2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
import io
import mimetypes
2017-11-22 15:38:06 -06:00
from googleapiclient import errors
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseUpload
2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
from functools import wraps
from .apiattr import ApiAttribute
from .apiattr import ApiAttributeMixin
from .apiattr import ApiResource
from .apiattr import ApiResourceList
from .auth import LoadAuth
class FileNotUploadedError(RuntimeError):
"""Error trying to access metadata of file that is not uploaded."""
class ApiRequestError(IOError):
"""Error while making any API requests."""
class FileNotDownloadableError(RuntimeError):
"""Error trying to download file that is not downloadable."""
def LoadMetadata(decoratee):
"""Decorator to check if the file has metadata and fetches it if not.
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError
def _decorated(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.uploaded:
return decoratee(self, *args, **kwargs)
return _decorated
class GoogleDriveFileList(ApiResourceList):
"""Google Drive FileList instance.
Equivalent to Files.list() in Drive APIs.
def __init__(self, auth=None, param=None):
"""Create an instance of GoogleDriveFileList."""
super(GoogleDriveFileList, self).__init__(auth=auth, metadata=param)
def _GetList(self):
"""Overwritten method which actually makes API call to list files.
:returns: list -- list of pydrive.files.GoogleDriveFile.
self.metadata = self.auth.service.files().list(**dict(self)).execute()
result = []
for file_metadata in self.metadata['items']:
tmp_file = GoogleDriveFile(
return result
class GoogleDriveFile(ApiAttributeMixin, ApiResource):
"""Google Drive File instance.
Inherits ApiResource which inherits dict.
Can access and modify metadata like dictionary.
content = ApiAttribute('content')
uploaded = ApiAttribute('uploaded')
metadata = ApiAttribute('metadata')
def __init__(self, auth=None, metadata=None, uploaded=False):
"""Create an instance of GoogleDriveFile.
:param auth: authorized GoogleAuth instance.
:type auth: pydrive.auth.GoogleAuth
:param metadata: file resource to initialize GoogleDirveFile with.
:type metadata: dict.
:param uploaded: True if this file is confirmed to be uploaded.
:type uploaded: bool.
self.metadata = {}
self.dirty = {'content': False}
self.auth = auth
self.uploaded = uploaded
if uploaded:
elif metadata:
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Overwrites manner of accessing Files resource.
If this file instance is not uploaded and id is specified,
it will try to look for metadata with Files.get().
:param key: key of dictionary query.
:type key: str.
:returns: value of Files resource
:raises: KeyError, FileNotUploadedError
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
2019-08-19 15:23:48 -05:00
except KeyError as e:
2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
if self.uploaded:
raise KeyError(e)
if self.get('id'):
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
raise FileNotUploadedError()
def SetContentString(self, content):
"""Set content of this file to be a string.
Creates io.BytesIO instance of utf-8 encoded string.
Sets mimeType to be 'text/plain' if not specified.
:param content: content of the file in string.
:type content: str.
self.content = io.BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
if self.get('mimeType') is None:
self['mimeType'] = 'text/plain'
def SetContentFile(self, filename):
"""Set content of this file from a file.
Opens the file specified by this method.
Will be read, uploaded, and closed by Upload() method.
Sets metadata 'title' and 'mimeType' automatically if not specified.
:param filename: name of the file to be uploaded.
:type filename: str.
self.content = open(filename, 'rb')
if self.get('title') is None:
self['title'] = filename
if self.get('mimeType') is None:
self['mimeType'] = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
def GetContentString(self):
"""Get content of this file as a string.
:returns: str -- utf-8 decoded content of the file
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError, FileNotDownloadableError
if self.content is None or type(self.content) is not io.BytesIO:
return self.content.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
def GetContentFile(self, filename, mimetype=None):
"""Save content of this file as a local file.
:param filename: name of the file to write to.
:type filename: str.
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError, FileNotDownloadableError
if self.content is None or type(self.content) is not io.BytesIO:
f = open(filename, 'wb')
def FetchMetadata(self):
"""Download file's metadata from id using Files.get().
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError
file_id = self.metadata.get('id') or self.get('id')
if file_id:
metadata = self.auth.service.files().get(fileId=file_id).execute()
2019-08-19 15:23:48 -05:00
except errors.HttpError as error:
2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
raise ApiRequestError(error)
self.uploaded = True
raise FileNotUploadedError()
def FetchContent(self, mimetype=None):
"""Download file's content from download_url.
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError, FileNotDownloadableError
download_url = self.metadata.get('downloadUrl')
if download_url:
self.content = io.BytesIO(self._DownloadFromUrl(download_url))
self.dirty['content'] = False
export_links = self.metadata.get('exportLinks')
if export_links and export_links.get(mimetype):
self.content = io.BytesIO(
self.dirty['content'] = False
raise FileNotDownloadableError(
'No downloadLink/exportLinks for mimetype found in metadata')
def Upload(self, param=None):
"""Upload/update file by choosing the most efficient method.
:param param: additional parameter to upload file.
:type param: dict.
:raises: ApiRequestError
if self.uploaded or self.get('id') is not None:
if self.dirty['content']:
def Delete(self):
if self.get('id') is not None:
def _FilesInsert(self, param=None):
"""Upload a new file using Files.insert().
:param param: additional parameter to upload file.
:type param: dict.
:raises: ApiRequestError
if param is None:
param = {}
param['body'] = self.GetChanges()
if self.dirty['content']:
param['media_body'] = self._BuildMediaBody()
metadata = self.auth.service.files().insert(**param).execute()
2019-08-19 15:23:48 -05:00
except errors.HttpError as error:
2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
raise ApiRequestError(error)
self.uploaded = True
self.dirty['content'] = False
def _FilesUpdate(self, param=None):
"""Update metadata and/or content using Files.Update().
:param param: additional parameter to upload file.
:type param: dict.
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError
if param is None:
param = {}
param['body'] = self.GetChanges()
param['fileId'] = self.metadata.get('id')
if self.dirty['content']:
param['media_body'] = self._BuildMediaBody()
metadata = self.auth.service.files().update(**param).execute()
2019-08-19 15:23:48 -05:00
except errors.HttpError as error:
2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
raise ApiRequestError(error)
self.uploaded = True
self.dirty['content'] = False
def _FilesPatch(self, param=None):
"""Update metadata using Files.Patch().
:param param: additional parameter to upload file.
:type param: dict.
:raises: ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError
if param is None:
param = {}
param['body'] = self.GetChanges()
param['fileId'] = self.metadata.get('id')
metadata = self.auth.service.files().patch(**param).execute()
2019-08-19 15:23:48 -05:00
except errors.HttpError as error:
2014-10-09 11:31:38 -05:00
raise ApiRequestError(error)
def _BuildMediaBody(self):
"""Build MediaIoBaseUpload to get prepared to upload content of the file.
Sets mimeType as 'application/octet-stream' if not specified.
:returns: MediaIoBaseUpload -- instance that will be used to upload content.
if self.get('mimeType') is None:
self['mimeType'] = 'application/octet-stream'
return MediaIoBaseUpload(self.content, self['mimeType'])
def _DownloadFromUrl(self, url):
"""Download file from url using provided credential.
:param url: link of the file to download.
:type url: str.
:returns: str -- content of downloaded file in string.
:raises: ApiRequestError
resp, content = self.auth.service._http.request(url)
if resp.status != 200:
raise ApiRequestError('Cannot download file: %s' % resp)
return content