/* * Helper functions used by other modules */ #ifndef CONFIG #define CONFIG "config.h" #endif // CONFIG #include CONFIG #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif // _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include "helpers.h" #include "output.h" #include "endian.h" #include "shared_globals.h" /* * UCS2 <-> UTF-8 functions * All functions use little endian UCS2 since we only need it to communicate with Windows via RPC */ // Convert one character from UTF-8 to UCS2 // Returns 0xffff, if utf-8 evaluates to > 0xfffe (outside basic multilingual pane) WCHAR utf8_to_ucs2_char (const unsigned char *input, const unsigned char **end_ptr) { *end_ptr = input; if (input[0] == 0) return ~0; if (input[0] < 0x80) { *end_ptr = input + 1; return LE16(input[0]); } if ((input[0] & 0xE0) == 0xE0) { if (input[1] == 0 || input[2] == 0) return ~0; *end_ptr = input + 3; return LE16((input[0] & 0x0F)<<12 | (input[1] & 0x3F)<<6 | (input[2] & 0x3F)); } if ((input[0] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { if (input[1] == 0) return ~0; *end_ptr = input + 2; return LE16((input[0] & 0x1F)<<6 | (input[1] & 0x3F)); } return ~0; } // Convert one character from UCS2 to UTF-8 // Returns length of UTF-8 char (1, 2 or 3) or -1 on error (UTF-16 outside UCS2) // char *utf8 must be large enough to hold 3 bytes int ucs2_to_utf8_char (const WCHAR ucs2_le, char *utf8) { const WCHAR ucs2 = LE16(ucs2_le); if (ucs2 < 0x80) { utf8[0] = ucs2; utf8[1] = '\0'; return 1; } if (ucs2 >= 0x80 && ucs2 < 0x800) { utf8[0] = (ucs2 >> 6) | 0xC0; utf8[1] = (ucs2 & 0x3F) | 0x80; utf8[2] = '\0'; return 2; } if (ucs2 >= 0x800 && ucs2 < 0xFFFF) { if (ucs2 >= 0xD800 && ucs2 <= 0xDFFF) { /* Ill-formed (UTF-16 ouside of BMP) */ return -1; } utf8[0] = ((ucs2 >> 12) ) | 0xE0; utf8[1] = ((ucs2 >> 6 ) & 0x3F) | 0x80; utf8[2] = ((ucs2 ) & 0x3F) | 0x80; utf8[3] = '\0'; return 3; } return -1; } // Converts UTF8 to UCS2. Returns size in bytes of the converted string or -1 on error size_t utf8_to_ucs2(WCHAR* const ucs2_le, const char* const utf8, const size_t maxucs2, const size_t maxutf8) { const unsigned char* current_utf8 = (unsigned char*)utf8; WCHAR* current_ucs2_le = ucs2_le; for (; *current_utf8; current_ucs2_le++) { size_t size = (char*)current_utf8 - utf8; if (size >= maxutf8) return (size_t)-1; if (((*current_utf8 & 0xc0) == 0xc0) && (size >= maxutf8 - 1)) return (size_t)-1; if (((*current_utf8 & 0xe0) == 0xe0) && (size >= maxutf8 - 2)) return (size_t)-1; if (current_ucs2_le - ucs2_le >= (intptr_t)maxucs2 - 1) return (size_t)-1; *current_ucs2_le = utf8_to_ucs2_char(current_utf8, ¤t_utf8); current_ucs2_le[1] = 0; if (*current_ucs2_le == (WCHAR)-1) return (size_t)-1; } return current_ucs2_le - ucs2_le; } // Converts UCS2 to UTF-8. Return TRUE or FALSE BOOL ucs2_to_utf8(const WCHAR* const ucs2_le, char* utf8, size_t maxucs2, size_t maxutf8) { char utf8_char[4]; const WCHAR* current_ucs2 = ucs2_le; unsigned int index_utf8 = 0; for(*utf8 = 0; *current_ucs2; current_ucs2++) { if (current_ucs2 - ucs2_le > (intptr_t)maxucs2) return FALSE; int len = ucs2_to_utf8_char(*current_ucs2, utf8_char); if (index_utf8 + len > maxutf8) return FALSE; strncat(utf8, utf8_char, len); index_utf8+=len; } return TRUE; } /* End of UTF-8 <-> UCS2 conversion */ // Checks, whether a string is a valid integer number between min and max. Returns TRUE or FALSE. Puts int value in *value BOOL stringToInt(const char *const szValue, const unsigned int min, const unsigned int max, unsigned int *const value) { char *nextchar; errno = 0; long long result = strtoll(szValue, &nextchar, 10); if (errno || result < (long long)min || result > (long long)max || *nextchar) { return FALSE; } *value = (unsigned int)result; return TRUE; } //Converts a String Guid to a host binary guid in host endianess int_fast8_t string2Uuid(const char *const restrict input, GUID *const restrict guid) { int i; if (strlen(input) < GUID_STRING_LENGTH) return FALSE; if (input[8] != '-' || input[13] != '-' || input[18] != '-' || input[23] != '-') return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < GUID_STRING_LENGTH; i++) { if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23) continue; const char c = toupper((int)input[i]); if (c < '0' || c > 'F' || (c > '9' && c < 'A')) return FALSE; } char