#ifndef CONFIG #define CONFIG "config.h" #endif // CONFIG #include CONFIG #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include "vlmcs.h" #if _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if _MSC_VER #include "wingetopt.h" #else #include #endif #include #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #else // _WIN32 #endif // _WIN32 #include "endian.h" #include "shared_globals.h" #include "output.h" #ifndef USE_MSRPC #include "network.h" #include "rpc.h" #else // USE_MSRPC #include "msrpc-client.h" #endif // USE_MSRPC #include "kms.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "dns_srv.h" #define VLMCS_OPTION_GRAB_INI 1 #define VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI 2 //#define kmsVersionMinor 0 // Currently constant. May change in future KMS versions #ifndef IS_LIBRARY // Function Prototypes static void CreateRequestBase(REQUEST *Request); // KMS Parameters #ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG static int_fast8_t verbose = FALSE; #endif static int_fast8_t VMInfo = FALSE; static int_fast8_t dnsnames = TRUE; static int FixedRequests = 0; static DWORD LicenseStatus = 0x02; static const char *CMID = NULL; static const char *CMID_prev = NULL; static const char *WorkstationName = NULL; static int BindingExpiration = 43200; //30 days static const char *RemoteAddr; static int_fast8_t ReconnectForEachRequest = FALSE; #ifndef USE_MSRPC static int AddressFamily = AF_UNSPEC; #else static int AddressFamily = 0; #endif // USE_MSRPC static int_fast8_t incompatibleOptions = 0; static const char* fn_ini_client = NULL; //static int_fast16_t kmsVersionMinor = 0; static const char* ePidGroup[] = { "Windows", "Office2010", "Office2013", "Office2016" }; static int32_t ActiveProductIndex = 0; static int32_t NCountPolicy = 0; static GUID AppGuid, KmsGuid, SkuGuid; static uint16_t MinorVersion = 0; static uint16_t MajorVersion; //#if !MULTI_CALL_BINARY //uint8_t DefaultKmsData[]={0}; //__pure size_t getDefaultKmsDataSize() { return (size_t)0; } //#endif // !MULTI_CALL_BINARY #ifndef NO_DNS static int_fast8_t NoSrvRecordPriority = FALSE; #endif // NO_DNS typedef char iniFileEpidLines[4][256]; typedef struct { const char* first[16]; const char* second[16]; const char* tld[22]; } DnsNames; // Some names for the DNS name random generator static DnsNames ClientDnsNames = { { "www", "ftp", "kms", "hack-me", "smtp", "ns1", "mx1", "ns1", "pop3", "imap", "mail", "dns", "headquarter", "we-love", "_vlmcs._tcp", "ceo-laptop" }, { ".microsoft", ".apple", ".amazon", ".samsung", ".adobe", ".google", ".yahoo", ".facebook", ".ubuntu", ".oracle", ".borland", ".htc", ".acer", ".windows", ".linux", ".sony" }, { ".com", ".net", ".org", ".cn", ".co.uk", ".de", ".com.tw", ".us", ".fr", ".it", ".me", ".info", ".biz", ".co.jp", ".ua", ".at", ".es", ".pro", ".by", ".ru", ".pl", ".kr" } }; // Request Count Control Variables static int RequestsToGo = 1; static BOOL firstRequestSent = FALSE; static void string2UuidOrExit(const char *const restrict input, GUID *const restrict guid) { if (strlen(input) != GUID_STRING_LENGTH || !string2UuidLE(input, guid)) { errorout("Fatal: Command line contains an invalid GUID.\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } } #ifndef NO_HELP __noreturn static void clientUsage(const char* const programName) { errorout( "vlmcs %s \n\n" # ifndef NO_DNS "Usage: %s [options] [ [:] | . | - ] [options]\n\n" # else // DNS "Usage: %s [options] [[:]] [options]\n\n" # endif // DNS "Options:\n\n" # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG " -v Be verbose\n" # endif " -l \n" " -4 Force V4 protocol\n" " -5 Force V5 protocol\n" " -6 Force V6 protocol\n" # ifndef USE_MSRPC " -i Use IP protocol (4 or 6)\n" # endif // USE_MSRPC # ifndef NO_EXTERNAL_DATA " -j Load external KMS data file \n" # endif // NO_EXTERNAL_DATA " -e Show some valid examples\n" " -x Show valid Apps\n" " -d no DNS names, use Netbios names (no effect if -w is used)\n" " -V show version information and exit\n\n" "Advanced options:\n\n" " -a Use custom Application GUID\n" " -s Use custom Activation Configuration GUID\n" " -k Use custom KMS GUID\n" " -c Use custom Client GUID. Default: Use random\n" " -o Use custom Prevoius Client GUID. Default: ZeroGUID\n" " -K Use a specific (possibly invalid) protocol version\n" " -w Use custom workstation name. Default: Use random\n" " -r Fake required clients\n" " -n Fixed # of requests (Default: Enough to charge)\n" " -m Pretend to be a virtual machine\n" " -G Get ePID/HwId data and write to . Can't be used with -l, -4, -5, -6, -a, -s, -k, -r and -n\n" # ifndef USE_MSRPC " -T Use a new TCP connection for each request.