mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 14:05:23 +01:00
ui settings restore update
This commit is contained in:
@ -556,3 +556,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt "#30141"
msgid "This will erase any current Advanced Editor settings"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#30148"
msgid "Ask before restoring Kodi UI settings"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#30149"
msgid "Restore Kodi UI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#30150"
msgid "Restore saved Kodi system settings from backup?"
msgstr ""
@ -280,6 +280,12 @@ class XbmcBackup:
# check if settings should be restored from this backup
restoreSettings = utils.getSetting('always_prompt_restore_settings') == 'false'
if(not restoreSettings and 'system_settings' in valFile):
# prompt the user to restore settings yes/no
restoreSettings = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(utils.getString(30149), utils.getString(30150))
#use a multiselect dialog to select sets to restore
restoreSets = [n['name'] for n in valFile['directories']]
@ -313,6 +319,12 @@ class XbmcBackup:
# update the Kodi settings - if we can
if('system_settings' in valFile and restoreSettings):
self.progressBar.updateProgress(98, "Restoring Kodi settings")
gui_settings = GuiSettingsManager()
self.progressBar.updateProgress(99,"Clean up operations .....")
if(self.restore_point.split('.')[-1] == 'zip'):
@ -320,11 +332,6 @@ class XbmcBackup:
self.xbmc_vfs.rmfile(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + self.restore_point))
#update the guisettings information (or what we can from it)
gui_settings = GuiSettingsManager()
#call update addons to refresh everything
@ -468,13 +475,17 @@ class XbmcBackup:
remove_num = remove_num + 1
def _createValidationFile(self,dirList):
valInfo = {"name":"XBMC Backup Validation File","xbmc_version":xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion'),"type":0}
valInfo = {"name":"XBMC Backup Validation File","xbmc_version":xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion'),"type":0, "system_settings": []}
valDirs = []
for aDir in dirList:
valInfo['directories'] = valDirs
# dump all current Kodi settings
gui_settings = GuiSettingsManager()
valInfo['system_settings'] = gui_settings.backup()
vFile = xbmcvfs.File(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "xbmcbackup.val"),'w')
@ -1,73 +1,45 @@
import json
import xbmc,xbmcvfs
from . import utils as utils
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
class GuiSettingsManager:
doc = None
systemSettings = None
def __init__(self):
#first make a copy of the file
xbmcvfs.copy(xbmc.translatePath('special://home/userdata/guisettings.xml'), xbmc.translatePath("special://home/userdata/guisettings.xml.restored"))
# get all of the current Kodi settings
json_response = json.loads(xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"Settings.GetSettings","params":{"level":"expert"}}').decode('utf-8', errors="ignore"))
#read in the copy
self.systemSettings = json_response['result']['settings']
def run(self):
#get a list of all the settings we can manipulate via json
json_response = json.loads(xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"Settings.GetSettings","params":{"level":"advanced"}}').decode('utf-8', errors="ignore"))
def backup(self):
utils.log('Backing up Kodi settings')
settings = json_response['result']['settings']
currentSettings = {}
# return all current settings
return self.systemSettings
for aSetting in settings:
if('value' in aSetting):
currentSettings[aSetting['id']] = aSetting['value']
def restore(self, restoreSettings):
utils.log('Restoring Kodi settings')
#parse the existing xml file and get all the settings we need to restore
restoreSettings = self.__parseNodes(self.doc.getElementsByTagName('setting'))
updateJson = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "Settings.SetSettingValue", "params": {"setting": "", "value": ""}}
#get a list where the restore setting value != the current value
updateSettings = {k: v for k, v in list(restoreSettings.items()) if (k in currentSettings and currentSettings[k] != v)}
# create a setting=value dict of the current settings
settingsDict = {}
for aSetting in self.systemSettings:
# ignore action types, no value
if(aSetting['type'] != 'action'):
settingsDict[aSetting['id']] = aSetting['value']
#go through all the found settings and update them
jsonObj = {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Settings.SetSettingValue","params":{"setting":"","value":""}}
for anId, aValue in list(updateSettings.items()):
utils.log("updating: " + anId + ", value: " + str(aValue))
restoreCount = 0
for aSetting in restoreSettings:
# only update a setting if its different than the current (action types have no value)
if(aSetting['type'] != 'action' and settingsDict[aSetting['id']] != aSetting['value']):
utils.log('%s different than current: %s' % (aSetting['id'], str(aSetting['value'])), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
jsonObj['params']['setting'] = anId
jsonObj['params']['value'] = aValue
def __parseNodes(self,nodeList):
result = {}
for node in nodeList:
nodeValue = ''
if(node.firstChild != None):
nodeValue = node.firstChild.nodeValue
#check for numbers and booleans
nodeValue = int(nodeValue)
elif(nodeValue == 'true'):
nodeValue = True
elif(nodeValue == 'false'):
nodeValue = False
result[node.getAttribute('id')] = nodeValue
return result
def _readFile(self,fileLoc):
self.doc = minidom.parse(fileLoc)
except ExpatError:
utils.log("Can't read " + fileLoc)
updateJson['params']['setting'] = aSetting['id']
updateJson['params']['value'] = aSetting['value']
restoreCount = restoreCount + 1
utils.log('Update %d settings' % restoreCount)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<category id="general" label="30011">
<setting id="compress_backups" type="bool" label="30087" default="false" />
<setting id="backup_rotation" type="number" label="30026" default="0" />
<setting id="always_prompt_restore_settings" type="bool" label="30148" default="false" />
<setting id="progress_mode" type="enum" label="30022" lvalues="30082|30083|30084" default="0" />
<setting id="upgrade_notes" type="number" label="upgrade_notes" visible="false" default="1" />
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