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Serializers for Stone data types.
Currently, only JSON is officially supported, but there's an experimental
msgpack integration. If possible, serializers should be kept separate from the
RPC format.
This module should be dropped into a project that requires the use of Stone. In
the future, this could be imported from a pre-installed Python package, rather
than being added to a project.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import base64
import collections
import datetime
import functools
import json
import re
import six
import time
from . import stone_base as bb # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import
from . import stone_validators as bv
except (SystemError, ValueError):
# Catch errors raised when importing a relative module when not in a package.
# This makes testing this file directly (outside of a package) easier.
import stone_validators as bb # type: ignore # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import
import stone_validators as bv # type: ignore
_MYPY = False
if _MYPY:
import typing # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=import-error,unused-import,useless-suppression
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class StoneEncoderInterface(object):
Interface defining a stone object encoder.
def encode(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Validator, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Validate ``value`` using ``validator`` and return the encoding.
validator: the ``stone_validators.Validator`` used to validate
value: the object to encode
The encoded object. This is implementation-defined.
stone_validators.ValidationError: Raised if ``value`` (or one
of its sub-values).
raise NotImplementedError
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class StoneSerializerBase(StoneEncoderInterface):
def __init__(self, alias_validators=None):
# type: (typing.Mapping[bv.Validator, typing.Callable[[typing.Any], None]]) -> None
Constructor, `obviously
alias_validators (``typing.Mapping``, optional): A mapping of
custom validation callables in the format
typing.Callable[[typing.Any], None], ...}``. These callables must
raise a ``stone_validators.ValidationError`` on failure.
Defaults to ``None``.
self._alias_validators = {} # type: typing.Dict[bv.Validator, typing.Callable[[typing.Any], None]] # noqa: E501
if alias_validators is not None:
def alias_validators(self):
A ``typing.Mapping`` of custom validation callables in the format
``{stone_validators.Validator: typing.Callable[typing.Any],
return self._alias_validators
def encode(self, validator, value):
return self.encode_sub(validator, value)
def encode_sub(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Validator, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback intended to be called by other ``encode`` methods to
delegate encoding of sub-values. Arguments have the same semantics
as with the ``encode`` method.
if isinstance(validator, bv.List):
# Because Lists are mutable, we always validate them during
# serialization
validate_f = validator.validate
encode_f = self.encode_list
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Map):
# Also validate maps during serialization because they are also mutable
validate_f = validator.validate
encode_f = self.encode_map
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Nullable):
validate_f = validator.validate
encode_f = self.encode_nullable
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Primitive):
validate_f = validator.validate
encode_f = self.encode_primitive
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Struct):
if isinstance(validator, bv.StructTree):
validate_f = validator.validate
encode_f = self.encode_struct_tree
# Fields are already validated on assignment
validate_f = validator.validate_type_only
encode_f = self.encode_struct
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Union):
# Fields are already validated on assignment
validate_f = validator.validate_type_only
encode_f = self.encode_union
raise bv.ValidationError('Unsupported data type {}'.format(type(validator).__name__))
return encode_f(validator, value)
def encode_list(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.List, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.List``. Arguments
have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_map(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Map, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.Map``. Arguments
have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_nullable(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Nullable, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.Nullable``.
Arguments have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_primitive(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Primitive, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.Primitive``.
Arguments have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_struct(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Struct, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.Struct``. Arguments
have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_struct_tree(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.StructTree, typing.Any) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.StructTree``.
Arguments have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_union(self, validator, value):
# type: (bv.Union, bb.Union) -> typing.Any
Callback for serializing a ``stone_validators.Union``. Arguments
have the same semantics as with the ``encode`` method.
raise NotImplementedError
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class StoneToPythonPrimitiveSerializer(StoneSerializerBase):
def __init__(self, alias_validators=None, for_msgpack=False, old_style=False):
# type: (typing.Mapping[bv.Validator, typing.Callable[[typing.Any], None]], bool, bool) -> None # noqa: E501
alias_validators (``typing.Mapping``, optional): Passed
to ``StoneSerializer.__init__``. Defaults to ``None``.
for_msgpack (bool, optional): See the like-named property.
