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Update for Leia (#117) * updated addon.xml for Krypton * default log level is always debug now * added screenshots per krypton format * started new way of defining backup directories * reconfigured simple backup process * added an advanced backup editor and combined settings.xml scripts into a launcher * added strings for advanced editor * there was a function to do this * match excluded with regex * updated def for the addons set * directory has to end in slash to use exists() * added a backup set chooser on restore * added string for restore browser * utilize details to show root folder and icons * save non translated paths, better cross platform support * revert dropbox python 2.6 changes * start of #132 * can't have duplicate ids * updated strings * closes #132 * added a disclaimer for breaking changes * split backup and restore into separate functions * updated scripting to pass in list of sets to restore * beta version * added 2 min delay in startup - part of #147 * forgot to remove debug message * change to wait for abort in case someone tries to close Kodi * add retroplayer game saves to default file list * display restore points with most recent on top * remove length check, breaking change with this version means old archives are no longer compatible * format restore list according to regional settings * this function isn't used anymore, legacy of old file manager * use images folder as default * added note about compatibility * added utils function for regional date, use for scheduler notifications as well * add/remove include and exclude directories to a set * paths should have / at the end * show path relative to root * if in advanced mode allow jumping to editor from launch screen * check that path is within root folder of set * cannot have duplicate set names or rules regarding folders within a set * put strings in correct lang file * beta version bump * accidentally deleted string id * change exclude criteria. Regex was not matching in complex cases * make sure the dest folder (backup set root) exists before writing to it * modify select display to show recursive value for included folders * use a context menu here * added ability to toggle recursion of sub folders * beta 3 * added support doc * wrong branch * don't need this import anymore * don't need these imports * part of #133
2019-08-26 15:40:15 -05:00
import json
2019-08-27 15:01:24 -05:00
from kodi_six import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcvfs
2019-08-27 14:55:22 -05:00
from . import utils as utils
Update for Leia (#117) * updated addon.xml for Krypton * default log level is always debug now * added screenshots per krypton format * started new way of defining backup directories * reconfigured simple backup process * added an advanced backup editor and combined settings.xml scripts into a launcher * added strings for advanced editor * there was a function to do this * match excluded with regex * updated def for the addons set * directory has to end in slash to use exists() * added a backup set chooser on restore * added string for restore browser * utilize details to show root folder and icons * save non translated paths, better cross platform support * revert dropbox python 2.6 changes * start of #132 * can't have duplicate ids * updated strings * closes #132 * added a disclaimer for breaking changes * split backup and restore into separate functions * updated scripting to pass in list of sets to restore * beta version * added 2 min delay in startup - part of #147 * forgot to remove debug message * change to wait for abort in case someone tries to close Kodi * add retroplayer game saves to default file list * display restore points with most recent on top * remove length check, breaking change with this version means old archives are no longer compatible * format restore list according to regional settings * this function isn't used anymore, legacy of old file manager * use images folder as default * added note about compatibility * added utils function for regional date, use for scheduler notifications as well * add/remove include and exclude directories to a set * paths should have / at the end * show path relative to root * if in advanced mode allow jumping to editor from launch screen * check that path is within root folder of set * cannot have duplicate set names or rules regarding folders within a set * put strings in correct lang file * beta version bump * accidentally deleted string id * change exclude criteria. Regex was not matching in complex cases * make sure the dest folder (backup set root) exists before writing to it * modify select display to show recursive value for included folders * use a context menu here * added ability to toggle recursion of sub folders * beta 3 * added support doc * wrong branch * don't need this import anymore * don't need these imports * part of #133
2019-08-26 15:40:15 -05:00
class BackupSetManager:
jsonFile = xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "custom_paths.json")
paths = None
def __init__(self):
self.paths = {}
#try and read in the custom file
def addSet(self,aSet):
self.paths[aSet['name']] = {'root':aSet['root'],'dirs':[{"type":"include","path":aSet['root'],'recurse':True}]}
#save the file
def updateSet(self,name,aSet):
self.paths[name] = aSet
#save the file
def deleteSet(self,index):
#match the index to a key
keys = self.getSets()
#delete this set
del self.paths[keys[index]]
#save the file
def getSets(self):
#list all current sets by name
2019-08-27 14:55:22 -05:00
keys = list(self.paths.keys())
Update for Leia (#117) * updated addon.xml for Krypton * default log level is always debug now * added screenshots per krypton format * started new way of defining backup directories * reconfigured simple backup process * added an advanced backup editor and combined settings.xml scripts into a launcher * added strings for advanced editor * there was a function to do this * match excluded with regex * updated def for the addons set * directory has to end in slash to use exists() * added a backup set chooser on restore * added string for restore browser * utilize details to show root folder and icons * save non translated paths, better cross platform support * revert dropbox python 2.6 changes * start of #132 * can't have duplicate ids * updated strings * closes #132 * added a disclaimer for breaking changes * split backup and restore into separate functions * updated scripting to pass in list of sets to restore * beta version * added 2 min delay in startup - part of #147 * forgot to remove debug message * change