# Windows An executable can only be made on a Windows host because the PyInstaller tool (https://www.pyinstaller.org/) does not support cross-compilation. **NOTE**: PyInstaller v4.2 is known to generate executables with broken PE checksums. As a result, this triggers several anti-virus programs, including Microsoft Defender. This issue has been [fixed here](https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/pull/5580), but as of this writing, it has not been shipped in a stable release. One workaround is to use the PyInstaller master branch instead of the version on PyPI. First, clone PyInstaller onto a Linux machine with MinGW tools installed (`apt install mingw-w64`). In its `booloader` directory, compile with `python3 waf all`. Copy the *entire* pyinstaller directory to a Windows machine. From an elevated command prompt, install it with `python setup.py install`. Check that it was successfully installed by running `pyinstaller`. If so, follow the instructions below, but do not install pyinstaller using pip in step #2. 1.) Install Python v3.9.x from https://www.python.org/. To make life easier, check the option to add Python to the PATH environment variable. 2.) Using pip, install pyinstaller and colorama: ``` pip install pyinstaller colorama ``` 3.) Install Cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/). 4.) Create the executable with: ``` $ ./build_windows_executable.sh ``` # PyPI To create package and upload to test server: ``` $ sudo apt install python3-virtualenv $ make -f Makefile.pypi $ make -f Makefile.pypi uploadtest ``` To download from test server and verify: ``` $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/pypi_test $ cd /tmp/pypi_test; source bin/activate $ pip3 install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple ssh-audit ``` To upload to production server (hint: use username '\_\_token\_\_' and API token): ``` $ make -f Makefile.pypi uploadprod ``` To download from production server and verify: ``` $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/pypi_prod $ cd /tmp/pypi_prod; source bin/activate $ pip3 install ssh-audit ``` # Snap To create the snap package, run a fully-updated Ubuntu Server 20.04 VM. Install pre-requisites with: ``` $ sudo apt install make snapcraft $ sudo snap install review-tools lxd ``` Initialize LXD (leave all options default): ``` $ sudo lxd init ``` Bump the version number in snapcraft.yaml. Then run: ``` $ make -f Makefile.snap ``` Upload the snap with: ``` $ snapcraft login $ snapcraft upload --release=stable ssh-audit_*.snap ``` # Docker Build image with: ``` $ make -f Makefile.docker ``` Then upload it to Dockerhub with: ``` $ make -f Makefile.docker upload ```