Defaults to ``False``.
old_style (bool, optional): See the like-named property.
Defaults to ``False``.
super(StoneToPythonPrimitiveSerializer, self).__init__(alias_validators=alias_validators)
self._for_msgpack = for_msgpack
self._old_style = old_style
def for_msgpack(self):
EXPERIMENTAL: A flag associated with the serializer indicating
whether objects produced by the ``encode`` method should be
encoded for msgpack.
return self._for_msgpack
def old_style(self):
A flag associated with the serializer indicating whether objects
produced by the ``encode`` method should be encoded according to
Dropbox's old or new API styles.
return self._old_style
def encode_list(self, validator, value):
validated_value = validator.validate(value)
return [self.encode_sub(validator.item_validator, value_item) for value_item in
def encode_map(self, validator, value):
validated_value = validator.validate(value)
return {
self.encode_sub(validator.key_validator, key):
self.encode_sub(validator.value_validator, value) for
key, value in validated_value.items()
def encode_nullable(self, validator, value):
if value is None:
return None
return self.encode_sub(validator.validator, value)
def encode_primitive(self, validator, value):
if validator in self.alias_validators:
if isinstance(validator, bv.Void):
return None
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Timestamp):
return _strftime(value, validator.format)
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Bytes):
if self.for_msgpack:
return value
return base64.b64encode(value).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(validator, bv.Integer) \
and isinstance(value, bool):
# bool is sub-class of int so it passes Integer validation,
# but we want the bool to be encoded as ``0`` or ``1``, rather
# than ``False`` or ``True``, respectively
return int(value)
return value
def encode_struct(self, validator, value):
# Skip validation of fields with primitive data types because
# they've already been validated on assignment
d = collections.OrderedDict() # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
for field_name, field_validator in validator.definition._all_fields_:
field_value = getattr(value, field_name)
except AttributeError as exc:
raise bv.ValidationError(exc.args[0])
presence_key = '_%s_present' % field_name
if field_value is not None \
and getattr(value, presence_key):
# Only serialize struct fields that have been explicitly
# set, even if there is a default
d[field_name] = self.encode_sub(field_validator, field_value)
except bv.ValidationError as exc:
return d
def encode_struct_tree(self, validator, value):
assert type(value) in validator.definition._pytype_to_tag_and_subtype_, \
'%r is not a serializable subtype of %r.' % (type(value), validator.definition)
tags, subtype = validator.definition._pytype_to_tag_and_subtype_[type(value)]
assert len(tags) == 1, tags
assert not isinstance(subtype, bv.StructTree), \
'Cannot serialize type %r because it enumerates subtypes.' % subtype.definition
if self.old_style:
d = {
tags[0]: self.encode_struct(subtype, value),
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d['.tag'] = tags[0]
d.update(self.encode_struct(subtype, value))
return d
def encode_union(self, validator, value):
if value._tag is None:
raise bv.ValidationError('no tag set')
field_validator = validator.definition._tagmap[value._tag]
is_none = isinstance(field_validator, bv.Void) \
or (isinstance(field_validator, bv.Nullable)
and value._value is None)
def encode_sub(sub_validator, sub_value, parent_tag):
encoded_val = self.encode_sub(sub_validator, sub_value)
except bv.ValidationError as exc:
return encoded_val
if self.old_style:
if field_validator is None:
return value._tag
elif is_none:
return value._tag
encoded_val = encode_sub(field_validator, value._value, value._tag)
return {value._tag: encoded_val}
elif is_none:
return {'.tag': value._tag}
encoded_val = encode_sub(field_validator, value._value, value._tag)
if isinstance(field_validator, bv.Nullable):
# We've already checked for the null case above,
# so now we're only interested in what the
# wrapped validator is
field_validator = field_validator.validator
if isinstance(field_validator, bv.Struct) \
and not isinstance(field_validator, bv.StructTree):
d = collections.OrderedDict() # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
d['.tag'] = value._tag
return d
return collections.OrderedDict((
('.tag', value._tag),
(value._tag, encoded_val),
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class StoneToJsonSerializer(StoneToPythonPrimitiveSerializer):
def encode(self, validator, value):
return json.dumps(super(StoneToJsonSerializer, self).encode(validator, value))
