuf # NOTE: Section 5 @ https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4251.txt data = self._create_mpint(n) return self.write_string(data) def write_line(self, v): # type: (Union[binary_type, str]) -> WriteBuf if not isinstance(v, bytes): v = bytes(bytearray(v, 'utf-8')) v += b'\r\n' return self.write(v) def write_flush(self): # type: () -> binary_type payload = self._wbuf.getvalue() self._wbuf.truncate(0) self._wbuf.seek(0) return payload class SSH(object): class Protocol(object): SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY = 2 MSG_KEXINIT = 20 MSG_NEWKEYS = 21 MSG_KEXDH_INIT = 30 MSG_KEXDH_REPLY = 32 class Product(object): OpenSSH = 'OpenSSH' DropbearSSH = 'Dropbear SSH' LibSSH = 'libssh' class Software(object): def __init__(self, vendor, product, version, patch, os): # type: (Optional[str], str, str, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> None self.__vendor = vendor self.__product = product self.__version = version self.__patch = patch self.__os = os @property def vendor(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] return self.__vendor @property def product(self): # type: () -> str return self.__product @property def version(self): # type: () -> str return self.__version @property def patch(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] return self.__patch @property def os(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] return self.__os def compare_version(self, other): # type: (Union[None, SSH.Software, text_type]) -> int if other is None: return 1 if isinstance(other, SSH.Software): other = '{0}{1}'.format(other.version, other.patch or '') else: other = str(other) mx = re.match(r'^([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)$', other) if mx: oversion, opatch = mx.group(1), mx.group(2).strip() else: oversion, opatch = other, '' if self.version < oversion: return -1 elif self.version > oversion: return 1 spatch = self.patch or '' if self.product == SSH.Product.DropbearSSH: if not re.match(r'^test\d.*$', opatch): opatch = 'z{0}'.format(opatch) if not re.match(r'^test\d.*$', spatch): spatch = 'z{0}'.format(spatch) elif self.product == SSH.Product.OpenSSH: mx1 = re.match(r'^p\d(.*)', opatch) mx2 = re.match(r'^p\d(.*)', spatch) if not (mx1 and mx2): if mx1: opatch = mx1.group(1) if mx2: spatch = mx2.group(1) if spatch < opatch: return -1 elif spatch > opatch: return 1 return 0 def between_versions(self, vfrom, vtill): # type: (str, str) -> bool if vfrom and self.compare_version(vfrom) < 0: return False if vtill and self.compare_version(vtill) > 0: return False return True def display(self, full=True): # type: (bool) -> str out = '{0} '.format(self.vendor) if self.vendor else '' out += self.product if self.version: out += ' {0}'.format(self.version) if full: patch = self.patch or '' if self.product == SSH.Product.OpenSSH: mx = re.match(r'^(p\d)(.*)$', patch) if mx is not None: out += mx.group(1) patch = mx.group(2).strip() if patch: out += ' ({0})'.format(patch) if self.os: out += ' running on {0}'.format(self.os) return out def __str__(self): # type: () -> str return self.display() def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str out = 'vendor={0}'.format(self.vendor) if self.vendor else '' if self.product: if self.vendor: out += ', ' out += 'product={0}'.format(self.product) if self.version: out += ', version={0}'.format(self.version) if self.patch: out += ', patch={0}'.format(self.patch) if self.os: out += ', os={0}'.format(self.os) return '<{0}({1})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, out) @staticmethod def _fix_patch(patch): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] return re.sub(r'^[-_\.]+', '', patch) or None @staticmethod def _fix_date(d): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] if d is not None and len(d) == 8: return '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(d[:4], d[4:6], d[6:8]) else: return None @classmethod def _extract_os(cls, c): # type: (Optional[str]) -> str if c is None: return None mx = re.match(r'^NetBSD(?:_Secure_Shell)?(?:[\s-]+(\d{8})(.*))?$', c) if mx: d = cls._fix_date(mx.group(1)) return 'NetBSD' if d is None else 'NetBSD ({0})'.format(d) mx = re.match(r'^FreeBSD(?:\slocalisations)?[\s-]+(\d{8})(.*)$', c) if not mx: mx = re.match(r'^[^@]+@FreeBSD\.org[\s-]+(\d{8})(.*)$', c) if mx: d = cls._fix_date(mx.group(1)) return 'FreeBSD' if d is None else 'FreeBSD ({0})'.format(d) w = ['RemotelyAnywhere', 'DesktopAuthority', 'RemoteSupportManager'] for win_soft in w: mx = re.match(r'^in ' + win_soft + r' ([\d\.]+\d)$', c) if mx: ver = mx.group(1) return 'Microsoft Windows ({0} {1})'.format(win_soft, ver) generic = ['NetBSD', 'FreeBSD'] for g in generic: if c.startswith(g) or c.endswith(g): return g return None @classmethod def parse(cls, banner): # type: (SSH.Banner) -> SSH.Software software = str(banner.software) mx = re.match(r'^dropbear_([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software) if mx: patch = cls._fix_patch(mx.group(2)) v, p = 'Matt Johnston', SSH.Product.DropbearSSH v = None return cls(v, p, mx.group(1), patch, None) mx = re.match(r'^OpenSSH[_\.-]+([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software) if mx: patch = cls._fix_patch(mx.group(2)) v, p = 'OpenBSD', SSH.Product.OpenSSH v = None os = cls._extract_os(banner.comments) return cls(v, p, mx.group(1), patch, os) mx = re.match(r'^libssh-([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software) if mx: patch = cls._fix_patch(mx.group(2)) v, p = None, SSH.Product.LibSSH os = cls._extract_os(banner.comments) return cls(v, p, mx.group(1), patch, os) mx = re.match(r'^RomSShell_([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software) if mx: patch = cls._fix_patch(mx.group(2)) v, p = 'Allegro Software', 'RomSShell' return cls(v, p, mx.group(1), patch, None) mx = re.match(r'^mpSSH_([\d\.]+\d+)', software) if mx: v, p = 'HP', 'iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) sshd' return cls(v, p, mx.group(1), None, None) mx = re.match(r'^Cisco-([\d\.]+\d+)', software) if mx: v, p = 'Cisco', 'IOS/PIX sshd' return cls(v, p, mx.group(1), None, None) return None class Banner(object): _RXP, _RXR = r'SSH-\d\.\s*?\d+', r'(-\s*([^\s]*)(?:\s+(.*))?)?' RX_PROTOCOL = re.compile(re.sub(r'\\d(\+?)', r'(\\d\g<1>)', _RXP)) RX_BANNER = re.compile(r'^({0}(?:(?:-{0})*)){1}$'.format(_RXP, _RXR)) def __init__(self, protocol, software, comments, valid_ascii): # type: (Tuple[int, int], str, str, bool) -> None self.__protocol = protocol self.__software = software self.__comments = comments self.__valid_ascii = valid_ascii @property def protocol(self): # type: () -> Tuple[int, int] return self.__protocol @property def software(self): # type: () -> str return self.__software @property def comments(self): # type: () -> str return self.__comments @property def valid_ascii(self): # type: () -> bool return self.__valid_ascii def __str__(self): # type: () -> str out = 'SSH-{0}.{1}'.format(self.protocol[0], self.protocol[1]) if self.software is not None: out += '-{0}'.format(self.software) if self.comments: out += ' {0}'.format(self.comments) return out def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str p = '{0}.{1}'.format(self.protocol[0], self.protocol[1]) out = 'protocol={0}'.format(p) if self.software: out += ', software={0}'.format(self.software) if self.comments: out += ', comments={0}'.format(self.comments) return '<{0}({1})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, out) @classmethod def parse(cls, banner): # type: (text_type) -> SSH.Banner valid_ascii = utils.is_ascii(banner) ascii_banner = utils.to_ascii(banner) mx = cls.RX_BANNER.match(ascii_banner) if mx is None: return None protocol = min(re.findall(cls.RX_PROTOCOL, mx.group(1))) protocol = (int(protocol[0]), int(protocol[1])) software = (mx.group(3) or '').strip() or None if software is None and (mx.group(2) or '').startswith('-'): software = '' comments = (mx.group(4) or '').strip() or None if comments is not None: comments = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', comments) return cls(protocol, software, comments, valid_ascii) class Fingerprint(object): def __init__(self, fpd): # type: (binary_type) -> None self.__fpd = fpd @property def md5(self): # type: () -> text_type h = hashlib.md5(self.__fpd).hexdigest() r = u':'.join(h[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(h), 2)) return u'MD5:{0}'.format(r) @property def sha256(self): # type: () -> text_type h = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(self.__fpd).digest()) r = h.decode('ascii').rstrip('=') return u'SHA256:{0}'.format(r) class Security(object): CVE = { 'Dropbear SSH': [ ['0.44', '2015.71', 1, 'CVE-2016-3116', 5.5, 'bypass command restrictions via xauth command injection'], ['0.28', '2013.58', 1, 'CVE-2013-4434', 5.0, 'discover valid usernames through different time delays'], ['0.28', '2013.58', 1, 'CVE-2013-4421', 5.0, 'cause DoS (memory consumption) via a compressed packet'], ['0.52', '2011.54', 1, 'CVE-2012-0920', 7.1, 'execute arbitrary code or bypass command restrictions'], ['0.40', '0.48.1', 1, 'CVE-2007-1099', 7.5, 'conduct a MitM attack (no warning for hostkey mismatch)'], ['0.28', '0.47', 1, 'CVE-2006-1206', 7.5, 'cause DoS (slot exhaustion) via large number of connections'], ['0.39', '0.47', 1, 'CVE-2006-0225', 4.6, 'execute arbitrary commands via scp with crafted filenames'], ['0.28', '0.46', 1, 'CVE-2005-4178', 6.5, 'execute arbitrary code via buffer overflow vulnerability'], ['0.28', '0.42', 1, 'CVE-2004-2486', 7.5, 'execute arbitrary code via DSS verification code']], 'libssh': [ ['0.1', '0.7.2', 1, 'CVE-2016-0739', 4.3, 'conduct a MitM attack (weakness in DH key generation)'], ['0.5.1', '0.6.4', 1, 'CVE-2015-3146', 5.0, 'cause DoS via kex packets (null pointer dereference)'], ['0.5.1', '0.6.3', 1, 'CVE-2014-8132', 5.0, 'cause DoS via kex init packet (dangling pointer)'], ['0.4.7', '0.6.2', 1, 'CVE-2014-0017', 1.9, 'leak data via PRNG state reuse on forking servers'], ['0.4.7', '0.5.3', 1, 'CVE-2013-0176', 4.3, 'cause DoS via kex packet (null pointer dereference)'], ['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-6063', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code via sftp (double free)'], ['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4562', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (overflow check)'], ['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4561', 5.0, 'cause DoS via unspecified vectors (invalid pointer)'], ['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4560', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (buffer