\n" " -N <0|1> disable or enable NDR64. Default: 1\n" " -B <0|1> disable or enable RPC bind time feature negotiation. Default: 1\n" # endif // USE_MSRPC " -t Use specfic license status (0 <= T <= 6)\n" " -g Use a specfic binding expiration time in minutes. Default 43200\n" # ifndef NO_DNS " -P Ignore priority and weight in DNS SRV records\n" # endif // NO_DNS # ifndef USE_MSRPC " -p Don't use multiplexed RPC bind\n" # endif // USE_MSRPC "\n" ":\t\tTCP port name of the KMS to use. Default 1688.\n" ":\t\thost name of the KMS to use. Default\n" # ifndef NO_DNS ".:\tfind KMS server in via DNS\n" # endif // NO_DNS ":\t\t(Type %s -x to see a list of valid apps)\n\n", Version, programName, programName ); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } __pure static int getLineWidth(void) { #ifdef TERMINAL_FIXED_WIDTH // For Toolchains that to not have winsize return TERMINAL_FIXED_WIDTH; #else // Can determine width of terminal #ifndef _WIN32 struct winsize w; if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w)) { return 80; // Return this if stdout is not a tty } return w.ws_col; #else // _WIN32 CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &csbiInfo)) { return 80; // Return this if stdout is not a Console } return csbiInfo.srWindow.Right - csbiInfo.srWindow.Left; #endif // WIN32 #endif // Can determine width of terminal } __noreturn static void showProducts(PRINTFUNC p) { int cols = getLineWidth(); int itemsPerLine; uint8_t i; int32_t index; uint_fast8_t longestString = 0; int32_t k, items = KmsData->SkuItemCount; p("You may use these product names or numbers:\n\n"); for (index = 0; index < KmsData->SkuItemCount; index++) { uint_fast8_t len = (uint_fast8_t)strlen(KmsData->SkuItemList[index].Name); if (len > longestString) longestString = len; } itemsPerLine = cols / (longestString + 10); if (!itemsPerLine) itemsPerLine = 1; uint8_t lines = items / itemsPerLine; if (items % itemsPerLine) lines++; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { for (k = 0; k < itemsPerLine; k++) { uint8_t j; index = k * lines + i; if (index >= items) break; p("%3u = %s", index + 1, KmsData->SkuItemList[index].Name); for (j = 0; j < longestString + 4 - strlen(KmsData->SkuItemList[index].Name); j++) { p(" "); } } p("\n"); } p("\n"); exit(0); } __noreturn static void examples(const char* const programName) { printf( "\nRequest activation for Office 2013 using V4 protocol from\n" "\t%s -l \"Office 2013 Professional\" -4\n" "\t%s -l \"Office 2013 Professional\" -4\n\n" "Request activation for Windows Server 2012 using V4 protocol from localhost:1688\n" "\t%s -4 -l \"Windows Server 2012\" -k 8665cb71-468c-4aa3-a337-cb9bc9d5eaac\n" "\t%s -4 -l \"Windows Server 2012\"\n" "\t%s -4 -l \"Windows Server 2012\" [::1]:1688\n" "\t%s -4 -l \"Windows Server 2012\"\n\n" "Send 100,000 requests to localhost:1688\n" "\t%s -n 100000\n\n" "Request Activation for Windows 8 from and pretend to be Steve Ballmer\n" "\t%s -l \"Windows 8 Professional\" -w steveb1.redmond.microsoft.com\n\n", programName, programName, programName, programName, programName, programName, programName, programName ); exit(0); } #else // NO_HELP __noreturn static void clientUsage(const char* const programName) { errorout("Incorrect parameter specified.\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } #endif // NO_HELP static void parseProtocolVersion(void) { char *endptr_major, *endptr_minor, *period = strchr(optarg, (int)'.'); if (!period) { errorout("Fatal: Protocol version must be in the format #.#\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } long major = strtol(optarg, &endptr_major, 10); long minor = strtol(period + 1, &endptr_minor, 10); if ((*endptr_major && *endptr_major != '.') || *endptr_minor || *optarg == '.' || !period[1]) { errorout("Fatal: Protocol version must be in the format #.#\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } if (major < 0 || major > 0xffff || minor < 0 || minor > 0xffff) { errorout("Fatal: Major and minor protocol version number must be between 0 and 65535\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } MajorVersion = (uint16_t)major; MinorVersion = (uint16_t)minor; } static int32_t findLicensePackByName(const char* const name) { int32_t i; for (i = KmsData->SkuItemCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!strcasecmp(name, KmsData->SkuItemList[i].Name)) return i; } return i; } static const char* const client_optstring = "+N:B:i:j:l:a:s:k:c:w:r:n:t:g:G:o:K:pPTv456mexdV"; //We handle only "-j". Many other options do not run without a loaded database static void parseCommandLinePass0(const int argc, CARGV argv) { int o; optReset(); for (opterr = 0; (o = getopt(argc, (char* const*)argv, client_optstring)) > 0; ) switch (o) { # ifndef NO_EXTERNAL_DATA case 'j': // Set "License Pack" and protocol version (e.g. Windows8, Office2013v5, ...) fn_data = optarg; # ifndef NO_INTERNAL_DATA ExplicitDataLoad = TRUE; # endif // NO_INTERNAL_DATA break; # endif // NO_EXTERNAL_DATA default: break; } } //First pass. We handle only "-l". Since -a -k -s -4 -5 and -6 are exceptions to -l, we process -l first static void parseCommandLinePass1(const int argc, CARGV argv) { int o; optReset(); for (opterr = 0; (o = getopt(argc, (char* const*)argv, client_optstring)) > 0; ) switch (o) { case 'l': // Set "License Pack" and protocol version (e.g. Windows8, Office2013v5, ...) if (stringToInt(optarg, 1, KmsData->SkuItemCount, (unsigned int*)&ActiveProductIndex)) { ActiveProductIndex--; break; } ActiveProductIndex = findLicensePackByName(optarg); if (ActiveProductIndex < 0) { errorout("Invalid client application. \"%s\" is not valid for -l.\n\n", optarg); #ifndef NO_HELP showProducts(&errorout); #endif // !NO_HELP } break; default: break; } int32_t kmsIndex = KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].KmsIndex; int32_t appIndex = KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].AppIndex; MajorVersion = (uint16_t)KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].ProtocolVersion; NCountPolicy = (uint32_t)KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].NCountPolicy; memcpy(&SkuGuid, &KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].Guid, sizeof(GUID)); memcpy(&KmsGuid, &KmsData->KmsItemList[kmsIndex].Guid, sizeof(GUID)); memcpy(&AppGuid, &KmsData->AppItemList[appIndex].Guid, sizeof(GUID)); } // Second Pass. Handle all options except "-l" static void parseCommandLinePass2(const char *const programName, const int argc, CARGV argv) { int o; optReset(); for (opterr = 0; (o = getopt(argc, (char* const*)argv, client_optstring)) > 0; ) switch (o) { #ifndef NO_HELP case 'j': break; case 'e': // Show examples examples(programName); case 'x': // Show Apps showProducts(&printf); #endif // NO_HELP # ifndef NO_DNS case 'P': NoSrvRecordPriority = TRUE; break; # endif // NO_DNS case 'G': incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_GRAB_INI; fn_ini_client = optarg; break; # ifndef USE_MSRPC case 'N': if (!getArgumentBool(&UseClientRpcNDR64, optarg)) clientUsage(programName); break; case 'B': if (!getArgumentBool(&UseClientRpcBTFN, optarg)) clientUsage(programName); break; case 'i': switch (getOptionArgumentInt((char)o, 4, 6)) { case 4: AddressFamily = AF_INET; break; case 6: AddressFamily = AF_INET6; break; default: errorout("IPv5 does not exist.\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } break; case 'p': // Multiplexed RPC UseMultiplexedRpc = FALSE; break; # endif // USE_MSRPC case 'n': // Fixed number of Requests (regardless, whether they are required) incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; FixedRequests = getOptionArgumentInt((char)o, 1, INT_MAX); break; case 'r': // Fake minimum required client count incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; NCountPolicy = getOptionArgumentInt((char)o, 0, INT_MAX); break; case 'c': // use a specific client GUID // If using a constant Client ID, send only one request unless /N= explicitly specified if (!FixedRequests) FixedRequests = 1; CMID = optarg; break; case 'o': // use a specific previous client GUID CMID_prev = optarg; break; case 'a': // Set specific App Id incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; string2UuidOrExit(optarg, &AppGuid); break; case 'g': // Set custom "grace" time in minutes (default 30 days) BindingExpiration = getOptionArgumentInt((char)o, 0, INT_MAX); break; case 's': // Set specfic SKU ID incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; string2UuidOrExit(optarg, &SkuGuid); break; case 'k': // Set specific KMS ID incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; string2UuidOrExit(optarg, &KmsGuid); break; case '4': // Force V4 protocol case '5': // Force V5 protocol case '6': // Force V5 protocol incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; MajorVersion = o - 0x30; MinorVersion = 0; break; case 'K': // Use specific protocol (may be invalid) parseProtocolVersion(); break; case 'd': // Don't use DNS names dnsnames = FALSE; break; # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG case 'v': // Be verbose verbose = TRUE; break; # endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG case 'm': // Pretend to be a virtual machine VMInfo = TRUE; break; case 'w': // WorkstationName (max. 63 chars) WorkstationName = optarg; if (strlen(WorkstationName) > 63) { errorout("\007WARNING! Truncating workstation name to 63 characters (%s).\n", WorkstationName); } break; case 't': LicenseStatus = getOptionArgumentInt((char)o, 0, 0x7fffffff); if ((unsigned int)LicenseStatus > 6) errorout("Warning: Correct license status is 0 <= license status <= 6.\n"); break; # ifndef USE_MSRPC case 'T': ReconnectForEachRequest = TRUE; break; # endif // USE_MSRPC case 'l': incompatibleOptions |= VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI; break; # ifndef NO_VERSION_INFORMATION case 'V': # if defined(__s390__) && !defined(__zarch__) && !defined(__s390x__) printf("vlmcs %s %i-bit\n", Version, sizeof(void*) == 4 ? 31 : (int)sizeof(void*) << 3); # else printf("vlmcs %s %i-bit\n", Version, (int)sizeof(void*) << 3); # endif // defined(__s390__) && !defined(__zarch__) && !defined(__s390x__) printPlatform(); printCommonFlags(); printClientFlags(); exit(0); # endif // NO_VERSION_INFORMATION default: clientUsage(programName); } if ((incompatibleOptions & (VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI | VLMCS_OPTION_GRAB_INI)) == (VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI | VLMCS_OPTION_GRAB_INI)) clientUsage(programName); } ///* // * Compares 2 GUIDs where one is host-endian and the other is little-endian (network byte order) // */ //int_fast8_t IsEqualGuidLEHE(const GUID* const guid1, const GUID* const guid2) //{ // GUID tempGuid; // LEGUID(&tempGuid, guid2); // return IsEqualGUID(guid1, &tempGuid); //} #ifndef USE_MSRPC static void checkRpcLevel(const REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response) { if (!RpcFlags.HasNDR32) errorout("\nWARNING: Server's RPC protocol does not support NDR32.\n"); if (UseClientRpcBTFN && UseClientRpcNDR64 && RpcFlags.HasNDR64 && !RpcFlags.HasBTFN) errorout("\nWARNING: Server's RPC protocol has NDR64 but no BTFN.\n"); //# ifndef NO_BASIC_PRODUCT_LIST // if (!IsEqualGuidLEHE(&request->KMSID, &ProductList[15].guid) && UseClientRpcBTFN && !RpcFlags.HasBTFN) // errorout("\nWARNING: A server with pre-Vista RPC activated a product other than Office 2010.\n"); //# endif // NO_BASIC_PRODUCT_LIST } #endif // USE_MSRPC static void displayResponse(const RESPONSE_RESULT result, const REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response, BYTE *hwid) { fflush(stdout); if (!result.RpcOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Non-Zero RPC result code.\n"); if (!result.DecryptSuccess) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Decryption of V5/V6 response failed.\n"); if (!result.IVsOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: AES CBC initialization vectors (IVs) of request and response do not match.\n"); if (!result.PidLengthOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: The length of the PID is not valid.\n"); if (!result.HashOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Computed hash does not match hash in response.\n"); if (!result.ClientMachineIDOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Client machine GUIDs of request and response do not match.\n"); if (!result.TimeStampOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Time stamps of request and response do not match.\n"); if (!result.VersionOK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Protocol versions of request and response do not match.\n"); if (!result.HmacSha256OK) errorout("\n\007ERROR: Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is incorrect.\n"); if (!result.IVnotSuspicious) errorout("\nWARNING: The KMS server is an emulator because the response uses an IV following KMSv5 rules in KMSv6 protocol.\n"); if (result.effectiveResponseSize != result.correctResponseSize) { errorout("\n\007WARNING: Size of RPC payload (KMS Message) should be %u but is %u.", result.correctResponseSize, result.effectiveResponseSize); } # ifndef USE_MSRPC checkRpcLevel(request, response); # endif // USE_MSRPC if (!result.DecryptSuccess) return; // Makes no sense to display anything char ePID[3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (!ucs2_to_utf8(response->KmsPID, ePID, PID_BUFFER_SIZE, 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE)) { memset(ePID + 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE - 3, 0, 3); } // Read KMSPID from Response # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG if (!verbose) # endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG { printf(" -> %s", ePID); if (LE16(response->MajorVer) > 5) { # ifndef _WIN32 printf(" (%016llX)", (unsigned long long)BE64(*(uint64_t*)hwid)); # else // _WIN32 printf(" (%016I64X)", (unsigned long long)BE64(*(uint64_t*)hwid)); # endif // _WIN32 } printf("\n"); } # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG else { printf( "\n\nResponse from KMS server\n========================\n\n" "Size of KMS Response : %u (0x%x)\n", result.effectiveResponseSize, result.effectiveResponseSize ); logResponseVerbose(ePID, hwid, response, &printf); printf("\n"); } # endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG } static void connectRpc(RpcCtx *s) { # ifdef NO_DNS RpcDiag_t rpcDiag; *s = connectToAddress(RemoteAddr, AddressFamily, FALSE); if (*s == INVALID_RPCCTX) { errorout("Fatal: Could not connect to %s\n", RemoteAddr); exit(SOCKET_ECONNABORTED); } if (verbose) printf("\nPerforming RPC bind ...\n"); RpcStatus status; if ((status = rpcBindClient(*s, verbose, &rpcDiag))) { errorout("Fatal: Could not bind RPC\n"); exit(status); } if (verbose) printf("... successful\n"); # else // DNS static kms_server_dns_ptr* serverlist = NULL; static int numServers = 0; //static int_fast8_t ServerListAlreadyPrinted = FALSE; int i; if (!strcmp(RemoteAddr, "-") || *RemoteAddr == '.') // Get KMS server via DNS SRV record { if (!serverlist) numServers = getKmsServerList(&serverlist, RemoteAddr); if (numServers < 1) { errorout("Fatal: No KMS servers found\n"); exit(SOCKET_ECONNABORTED); } if (!NoSrvRecordPriority) sortSrvRecords(serverlist, numServers); # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG if (verbose /*&& !ServerListAlreadyPrinted*/) { for (i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { printf( "Found %-40s (priority: %hu, weight: %hu, randomized weight: %i)\n", serverlist[i]->serverName, serverlist[i]->priority, serverlist[i]->weight, NoSrvRecordPriority ? 0 : serverlist[i]->random_weight ); } printf("\n"); //ServerListAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; } # endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG } else // Just use the server supplied on the command line { if (!serverlist) { serverlist = (kms_server_dns_ptr*)vlmcsd_malloc(sizeof(kms_server_dns_ptr)); *serverlist = (kms_server_dns_ptr)vlmcsd_malloc(sizeof(kms_server_dns_t)); numServers = 1; strncpy((*serverlist)->serverName, RemoteAddr, sizeof((*serverlist)->serverName)); } } for (i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { *s = connectToAddress(serverlist[i]->serverName, AddressFamily, (*RemoteAddr == '.' || *RemoteAddr == '-')); if (*s == INVALID_RPCCTX) continue; RpcDiag_t rpcDiag; # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG if (verbose) printf("\nPerforming RPC bind ...\n"); if (rpcBindClient(*s, verbose, &rpcDiag)) # else if (rpcBindClient(*s, FALSE, &rpcDiag)) # endif { errorout("Warning: Could not bind RPC\n"); continue; } # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG if (verbose) printf("... successful\n"); # endif return; } errorout("Fatal: Could not connect to any KMS server\n"); exit(SOCKET_ECONNABORTED); # endif // DNS } #endif // IS_LIBRARY int SendActivationRequest(const RpcCtx sock, RESPONSE *baseResponse, REQUEST *baseRequest, RESPONSE_RESULT *result, BYTE *const hwid) { size_t requestSize, responseSize; BYTE *request, *response; int status; result->mask = 0; if (LE16(baseRequest->MajorVer) < 5) request = CreateRequestV4(&requestSize, baseRequest); else request = CreateRequestV6(&requestSize, baseRequest); if (!