inputCopy[GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; strncpy(inputCopy, input, GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1); inputCopy[8] = inputCopy[13] = inputCopy[18] = 0; hex2bin((BYTE*)&guid->Data1, inputCopy, 8); hex2bin((BYTE*)&guid->Data2, inputCopy + 9, 4); hex2bin((BYTE*)&guid->Data3, inputCopy + 14, 4); hex2bin(guid->Data4, input + 19, 16); guid->Data1 = BE32(guid->Data1); guid->Data2 = BE16(guid->Data2); guid->Data3 = BE16(guid->Data3); return TRUE; } // convert GUID to little-endian void LEGUID(GUID *const restrict out, const GUID* const restrict in) { #if __BYTE_ORDER != __LITTLE_ENDIAN out->Data1 = LE32(in->Data1); out->Data2 = LE16(in->Data2); out->Data3 = LE16(in->Data3); memcpy(out->Data4, in->Data4, sizeof(out->Data4)); #else memcpy(out, in, sizeof(GUID)); #endif } //Checks a command line argument if it is numeric and between min and max. Returns the numeric value or exits on error __pure unsigned int getOptionArgumentInt(const char o, const unsigned int min, const unsigned int max) { unsigned int result; if (!stringToInt(optarg, min, max, &result)) { printerrorf("Fatal: Option \"-%c\" must be numeric between %u and %u.\n", o, min, max); exit(!0); } return result; } // Resets getopt() to start parsing from the beginning void optReset(void) { #if __minix__ || defined(__BSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) optind = 1; optreset = 1; // Makes newer BSD getopt happy #elif defined(__UCLIBC__) // uClibc headers also define __GLIBC__ so be careful here optind = 0; // uClibc seeks compatibility with GLIBC #elif defined(__GLIBC__) optind = 0; // Makes GLIBC getopt happy #else // Standard for most systems optind = 1; #endif } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(USE_MSRPC) // Returns a static message buffer containing text for a given Win32 error. Not thread safe (same as strerror) char* win_strerror(const int message) { #define STRERROR_BUFFER_SIZE 256 static char buffer[STRERROR_BUFFER_SIZE]; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, NULL, message, 0, buffer, STRERROR_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL); return buffer; } #endif // defined(_WIN32) || defined(USE_MSRPC) /* * parses an address in the form host:[port] in addr * returns host and port in seperate strings */ void parseAddress(char *const addr, char** szHost, char** szPort) { *szHost = addr; # ifndef NO_SOCKETS *szPort = (char*)defaultport; # else // NO_SOCKETS *szPort = "1688"; # endif // NO_SOCKETS char *lastcolon = strrchr(addr, ':'); char *firstcolon = strchr(addr, ':'); char *closingbracket = strrchr(addr, ']'); if (*addr == '[' && closingbracket) //Address in brackets { *closingbracket = 0; (*szHost)++; if (closingbracket[1] == ':') *szPort = closingbracket + 2; } else if (firstcolon && firstcolon == lastcolon) //IPv4 address or hostname with port { *firstcolon = 0; *szPort = firstcolon + 1; } } // Initialize random generator (needs to be done in each thread) void randomNumberInit() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srand((unsigned int)(tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec)); } // We always exit immediately if any OOM condition occurs __noreturn void OutOfMemory(void) { errorout("Fatal: Out of memory"); exit(!0); } void* vlmcsd_malloc(size_t len) { void* buf = malloc(len); if (!buf) OutOfMemory(); return buf; } /* * Converts hex digits to bytes in big-endian order. * Ignores any non-hex characters */ void hex2bin(BYTE *const bin, const char *hex, const size_t maxbin) { static const char *const hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char* nextchar; size_t i; for (i = 0; (i < 16) && utf8_to_ucs2_char((const unsigned char*)hex, (const unsigned char**)&nextchar) != (WCHAR)-1; hex = nextchar) { const char* pos = strchr(hexdigits, toupper((int)*hex)); if (!pos) continue; if (!(i & 1)) bin[i >> 1] = 0; bin[i >> 1] |= (char)(pos - hexdigits); if (!(i & 1)) bin[i >> 1] <<= 4; i++; if (i >> 1 > maxbin) break; } } __pure BOOL getArgumentBool(int_fast8_t *result, const char *const argument) { if ( !strncasecmp(argument, "true", 4) || !strncasecmp(argument, "on", 2) || !strncasecmp(argument, "yes", 3) || !strncasecmp(argument, "1", 1) ) { *result = TRUE; return TRUE; } else if ( !strncasecmp(argument, "false", 5) || !strncasecmp(argument, "off", 3) || !strncasecmp(argument, "no", 2) || !strncasecmp(argument, "0", 1) ) { *result = FALSE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }