tomatohater1337 1f0b3acff2
Complete "target" in the JSON output with the port (#123)
* Complete "target" in JSON output with the port

The JSON output was not showing the port of the target which was scanned. This could be problematic when scanning a host with more than one ssh service running.

* Docker tests completet with the port of the scan target in the JSON output
2021-10-13 23:44:55 -04:00

2 lines
852 B

{"banner": {"comments": null, "protocol": [2, 0], "raw": "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0", "software": "OpenSSH_8.0"}, "compression": ["none", ""], "enc": ["", "", "", "aes256-ctr", "aes192-ctr", "aes128-ctr"], "fingerprints": [{"hash": "UrnXIVH+7dlw8UqYocl48yUEcKrthGDQG2CPCgp7MxU", "hash_alg": "SHA256", "hostkey": "ssh-ed25519"}, {"hash": "1e:0c:7b:34:73:bf:52:41:b0:f9:d1:a9:ab:98:c7:c9", "hash_alg": "MD5", "hostkey": "ssh-ed25519"}], "kex": [{"algorithm": "curve25519-sha256"}, {"algorithm": ""}, {"algorithm": "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256", "keysize": 2048}], "key": [{"algorithm": "ssh-ed25519"}], "mac": ["", "", ""], "target": "localhost:2222"}