(status = rpcSendRequest(sock, request, requestSize, &response, &responseSize))) { if (LE16(((RESPONSE*)(response))->MajorVer) == 4) { RESPONSE_V4 response_v4; *result = DecryptResponseV4(&response_v4, (const int)responseSize, response, request); memcpy(baseResponse, &response_v4.ResponseBase, sizeof(RESPONSE)); } else { RESPONSE_V6 response_v6; *result = DecryptResponseV6(&response_v6, (int)responseSize, response, request, hwid); memcpy(baseResponse, &response_v6.ResponseBase, sizeof(RESPONSE)); } result->RpcOK = TRUE; } if (response) free(response); free(request); return status; } #ifndef IS_LIBRARY static int sendRequest(RpcCtx *const s, REQUEST *const request, RESPONSE *const response, hwid_t hwid, RESPONSE_RESULT *const result) { CreateRequestBase(request); if (*s == INVALID_RPCCTX) connectRpc(s); else { // Check for lame KMS emulators that close the socket after each request int_fast8_t disconnected = isDisconnected(*s); if (disconnected) errorout("\nWarning: Server closed RPC connection (probably non-multitasked KMS emulator)\n"); if (ReconnectForEachRequest || disconnected) { closeRpc(*s); connectRpc(s); } } printf("Sending activation request (KMS V%u) ", MajorVersion); fflush(stdout); return SendActivationRequest(*s, response, request, result, hwid); } static void displayRequestError(RpcCtx *const s, const int status, const int currentRequest, const int totalRequests) { errorout("\nError 0x%08X while sending request %u of %u\n", status, currentRequest, RequestsToGo + totalRequests); switch (status) { case 0xC004F042: // not licensed errorout("The KMS server has declined to activate the requested product\n"); break; case 0x8007000D: // e.g. v6 protocol on a v5 server errorout("The KMS host you are using is unable to handle your product. It only supports legacy versions\n"); break; case 0xC004F06C: errorout("The time stamp differs too much from the KMS server time\n"); break; case 0xC004D104: errorout("The security processor reported that invalid data was used\n"); break; case 1: errorout("An RPC protocol error has occured\n"); closeRpc(*s); connectRpc(s); break; default: # if _WIN32 errorout("%s\n", win_strerror(status)); # endif // _WIN32 break; } } static void newIniBackupFile(const char* const restrict fname) { FILE *restrict f = fopen(fname, "wb"); if (!f) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot create %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(error)); exit(error); } if (fclose(f)) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot write to %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(error)); vlmcsd_unlink(fname); exit(error); } } static void updateIniFile(iniFileEpidLines* const restrict lines) { int_fast8_t lineWritten[vlmcsd_countof(*lines)]; # if !_MSC_VER struct stat statbuf; # endif uint_fast8_t i; int_fast8_t iniFileExistedBefore = TRUE; unsigned int lineNumber; memset(lineWritten, FALSE, sizeof(lineWritten)); char* restrict fn_bak = (char*)vlmcsd_malloc(strlen(fn_ini_client) + 2); strcpy(fn_bak, fn_ini_client); strcat(fn_bak, "~"); # if _MSC_VER if (!PathFileExists(fn_ini_client)) { iniFileExistedBefore = FALSE; newIniBackupFile(fn_bak); } # else if (stat(fn_ini_client, &statbuf)) { if (errno != ENOENT) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: %s: %s\n", fn_ini_client, strerror(error)); exit(error); } else { iniFileExistedBefore = FALSE; newIniBackupFile(fn_bak); } } # endif else { vlmcsd_unlink(fn_bak); // Required for Windows. Most Unix systems don't need it. if (rename(fn_ini_client, fn_bak)) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot create %s: %s\n", fn_bak, strerror(error)); exit(error); } } printf("\n%s file %s\n", iniFileExistedBefore ? "Updating" : "Creating", fn_ini_client); FILE *restrict in, *restrict out; in = fopen(fn_bak, "rb"); if (!in) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot open %s: %s\n", fn_bak, strerror(error)); exit(error); } out = fopen(fn_ini_client, "wb"); if (!out) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot create %s: %s\n", fn_ini_client, strerror(error)); exit(error); } char sourceLine[256]; for (lineNumber = 1; fgets(sourceLine, sizeof(sourceLine), in); lineNumber++) { for (i = 0; i < vlmcsd_countof(*lines); i++) { if (*(*lines)[i] && !strncasecmp(sourceLine, (*lines)[i], strlen(ePidGroup[i]))) { if (lineWritten[i]) break; fprintf(out, "%s", (*lines)[i]); printf("line %2i: %s", lineNumber, (*lines)[i]); lineWritten[i] = TRUE; break; } } if (i >= vlmcsd_countof(*lines)) { fprintf(out, "%s", sourceLine); } } if (ferror(in)) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot read from %s: %s\n", fn_bak, strerror(error)); exit(error); } fclose(in); for (i = 0; i < vlmcsd_countof(*lines); i++) { if (!lineWritten[i] && *(*lines)[i]) { fprintf(out, "%s", (*lines)[i]); printf("line %2i: %s", lineNumber + i, (*lines)[i]); } } if (fclose(out)) { int error = errno; errorout("Fatal: Cannot write to %s: %s\n", fn_ini_client, strerror(error)); exit(error); } if (!iniFileExistedBefore) vlmcsd_unlink(fn_bak); free(fn_bak); } static void grabServerData() { RpcCtx s = INVALID_RPCCTX; WORD MajorVer = 6; iniFileEpidLines lines; static char* Licenses[vlmcsd_countof(lines)] = { (char*)"212a64dc-43b1-4d3d-a30c-2fc69d2095c6", // Vista (char*)"e85af946-2e25-47b7-83e1-bebcebeac611", // Office 2010 (char*)"e6a6f1bf-9d40-40c3-aa9f-c77ba21578c0", // Office 2013 (char*)"85b5f61b-320b-4be3-814a-b76b2bfafc82", // Office 2016 }; uint_fast8_t i; int32_t j; RESPONSE response; RESPONSE_RESULT result; REQUEST request; hwid_t hwid; int status; size_t len; for (i = 0; i < vlmcsd_countof(lines); i++) *lines[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < vlmcsd_countof(Licenses) && MajorVer > 3; i++) { GUID guid; string2UuidLE(Licenses[i], &guid); int32_t kmsIndex = getProductIndex(&guid, KmsData->KmsItemList, KmsData->KmsItemCount, NULL, NULL); if (kmsIndex < 0) { errorout("Warning: KMS GUID %s not in database.\n", Licenses[i]); continue; } ActiveProductIndex = ~0; for (j = KmsData->SkuItemCount; j >= 0; j--) { if (KmsData->SkuItemList[j].KmsIndex == kmsIndex) { ActiveProductIndex = j; break; } } if (ActiveProductIndex == ~0) { errorout("Warning: KMS GUID %s not in database.\n", Licenses[i]); continue; } int32_t appIndex = KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].AppIndex; NCountPolicy = (uint32_t)KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].NCountPolicy; memcpy(&SkuGuid, &KmsData->SkuItemList[ActiveProductIndex].Guid, sizeof(GUID)); memcpy(&KmsGuid, &KmsData->KmsItemList[kmsIndex].Guid, sizeof(GUID)); memcpy(&AppGuid, &KmsData->AppItemList[appIndex].Guid, sizeof(GUID)); MajorVersion = (uint16_t)MajorVer; status = sendRequest(&s, &request, &response, hwid, &result); printf("%-11s", ePidGroup[i]); if (status) { displayRequestError(&s, status, i + 7 - MajorVer, 9 - MajorVer); if (status == 1) break; if ((status & 0xF0000000) == 0x80000000) { MajorVer--; i--; } continue; } printf("%i of %i", (int)(i + 7 - MajorVer), (int)(10 - MajorVer)); displayResponse(result, &request, &response, hwid); char ePID[3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (!ucs2_to_utf8(response.KmsPID, ePID, PID_BUFFER_SIZE, 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE)) { memset(ePID + 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE - 3, 0, 3); } vlmcsd_snprintf(lines[i], sizeof(lines[0]), "%s = %s", ePidGroup[i], ePID); if (response.MajorVer > 5) { len = strlen(lines[i]); vlmcsd_snprintf(lines[i] + len, sizeof(lines[0]) - len, " / %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X", hwid[0], hwid[1], hwid[2], hwid[3], hwid[4], hwid[5], hwid[6], hwid[7]); } len = strlen(lines[i]); vlmcsd_snprintf(lines[i] + len, sizeof(lines[0]) - len, "\n"); } if (strcmp(fn_ini_client, "-")) { updateIniFile(&lines); } else { printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < vlmcsd_countof(lines); i++) printf("%s", lines[i]); } } int client_main(int argc, CARGV argv) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(USE_MSRPC) // Windows Sockets must be initialized WSADATA wsadata; int error; if ((error = WSAStartup(0x0202, &wsadata))) { errorout("Fatal: Could not initialize Windows sockets (Error: %d).\n", error); return error; } #endif // _WIN32 #ifdef _NTSERVICE // We are not a service IsNTService = FALSE; #endif // _NTSERVICE randomNumberInit(); //# ifndef NO_EXTERNAL_DATA // ExplicitDataLoad = TRUE; //# endif // NO_EXTERNAL_DATA parseCommandLinePass0(argc, argv); int_fast8_t useDefaultHost = FALSE; if (optind < argc) RemoteAddr = argv[optind]; else useDefaultHost = TRUE; int hostportarg = optind; if (optind < argc - 1) { parseCommandLinePass0(argc - hostportarg, argv + hostportarg); if (optind < argc - hostportarg) clientUsage(argv[0]); } loadKmsData(); if (!KmsData->AppItemCount || !KmsData->SkuItemCount || !KmsData->KmsItemCount) { errorout("Fatal: Incomplete KMS data file\n"); exit(VLMCSD_EINVAL); } parseCommandLinePass1(argc, argv); if (optind < argc - 1) { parseCommandLinePass1(argc - hostportarg, argv + hostportarg); } parseCommandLinePass2(argv[0], argc, argv); if (optind < argc - 1) parseCommandLinePass2(argv[0], argc - hostportarg, argv + hostportarg); if (useDefaultHost) { # ifndef USE_MSRPC RemoteAddr = AddressFamily == AF_INET6 ? "::1" : ""; # else RemoteAddr = ""; # endif } if (fn_ini_client != NULL) grabServerData(); else { int requests; RpcCtx s = INVALID_RPCCTX; for (requests = 0, RequestsToGo = NCountPolicy == 1 ? 