overflow)'], ['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4559', 6.8, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free)']] } # type: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]] TXT = { 'Dropbear SSH': [ ['0.28', '0.34', 1, 'remote root exploit', 'remote format string buffer overflow exploit (exploit-db#387)']], 'libssh': [ ['0.3.3', '0.3.3', 1, 'null pointer check', 'missing null pointer check in "crypt_set_algorithms_server"'], ['0.3.3', '0.3.3', 1, 'integer overflow', 'integer overflow in "buffer_get_data"'], ['0.3.3', '0.3.3', 3, 'heap overflow', 'heap overflow in "packet_decrypt"']] } # type: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]] class Socket(ReadBuf, WriteBuf): class InsufficientReadException(Exception): pass SM_BANNER_SENT = 1 def __init__(self, host, port, cto=3.0, rto=5.0): # type: (str, int, float, float) -> None self.__block_size = 8 self.__state = 0 self.__header = [] # type: List[text_type] self.__banner = None # type: Optional[SSH.Banner] super(SSH.Socket, self).__init__() try: self.__sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), cto) self.__sock.settimeout(rto) except Exception as e: out.fail('[fail] {0}'.format(e)) sys.exit(1) def __enter__(self): # type: () -> SSH.Socket return self def get_banner(self, sshv=2): # type: (int) -> Tuple[Optional[SSH.Banner], List[text_type]] banner = 'SSH-{0}-OpenSSH_7.3'.format('1.5' if sshv == 1 else '2.0') rto = self.__sock.gettimeout() self.__sock.settimeout(0.7) s, e = self.recv() self.__sock.settimeout(rto) if s < 0: return self.__banner, self.__header if self.__state < self.SM_BANNER_SENT: self.send_banner(banner) while self.__banner is None: if not s > 0: s, e = self.recv() if s < 0: break while self.__banner is None and self.unread_len > 0: line = self.read_line() if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue if self.__banner is None: self.__banner = SSH.Banner.parse(line) if self.__banner is not None: continue self.__header.append(line) s = 0 return self.__banner, self.__header def recv(self, size=2048): # type: (int) -> Tuple[int, Optional[str]] try: data = self.__sock.recv(size) except socket.timeout: return (-1, 'timeout') except socket.error as e: if e.args[0] in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.EWOULDBLOCK): return (0, 'retry') return (-1, str(e.args[-1])) if len(data) == 0: return (-1, None) pos = self._buf.tell() self._buf.seek(0, 2) self._buf.write(data) self._len += len(data) self._buf.seek(pos, 0) return (len(data), None) def send(self, data): # type: (binary_type) -> Tuple[int, Optional[str]] try: self.__sock.send(data) return (0, None) except socket.error as e: return (-1, str(e.args[-1])) self.__sock.send(data) def send_banner(self, banner): # type: (str) -> None self.send(banner.encode() + b'\r\n') if self.__state < self.SM_BANNER_SENT: self.__state = self.SM_BANNER_SENT def ensure_read(self, size): # type: (int) -> None while self.unread_len < size: s, e = self.recv() if s < 0: raise SSH.Socket.InsufficientReadException(e) def read_packet(self, sshv=2): # type: (int) -> Tuple[int, binary_type] try: header = WriteBuf() self.ensure_read(4) packet_length = self.read_int() header.write_int(packet_length) # XXX: validate length if sshv == 1: padding_length = (8 - packet_length % 8) self.ensure_read(padding_length) padding = self.read(padding_length) header.write(padding) payload_length = packet_length check_size = padding_length + payload_length else: self.ensure_read(1) padding_length = self.read_byte() header.write_byte(padding_length) payload_length = packet_length - padding_length - 1 check_size = 4 + 1 + payload_length + padding_length if check_size % self.__block_size != 0: out.fail('[exception] invalid ssh packet (block size)') sys.exit(1) self.ensure_read(payload_length) if sshv == 1: payload = self.read(payload_length - 4) header.write(payload) crc = self.read_int() header.write_int(crc) else: payload = self.read(payload_length) header.write(payload) packet_type = ord(payload[0:1]) if sshv == 1: rcrc = SSH1.crc32(padding + payload) if crc != rcrc: out.fail('[exception] packet checksum CRC32 mismatch.') sys.exit(1) else: self.ensure_read(padding_length) padding = self.read(padding_length) payload = payload[1:] return packet_type, payload except SSH.Socket.InsufficientReadException as ex: if ex.args[0] is None: header.write(self.read(self.unread_len)) e = header.write_flush().strip() else: e = ex.args[0].encode('utf-8') return (-1, e) def send_packet(self): # type: () -> Tuple[int, Optional[str]] payload = self.write_flush() padding = -(len(payload) + 5) % 8 if padding < 4: padding += 8 plen = len(payload) + padding + 1 pad_bytes = b'\x00' * padding data = struct.pack('>Ib', plen, padding) + payload + pad_bytes return self.send(data) def __del__(self): # type: () -> None self.__cleanup() def __exit__(self, *args): # type: (*Any) -> None self.__cleanup() def __cleanup(self): # type: () -> None try: self.__sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.__sock.close() except: pass class KexDH(object): def __init__(self, alg, g, p): # type: (str, int, int) -> None self.__alg = alg self.__g = g self.__p = p self.__q = (self.__p - 1) // 2 self.__x = None # type: Optional[int] def send_init(self, s): # type: (SSH.Socket) -> None r = random.SystemRandom() self.__x = r.randrange(2, self.__q) self.__e = pow(self.__g, self.__x, self.__p) s.write_byte(SSH.Protocol.MSG_KEXDH_INIT) s.write_mpint2(self.__e) s.send_packet() class KexGroup1(KexDH): def __init__(self): # type: () -> None # rfc2409: second oakley group p = int('ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67' 'cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6d' 'f25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff' '5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece65381' 'ffffffffffffffff', 16) super(KexGroup1, self).__init__('sha1', 2, p) class KexGroup14(KexDH): def __init__(self): # type: () -> None # rfc3526: 2048-bit modp group p = int('ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67' 'cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6d' 'f25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff' '5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3d' 'c2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3' 'ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08' 'ca18217c32905e462e36ce3be39e772c180e86039b2783a2ec07a28fb5c5' '5df06f4c52c9de2bcbf6955817183995497cea956ae515d2261898fa0510' '15728e5a8aacaa68ffffffffffffffff', 16) super(KexGroup14, self).__init__('sha1', 2, p) class KexDB(object): WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY = 'disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm' FAIL_OPENSSH70_LEGACY = 'removed since OpenSSH 7.0, legacy algorithm' FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK = 'removed (in server) and disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, weak algorithm' FAIL_OPENSSH70_LOGJAM = 'disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack' INFO_OPENSSH69_CHACHA = 'default cipher since OpenSSH 6.9.' FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE = 'removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm' FAIL_OPENSSH61_REMOVE = 'removed since OpenSSH 6.1, removed from specification' FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE = 'removed since OpenSSH 3.1' FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED = 'disabled since Dropbear SSH 2015.67' FAIL_DBEAR53_DISABLED = 'disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53' FAIL_PLAINTEXT = 'no encryption/integrity' WARN_CURVES_WEAK = 'using weak elliptic curves' WARN_RNDSIG_KEY = 'using weak random number generator could reveal the key' WARN_MODULUS_SIZE = 'using small 1024-bit modulus' WARN_MODULUS_CUSTOM = 'using custom size modulus (possibly weak)' WARN_HASH_WEAK = 'using weak hashing algorithm' WARN_CIPHER_MODE = 'using weak cipher mode' WARN_BLOCK_SIZE = 'using small 64-bit block size' WARN_CIPHER_WEAK = 'using weak cipher' WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC = 'using encrypt-and-MAC mode' WARN_TAG_SIZE = 'using small 64-bit tag size' ALGORITHMS = { 'kex': { 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1': [['2.3.0,d0.28,l10.2', '6.6', '6.9'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE, FAIL_OPENSSH70_LOGJAM], [WARN_MODULUS_SIZE, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1': [['3.9,d0.53,l10.6.0'], [], [WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256': [['7.3,d2016.73']], 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512': [['7.3,d2016.73']], 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512': [['7.3']], 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1': [['2.3.0', '6.6', None], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256': [['4.4'], [], [WARN_MODULUS_CUSTOM]], 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256': [['5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.0'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK]], 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384': [['5.7,d2013.62'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK]], 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521': [['5.7,d2013.62'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK]], 'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org': [['6.5,d2013.62,l10.6.0']], 'kexguess2@matt.ucc.asn.au': [['d2013.57']], }, 'key': { 'rsa-sha2-256': [['7.2']], 'rsa-sha2-512': [['7.2']], 'ssh-ed25519': [['6.5,l10.7.0']], 'ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com': [['6.5']], 'ssh-rsa': [['2.5.0,d0.28,l10.2']], 'ssh-dss': [['2.1.0,d0.28,l10.2', '6.9'], [FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK], [WARN_MODULUS_SIZE, WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': [['5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.4'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK], [WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': [['5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.4'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK], [WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': [['5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.4'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK], [WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ssh-rsa-cert-v00@openssh.com': [['5.4', '6.9'], [FAIL_OPENSSH70_LEGACY], []], 'ssh-dss-cert-v00@openssh.com': [['5.4', '6.9'], [FAIL_OPENSSH70_LEGACY], [WARN_MODULUS_SIZE, WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com': [['5.6']], 'ssh-dss-cert-v01@openssh.com': [['5.6', '6.9'], [FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK], [WARN_MODULUS_SIZE, WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com': [['5.7'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK], [WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh.com': [['5.7'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK], [WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh.com': [['5.7'], [WARN_CURVES_WEAK], [WARN_RNDSIG_KEY]], }, 'enc': { 'none': [['1.2.2,d2013.56,l10.2'], [FAIL_PLAINTEXT]], '3des-cbc': [['1.2.2,d0.28,l10.2', '6.6', None], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_CIPHER_WEAK, WARN_CIPHER_MODE, WARN_BLOCK_SIZE]], '3des-ctr': [['d0.52']], 'blowfish-cbc': [['1.2.2,d0.28,l10.2', '6.6,d0.52', '7.1,d0.52'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE, FAIL_DBEAR53_DISABLED], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_CIPHER_MODE, WARN_BLOCK_SIZE]], 'twofish-cbc': [['d0.28', 'd2014.66'], [FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'twofish128-cbc': [['d0.47', 'd2014.66'], [FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'twofish256-cbc': [['d0.47', 'd2014.66'], [FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'twofish128-ctr': [['d2015.68']], 'twofish256-ctr': [['d2015.68']], 'cast128-cbc': [['2.1.0', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_CIPHER_MODE, WARN_BLOCK_SIZE]], 'arcfour': [['2.1.0', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_CIPHER_WEAK]], 'arcfour128': [['4.2', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_CIPHER_WEAK]], 'arcfour256': [['4.2', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_CIPHER_WEAK]], 'aes128-cbc': [['2.3.0,d0.28,l10.2', '6.6', None], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'aes192-cbc': [['2.3.0,l10.2', '6.6', None], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'aes256-cbc': [['2.3.0,d0.47,l10.2', '6.6', None], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'rijndael128-cbc': [['2.3.0', '3.0.2'], [FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'rijndael192-cbc': [['2.3.0', '3.0.2'], [FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'rijndael256-cbc': [['2.3.0', '3.0.2'], [FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE], [WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se': [['2.3.0', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_CIPHER_MODE]], 'aes128-ctr': [['3.7,d0.52,l10.4.1']], 'aes192-ctr': [['3.7,l10.4.1']], 'aes256-ctr': [['3.7,d0.52,l10.4.1']], 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': [['6.2']], 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': [['6.2']], 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': [['6.5'], [], [], [INFO_OPENSSH69_CHACHA]], }, 'mac': { 'none': [['d2013.56'], [FAIL_PLAINTEXT]], 'hmac-sha1': [['2.1.0,d0.28,l10.2'], [], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-sha1-96': [['2.5.0,d0.47', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-sha2-256': [['5.9,d2013.56,l10.7.0'], [], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'hmac-sha2-256-96': [['5.9', '6.0'], [FAIL_OPENSSH61_REMOVE], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'hmac-sha2-512': [['5.9,d2013.56,l10.7.0'], [], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'hmac-sha2-512-96': [['5.9', '6.0'], [FAIL_OPENSSH61_REMOVE], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'hmac-md5': [['2.1.0,d0.28', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-md5-96': [['2.5.0', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-ripemd160': [['2.5.0', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com': [['2.1.0', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'umac-64@openssh.com': [['4.7'], [], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC, WARN_TAG_SIZE]], 'umac-128@openssh.com': [['6.2'], [], [WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC]], 'hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2'], [], [WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-sha1-96-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2', '6.6', None], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2']], 'hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2']], 'hmac-md5-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-md5-96-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY, WARN_HASH_WEAK]], 'hmac-ripemd160-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2', '6.6', '7.1'], [FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE], [WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY]], 'umac-64-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2'], [], [WARN_TAG_SIZE]], 'umac-128-etm@openssh.com': [['6.2']], } } # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[str]]]] def get_ssh_version(version_desc): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str] if version_desc.startswith('d'): return (SSH.Product.DropbearSSH, version_desc[1:]) elif version_desc.startswith('l1'): return (SSH.Product.LibSSH, version_desc[2:]) else: return (SSH.Product.OpenSSH, version_desc) def get_alg_timeframe(versions, for_server=True, result={}): # type: (List[str], bool, Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]]) -> Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]] vlen = len(versions) for i in range(3): if i > vlen - 1: if i == 2 and vlen > 1: cversions = versions[1] else: continue else: cversions = versions[i] if cversions is None: continue for v in cversions.split(','): ssh_prefix, ssh_version = get_ssh_version(v) if not ssh_version: continue if ssh_version.endswith('C'): if for_server: continue ssh_version = ssh_version[:-1] if ssh_prefix not in result: result[ssh_prefix] = [None, None, None] prev, push = result[ssh_prefix][i], False if prev is None: push = True elif i == 0 and prev < ssh_version: push = True elif i > 0 and prev > ssh_version: push = True if push: result[ssh_prefix][i] = ssh_version return result def get_ssh_timeframe(alg_pairs, for_server=True): # type: (List[Tuple[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[str]]]], List[Tuple[str, List[text_type]]]]], bool) -> Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]] timeframe = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]] for alg_pair in alg_pairs: sshv, alg_db = alg_pair[0], alg_pair[1] for alg_set in alg_pair[2]: alg_type, alg_list = alg_set for alg_name in alg_list: alg_name_native = utils.to_ntext(alg_name) alg_desc = alg_db[alg_type].get(alg_name_native) if alg_desc is None: continue versions = alg_desc[0] timeframe = get_alg_timeframe(versions, for_server, timeframe) return timeframe def get_alg_since_text(versions): # type: (List[str]) -> text_type tv = [] if len(versions) == 0 or versions[0] is None: return None for v in versions[0].split(','): ssh_prefix, ssh_version = get_ssh_version(v) if not ssh_version: continue if ssh_prefix in [SSH.Product.LibSSH]: continue if ssh_version.endswith('C'): ssh_version = '{0} (client only)'.format(ssh_version[:-1]) tv.append('{0} {1}'.format(ssh_prefix, ssh_version)) if len(tv) == 0: return None return 'available since ' + ', '.join(tv).rstrip(', ') def get_alg_pairs(kex, pkm): # type: (Optional[SSH2.Kex], Optional[SSH1.PublicKeyMessage]) -> List[Tuple[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[str]]]], List[Tuple[str, List[text_type]]]]] alg_pairs = [] if pkm is not None: alg_pairs.append((1, SSH1.KexDB.ALGORITHMS, [('key', [u'ssh-rsa1']), ('enc', pkm.supported_ciphers), ('aut', pkm.supported_authentications)])) if kex is not None: alg_pairs.append((2, KexDB.ALGORITHMS, [('kex', kex.kex_algorithms), ('key', kex.key_algorithms), ('enc', kex.server.encryption), ('mac', kex.server.mac)])) return alg_pairs def get_alg_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, for_server=True): # type: (SSH.Software, SSH2.Kex, SSH1.PublicKeyMessage, bool) -> Tuple[SSH.Software, Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]]] alg_pairs = get_alg_pairs(kex, pkm) vproducts = [SSH.Product.OpenSSH, SSH.Product.DropbearSSH, SSH.Product.LibSSH] if software is not None: if software.product not in vproducts: software = None if software is None: ssh_timeframe = get_ssh_timeframe(alg_pairs, for_server) for product in vproducts: if product not in ssh_timeframe: continue version = ssh_timeframe[product][0] if version is not None: software = SSH.Software(None, product, version, None, None) break rec = {} # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]] if software is None: return software, rec for alg_pair in alg_pairs: sshv, alg_db = alg_pair[0], alg_pair[1] rec[sshv] = {} for alg_set in alg_pair[2]: alg_type, alg_list = alg_set if alg_type == 'aut': continue rec[sshv][alg_type] = {'add': {}, 'del': {}} for n, alg_desc in alg_db[alg_type].items(): if alg_type == 'key' and '-cert-' in n: continue versions = alg_desc[0] if len(versions) == 0 or versions[0] is None: continue matches = False for v in versions[0].split(','): ssh_prefix, ssh_version = get_ssh_version(v) if not ssh_version: continue if ssh_prefix != software.product: continue if ssh_version.endswith('C'): if for_server: continue ssh_version = ssh_version[:-1] if software.compare_version(ssh_version) < 0: continue matches = True break if not matches: continue adl, faults = len(alg_desc), 0 for i in range(1, 3): if not adl > i: continue fc = len(alg_desc[i]) if fc > 0: faults += pow(10, 2 - i) * fc if n not in alg_list: if faults > 0: continue rec[sshv][alg_type]['add'][n] = 0 else: if faults == 0: continue if n == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256': if software.compare_version('7.3') < 0: continue rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'][n] = faults add_count = len(rec[sshv][alg_type]['add']) del_count = len(rec[sshv][alg_type]['del']) new_alg_count = len(alg_list) + add_count - del_count if new_alg_count < 1 and del_count > 0: mf = min(rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'].values()) new_del = {} for k, cf in rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'].items(): if cf != mf: new_del[k] = cf if del_count != len(new_del): rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'] = new_del new_alg_count += del_count - len(new_del) if new_alg_count < 1: del rec[sshv][alg_type] else: if add_count == 0: del rec[sshv][alg_type]['add'] if del_count == 0: del rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'] if len(rec[sshv][alg_type]) == 0: del rec[sshv][alg_type] if len(rec[sshv]) == 0: del rec[sshv] return software, rec def output_algorithms(title, alg_db, alg_type, algorithms, maxlen=0): # type: (str, Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[str]]]], str, List[text_type], int) -> None