import urlparse import xbmcgui import resources.lib.utils as utils from resources.lib.backup import XbmcBackup def get_params(): param = {} if(len(sys.argv) > 1): for i in sys.argv: args = i if(args.startswith('?')): args = args[1:] param.update(dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(args))) return param #the program mode mode = -1 params = get_params() if("mode" in params): if(params['mode'] == 'backup'): mode = 0 elif(params['mode'] == 'restore'): mode = 1 #if mode wasn't passed in as arg, get from user if(mode == -1): #figure out if this is a backup or a restore from the user mode = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(utils.getString(30010) + " - " + utils.getString(30023),[utils.getString(30016),utils.getString(30017),utils.getString(30099)]) #check if program should be run if(mode != -1): #run the profile backup backup = XbmcBackup() if(mode == 2): #open the settings dialog utils.openSettings() elif(backup.remoteConfigured()): if(mode == backup.Restore): #get list of valid restore points restorePoints = backup.listBackups() pointNames = [] folderNames = [] for aDir in restorePoints: pointNames.append(aDir[1]) folderNames.append(aDir[0]) selectedRestore = -1 if("archive" in params): #check that the user give archive exists if(params['archive'] in folderNames): #set the index selectedRestore = folderNames.index(params['archive']) utils.log(str(selectedRestore) + " : " + params['archive']) else: utils.showNotification(utils.getString(30045)) utils.log(params['archive'] + ' is not a valid restore point') else: #allow user to select the backup to restore from selectedRestore = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(utils.getString(30010) + " - " + utils.getString(30021),pointNames) if(selectedRestore != -1): backup.selectRestore(restorePoints[selectedRestore][0]) else: #can't go any further xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(utils.getString(30010),utils.getString(30045)) utils.openSettings()