1 : NCountPolicy - 1; RequestsToGo; requests++) { RESPONSE response; REQUEST request; RESPONSE_RESULT result; hwid_t hwid; int status = sendRequest(&s, &request, &response, hwid, &result); if (FixedRequests) RequestsToGo = FixedRequests - requests - 1; if (status) { displayRequestError(&s, status, requests + 1, RequestsToGo + requests + 1); if (!FixedRequests) RequestsToGo = 0; } else { if (!FixedRequests) { if (firstRequestSent && NCountPolicy - (int)response.Count >= RequestsToGo) { errorout("\nThe KMS server does not increment it's active clients. Aborting...\n"); RequestsToGo = 0; } else { RequestsToGo = NCountPolicy - response.Count; if (RequestsToGo < 0) RequestsToGo = 0; } } fflush(stderr); printf("%i of %i ", requests + 1, RequestsToGo + requests + 1); displayResponse(result, &request, &response, hwid); firstRequestSent = TRUE; } } } return 0; } // Create Base KMS Client Request static void CreateRequestBase(REQUEST *Request) { Request->MinorVer = LE16(MinorVersion); Request->MajorVer = LE16(MajorVersion); Request->VMInfo = LE32(VMInfo); Request->LicenseStatus = LE32(LicenseStatus); Request->BindingExpiration = LE32(BindingExpiration); Request->N_Policy = LE32(NCountPolicy); memcpy(&Request->ActID, &SkuGuid, sizeof(GUID)); memcpy(&Request->KMSID, &KmsGuid, sizeof(GUID)); memcpy(&Request->AppID, &AppGuid, sizeof(GUID)); getUnixTimeAsFileTime(&Request->ClientTime); { if (CMID) { string2UuidOrExit(CMID, &Request->CMID); } else { get16RandomBytes(&Request->CMID); // Set reserved UUID bits Request->CMID.Data4[0] &= 0x3F; Request->CMID.Data4[0] |= 0x80; // Set UUID type 4 (random UUID) Request->CMID.Data3 &= LE16(0xfff); Request->CMID.Data3 |= LE16(0x4000); } if (CMID_prev) { string2UuidOrExit(CMID_prev, &Request->CMID_prev); } else { memset(&Request->CMID_prev, 0, sizeof(Request->CMID_prev)); } } static const char alphanum[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" /*"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" */; if (WorkstationName) { utf8_to_ucs2(Request->WorkstationName, WorkstationName, WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER, WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3); } else if (dnsnames) { int len, len2; unsigned int index = rand() % vlmcsd_countof(ClientDnsNames.first); len = (int)utf8_to_ucs2(Request->WorkstationName, ClientDnsNames.first[index], WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER, WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3); index = rand() % vlmcsd_countof(ClientDnsNames.second); len2 = (int)utf8_to_ucs2(Request->WorkstationName + len, ClientDnsNames.second[index], WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER, WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3); index = rand() % vlmcsd_countof(ClientDnsNames.tld); utf8_to_ucs2(Request->WorkstationName + len + len2, ClientDnsNames.tld[index], WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER, WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3); } else { unsigned int size = (rand() % 14) + 1; const unsigned char *dummy; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { Request->WorkstationName[i] = utf8_to_ucs2_char((unsigned char*)alphanum + (rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)), &dummy); } Request->WorkstationName[size] = 0; } # ifndef NO_VERBOSE_LOG if (verbose) { printf("\nRequest Parameters\n==================\n\n"); logRequestVerbose(Request, &printf); printf("\n"); } # endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG } #if _MSC_VER && !defined(_DEBUG)&& !MULTI_CALL_BINARY int __stdcall WinStartUp(void) { WCHAR **szArgList; int argc; szArgList = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); int i; char **argv = (char**)vlmcsd_malloc(sizeof(char*)*argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { int size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szArgList[i], -1, argv[i], 0, NULL, NULL); argv[i] = (char*)vlmcsd_malloc(size); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szArgList[i], -1, argv[i], size, NULL, NULL); } exit(client_main(argc, argv)); } #endif // _MSC_VER && !defined(_DEBUG)&& !MULTI_CALL_BINARY #endif // IS_LIBRARY