to wait for abort in case someone tries to close Kodi * add retroplayer game saves to default file list * display restore points with most recent on top * remove length check, breaking change with this version means old archives are no longer compatible * format restore list according to regional settings * this function isn't used anymore, legacy of old file manager * use images folder as default * added note about compatibility * added utils function for regional date, use for scheduler notifications as well * add/remove include and exclude directories to a set * paths should have / at the end * show path relative to root * if in advanced mode allow jumping to editor from launch screen * check that path is within root folder of set * cannot have duplicate set names or rules regarding folders within a set * put strings in correct lang file * beta version bump * accidentally deleted string id * change exclude criteria. Regex was not matching in complex cases * make sure the dest folder (backup set root) exists before writing to it * modify select display to show recursive value for included folders * use a context menu here * added ability to toggle recursion of sub folders * beta 3 * added support doc * wrong branch * don't need this import anymore * don't need these imports * part of #133
2019-08-26 15:40:15 -05:00
return keys
def getSet(self,index):
keys = self.getSets();
#return the set at this index
return {'name':keys[index],'set':self.paths[keys[index]]}
def validateSetName(self,name):
return (name not in self.getSets())
def _writeFile(self):
#create the custom file
aFile = xbmcvfs.File(self.jsonFile,'w')
def _readFile(self):
#read in the custom file
aFile = xbmcvfs.File(self.jsonFile)
#load custom dirs
self.paths = json.loads(aFile.read())
#write a blank file
class AdvancedBackupEditor:
dialog = None
def __init__(self):
self.dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
def _cleanPath(self,root,path):
return path[len(root)-1:]
def _validatePath(self,root,path):
return path.startswith(root)
def createSet(self):
backupSet = None
name = self.dialog.input(utils.getString(30110),defaultt='Backup Set')
if(name != None):
#give a choice to start in home or enter a root path
enterHome = self.dialog.yesno(utils.getString(30111),line1=utils.getString(30112) + " - " + utils.getString(30114),line2=utils.getString(30113) + " - " + utils.getString(30115),nolabel=utils.getString(30112),yeslabel=utils.getString(30113))
rootFolder = 'special://home'
rootFolder = self.dialog.input(utils.getString(30116),defaultt=rootFolder)
#direcotry has to end in slash
if(rootFolder[:-1] != '/'):
rootFolder = rootFolder + '/'
#check that this path even exists
if(not xbmcvfs.exists(xbmc.translatePath(rootFolder))):
return None
#select path to start set
rootFolder = self.dialog.browse(type=0,heading=utils.getString(30119),shares='files',defaultt=rootFolder)
backupSet = {'name':name,'root':rootFolder}
return backupSet
def editSet(self,name,backupSet):
optionSelected = ''
rootPath = backupSet['root']
while(optionSelected != -1):
options = [xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.getString(30120),"Exclude a specific folder from this backup set"),xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.getString(30135),"Include a specific folder to this backup set"),xbmcgui.ListItem(rootPath,utils.getString(30121))]
for aDir in backupSet['dirs']:
if(aDir['type'] == 'exclude'):
options.append(xbmcgui.ListItem(self._cleanPath(rootPath,aDir['path']),"%s: %s" % ("Type",utils.getString(30129))))
elif(aDir['type'] == 'include'):
options.append(xbmcgui.ListItem(self._cleanPath(rootPath,aDir['path']),"%s: %s | %s: %s" % ("Type",utils.getString(30134),"Include Sub Folders",str(aDir['recurse']))))
optionSelected = self.dialog.select(utils.getString(30122) + ' ' + name,options,useDetails=True)
if(optionSelected == 0 or optionSelected == 1):
#add a folder, will equal root if cancel is hit
addFolder = self.dialog.browse(type=0,heading=utils.getString(30120),shares='files',defaultt=backupSet['root'])
if(not any(addFolder == aDir['path'] for aDir in backupSet['dirs'])):
#cannot add root as an exclusion
if(optionSelected == 0 and addFolder != backupSet['root']):
elif(optionSelected == 1):
#can add root as inclusion
#this path is already part of another include/exclude rule
#folder must be under root folder
self.dialog.ok(utils.getString(30117), utils.getString(30136),rootPath)
elif(optionSelected == 2):
elif(optionSelected > 2):
cOptions = ['Delete']
if(backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['type'] == 'include'):
cOptions.append('Toggle Sub Folders')
contextOption = self.dialog.contextmenu(cOptions)
if(contextOption == 0):
#remove folder
del backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]
elif(contextOption == 1 and backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['type'] == 'include'):
#toggle if this folder should be recursive
backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['recurse'] = not backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['recurse']
return backupSet
def showMainScreen(self):
exitCondition = ""
customPaths = BackupSetManager()
#show this every time
while(exitCondition != -1):
#load the custom paths
options = [xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.getString(30126),'',utils.addon_dir() + '/resources/images/plus-icon.png')]
for index in range(0,len(customPaths.getSets())):
aSet = customPaths.getSet(index)
options.append(xbmcgui.ListItem(aSet['name'],utils.getString(30121) + ': ' + aSet['set']['root'],utils.addon_dir() + '/resources/images/folder-icon.png'))
#show the gui
exitCondition = self.dialog.select(utils.getString(30125),options,useDetails=True)
if(exitCondition >= 0):
if(exitCondition == 0):
newSet = self.createSet()
#check that the name is unique
self.dialog.ok(utils.getString(30117), utils.getString(30138),newSet['name'])
#bring up a context menu
menuOption = self.dialog.contextmenu([utils.getString(30122),utils.getString(30123)])
if(menuOption == 0):
#get the set
aSet = customPaths.getSet(exitCondition -1)
#edit the set
updatedSet = self.editSet(aSet['name'],aSet['set'])
#save it
elif(menuOption == 1):
#delete this path - subtract one because of "add" item
customPaths.deleteSet(exitCondition -1)
def copySimpleConfig(self):
#disclaimer in case the user hit this on accident
shouldContinue = self.dialog.yesno(utils.getString(30139),utils.getString(30140),utils.getString(30141))
source = xbmc.translatePath(utils.addon_dir() + "/resources/data/default_files.json")
dest = xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "/custom_paths.json")