with OutputBuffer() as obuf: for algorithm in algorithms: output_algorithm(alg_db, alg_type, algorithm, maxlen) if len(obuf) > 0: out.head('# ' + title) obuf.flush() out.sep() def output_algorithm(alg_db, alg_type, alg_name, alg_max_len=0): # type: (Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[str]]]], str, text_type, int) -> None prefix = '(' + alg_type + ') ' if alg_max_len == 0: alg_max_len = len(alg_name) padding = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (alg_max_len - len(alg_name)) texts = [] if len(alg_name.strip()) == 0: return alg_name_native = utils.to_ntext(alg_name) if alg_name_native in alg_db[alg_type]: alg_desc = alg_db[alg_type][alg_name_native] ldesc = len(alg_desc) for idx, level in enumerate(['fail', 'warn', 'info']): if level == 'info': versions = alg_desc[0] since_text = get_alg_since_text(versions) if since_text: texts.append((level, since_text)) idx = idx + 1 if ldesc > idx: for t in alg_desc[idx]: texts.append((level, t)) if len(texts) == 0: texts.append(('info', '')) else: texts.append(('warn', 'unknown algorithm')) first = True for (level, text) in texts: f = getattr(out, level) text = '[' + level + '] ' + text if first: if first and level == 'info': f = out.good f(prefix + alg_name + padding + ' -- ' + text) first = False else: if out.verbose: f(prefix + alg_name + padding + ' -- ' + text) else: f(' ' * len(prefix + alg_name) + padding + ' `- ' + text) def output_compatibility(kex, pkm, for_server=True): # type: (Optional[SSH2.Kex], Optional[SSH1.PublicKeyMessage], bool) -> None alg_pairs = get_alg_pairs(kex, pkm) ssh_timeframe = get_ssh_timeframe(alg_pairs, for_server) vp = 1 if for_server else 2 comp_text = [] for sshd_name in [SSH.Product.OpenSSH, SSH.Product.DropbearSSH]: if sshd_name not in ssh_timeframe: continue v = ssh_timeframe[sshd_name] if v[vp] is None: comp_text.append('{0} {1}+'.format(sshd_name, v[0])) elif v[0] == v[vp]: comp_text.append('{0} {1}'.format(sshd_name, v[0])) else: if v[vp] < v[0]: tfmt = '{0} {1}+ (some functionality from {2})' else: tfmt = '{0} {1}-{2}' comp_text.append(tfmt.format(sshd_name, v[0], v[vp])) if len(comp_text) > 0: out.good('(gen) compatibility: ' + ', '.join(comp_text)) def output_security_sub(sub, software, padlen): # type: (str, SSH.Software, int) -> None secdb = SSH.Security.CVE if sub == 'cve' else SSH.Security.TXT if software is None or software.product not in secdb: return for line in secdb[software.product]: vfrom, vtill = line[0:2] # type: str, str if not software.between_versions(vfrom, vtill): continue target, name = line[2:3] # type: int, str is_server, is_client = target & 1 == 1, target & 2 == 2 is_local = target & 4 == 4 if not is_server: continue p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name)) if sub == 'cve': cvss, descr = line[4:6] # type: float, str out.fail('(cve) {0}{1} -- ({2}) {3}'.format(name, p, cvss, descr)) else: descr = line[4] out.fail('(sec) {0}{1} -- {2}'.format(name, p, descr)) def output_security(banner, padlen): # type: (SSH.Banner, int) -> None with OutputBuffer() as obuf: if banner: software = SSH.Software.parse(banner) output_security_sub('cve', software, padlen) output_security_sub('txt', software, padlen) if len(obuf) > 0: out.head('# security') obuf.flush() out.sep() def output_fingerprint(kex, pkm, sha256=True, padlen=0): # type: (Optional[SSH2.Kex], Optional[SSH1.PublicKeyMessage], bool, int) -> None with OutputBuffer() as obuf: fps = [] if pkm is not None: name = 'ssh-rsa1' fp = SSH.Fingerprint(pkm.host_key_fingerprint_data) bits = pkm.host_key_bits fps.append((name, fp, bits)) for fpp in fps: name, fp, bits = fpp fpo = fp.sha256 if sha256 else fp.md5 p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name)) out.good('(fin) {0}{1} -- {2} {3}'.format(name, p, bits, fpo)) if len(obuf) > 0: out.head('# fingerprints') obuf.flush() out.sep() def output_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, padlen=0): # type: (SSH.Software, SSH2.Kex, SSH1.PublicKeyMessage, int) -> None for_server = True with OutputBuffer() as obuf: software, alg_rec = get_alg_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, for_server) for sshv in range(2, 0, -1): if sshv not in alg_rec: continue for alg_type in ['kex', 'key', 'enc', 'mac']: if alg_type not in alg_rec[sshv]: continue for action in ['del', 'add']: if action not in alg_rec[sshv][alg_type]: continue for name in alg_rec[sshv][alg_type][action]: p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name)) if action == 'del': an, sg, fn = 'remove', '-', out.warn if alg_rec[sshv][alg_type][action][name] >= 10: fn = out.fail else: an, sg, fn = 'append', '+', out.good b = '(SSH{0})'.format(sshv) if sshv == 1 else '' fm = '(rec) {0}{1}{2}-- {3} algorithm to {4} {5}' fn(fm.format(sg, name, p, alg_type, an, b)) if len(obuf) > 0: title = '(for {0})'.format(software.display(False)) if software else '' out.head('# algorithm recommendations {0}'.format(title)) obuf.flush() out.sep() def output(banner, header, kex=None, pkm=None): # type: (Optional[SSH.Banner], List[text_type], Optional[SSH2.Kex], Optional[SSH1.PublicKeyMessage]) -> None sshv = 1 if pkm else 2 with OutputBuffer() as obuf: if len(header) > 0: out.info('(gen) header: ' + '\n'.join(header)) if banner is not None: out.good('(gen) banner: {0}'.format(banner)) if not banner.valid_ascii: # NOTE: RFC 4253, Section 4.2 out.warn('(gen) banner contains non-printable ASCII') if sshv == 1 or banner.protocol[0] == 1: out.fail('(gen) protocol SSH1 enabled') software = SSH.Software.parse(banner) if software is not None: out.good('(gen) software: {0}'.format(software)) else: software = None output_compatibility(kex, pkm) if kex is not None: compressions = [x for x in kex.server.compression if x != 'none'] if len(compressions) > 0: cmptxt = 'enabled ({0})'.format(', '.join(compressions)) else: cmptxt = 'disabled' out.good('(gen) compression: {0}'.format(cmptxt)) if len(obuf) > 0: out.head('# general') obuf.flush() out.sep() ml, maxlen = lambda l: max(len(i) for i in l), 0 if pkm is not None: maxlen = max(ml(pkm.supported_ciphers), ml(pkm.supported_authentications), maxlen) if kex is not None: maxlen = max(ml(kex.kex_algorithms), ml(kex.key_algorithms), ml(kex.server.encryption), ml(kex.server.mac), maxlen) maxlen += 1 output_security(banner, maxlen) if pkm is not None: adb = SSH1.KexDB.ALGORITHMS ciphers = pkm.supported_ciphers auths = pkm.supported_authentications title, atype = 'SSH1 host-key algorithms', 'key' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, ['ssh-rsa1'], maxlen) title, atype = 'SSH1 encryption algorithms (ciphers)', 'enc' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, ciphers, maxlen) title, atype = 'SSH1 authentication types', 'aut' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, auths, maxlen) if kex is not None: adb = KexDB.ALGORITHMS title, atype = 'key exchange algorithms', 'kex' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, kex.kex_algorithms, maxlen) title, atype = 'host-key algorithms', 'key' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, kex.key_algorithms, maxlen) title, atype = 'encryption algorithms (ciphers)', 'enc' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, kex.server.encryption, maxlen) title, atype = 'message authentication code algorithms', 'mac' output_algorithms(title, adb, atype, kex.server.mac, maxlen) output_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, maxlen) output_fingerprint(kex, pkm, True, maxlen) class Utils(object): @classmethod def _type_err(cls, v, target): # type: (Any, text_type) -> TypeError return TypeError('cannot convert {0} to {1}'.format(type(v), target)) @classmethod def to_bytes(cls, v, enc='utf-8'): # type: (Union[binary_type, text_type], str) -> binary_type if isinstance(v, binary_type): return v elif isinstance(v, text_type): return v.encode(enc) raise cls._type_err(v, 'bytes') @classmethod def to_utext(cls, v, enc='utf-8'): # type: (Union[text_type, binary_type], str) -> text_type if isinstance(v, text_type): return v elif isinstance(v, binary_type): return v.decode(enc) raise cls._type_err(v, 'unicode text') @classmethod def to_ntext(cls, v, enc='utf-8'): # type: (Union[text_type, binary_type], str) -> str if isinstance(v, str): return v elif isinstance(v, text_type): return v.encode(enc) elif isinstance(v, binary_type): return v.decode(enc) raise cls._type_err(v, 'native text') @classmethod def is_ascii(cls, v, enc='utf-8'): # type: (Union[text_type, str], str) -> bool try: if isinstance(v, (text_type, str)): v.encode('ascii') return True except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return False @classmethod def to_ascii(cls, v, errors='replace'): # type: (Union[text_type, str], str) -> str if isinstance(v, (text_type, str)): return cls.to_ntext(v.encode('ascii', errors)) raise cls._type_err(v, 'ascii') @staticmethod def parse_int(v): # type: (Any) -> int try: return int(v) except: return 0 def audit(conf, sshv=None): # type: (AuditConf, Optional[int]) -> None out.batch = conf.batch out.colors = conf.colors out.verbose = conf.verbose out.minlevel = conf.minlevel s = SSH.Socket(conf.host, conf.port) if sshv is None: sshv = 2 if conf.ssh2 else 1 err = None banner, header = s.get_banner(sshv) if banner is None: err = '[exception] did not receive banner.' if err is None: packet_type, payload = s.read_packet(sshv) if packet_type < 0: try: payload_txt = payload.decode('utf-8') if payload else u'empty' except UnicodeDecodeError: payload_txt = u'"{0}"'.format(repr(payload).lstrip('b')[1:-1]) if payload_txt == u'Protocol major versions differ.': if sshv == 2 and conf.ssh1: audit(conf, 1) return err = '[exception] error reading packet ({0})'.format(payload_txt) else: err_pair = None if sshv == 1 and packet_type != SSH.Protocol.SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY: err_pair = ('SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY', SSH.Protocol.SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY) elif sshv == 2 and packet_type != SSH.Protocol.MSG_KEXINIT: err_pair = ('MSG_KEXINIT', SSH.Protocol.MSG_KEXINIT) if err_pair is not None: fmt = '[exception] did not receive {0} ({1}), ' + \ 'instead received unknown message ({2})' err = fmt.format(err_pair[0], err_pair[1], packet_type) if err: output(banner, header) out.fail(err) sys.exit(1) if sshv == 1: pkm = SSH1.PublicKeyMessage.parse(payload) output(banner, header, pkm=pkm) elif sshv == 2: kex = SSH2.Kex.parse(payload) output(banner, header, kex=kex) utils = Utils() out = Output() if __name__ == '__main__': conf = AuditConf.from_cmdline(sys.argv[1:], usage) audit(conf)