Below are notes for creating a Windows executable. An executable can only be made on a Windows host because the PyInstaller tool ( does not support cross-compilation. On a Windows machine, do the following: 1.) Install Python v3.7.x from (As of this writing v3.8.0 isn't supported.) To make life easier, check the option to add Python to the PATH environment variable. 2.) Using pip, install pyinstaller and colorama: pip install pyinstaller colorama 3.) Create the executable with: cd src\ssh_audit rename pyinstaller -D --icon ..\..\windows_icon.ico --add-data policies;policies 4.) Rename the "dist\ssh-audit\" folder to "dist\ssh-audit vX.X.X\" 5.) Zip the "dist\ssh-audit vX.X.X\" folder and name it "" (hint: zip -r "ssh-audit vX.X.X").