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# JSON Encoder
# These interfaces are preserved for backward compatibility and symmetry with deserialization
# functions.
def json_encode(data_type, obj, alias_validators=None, old_style=False):
"""Encodes an object into JSON based on its type.
data_type (Validator): Validator for obj.
obj (object): Object to be serialized.
alias_validators (Optional[Mapping[bv.Validator, Callable[[], None]]]):
Custom validation functions. These must raise bv.ValidationError on
str: JSON-encoded object.
This function will also do additional validation that wasn't done by the
objects themselves:
1. The passed in obj may not have been validated with data_type yet.
2. If an object that should be a Struct was assigned to a field, its
type has been validated, but the presence of all required fields
hasn't been.
3. If an object that should be a Union was assigned to a field, whether
or not a tag has been set has not been validated.
4. A list may have passed validation initially, but been mutated since.
Example of serializing a struct to JSON:
struct FileRef
path String
rev String
> fr = FileRef()
> fr.path = 'a/b/c'
> fr.rev = '1234'
> JsonEncoder.encode(fr)
"{'path': 'a/b/c', 'rev': '1234'}"
Example of serializing a union to JSON:
union UploadMode
update FileRef
> um = UploadMode()
> um.set_add()
> JsonEncoder.encode(um)
> um.update = fr
> JsonEncoder.encode(um)
"{'update': {'path': 'a/b/c', 'rev': '1234'}}"
for_msgpack = False
serializer = StoneToJsonSerializer(alias_validators, for_msgpack, old_style)
return serializer.encode(data_type, obj)
def json_compat_obj_encode(
data_type, obj, alias_validators=None, old_style=False,
"""Encodes an object into a JSON-compatible dict based on its type.
data_type (Validator): Validator for obj.
obj (object): Object to be serialized.
An object that when passed to json.dumps() will produce a string
giving the JSON-encoded object.
See json_encode() for additional information about validation.
serializer = StoneToPythonPrimitiveSerializer(alias_validators, for_msgpack, old_style)
return serializer.encode(data_type, obj)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# JSON Decoder
def json_decode(
data_type, serialized_obj, alias_validators=None, strict=True,
"""Performs the reverse operation of json_encode.
data_type (Validator): Validator for serialized_obj.
serialized_obj (str): The JSON string to deserialize.
alias_validators (Optional[Mapping[bv.Validator, Callable[[], None]]]):
Custom validation functions. These must raise bv.ValidationError on
strict (bool): If strict, then unknown struct fields will raise an
error, and unknown union variants will raise an error even if a
catch all field is specified. strict should only be used by a
recipient of serialized JSON if it's guaranteed that its Stone
specs are at least as recent as the senders it receives messages
The returned object depends on the input data_type.
- Boolean -> bool
- Bytes -> bytes
- Float -> float
- Integer -> long
- List -> list
- Map -> dict
- Nullable -> None or its wrapped type.
- String -> unicode (PY2) or str (PY3)
- Struct -> An instance of its definition attribute.
- Timestamp -> datetime.datetime
- Union -> An instance of its definition attribute.
deserialized_obj = json.loads(serialized_obj)
except ValueError:
raise bv.ValidationError('could not decode input as JSON')
return json_compat_obj_decode(
data_type, deserialized_obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style)
def json_compat_obj_decode(
data_type, obj, alias_validators=None, strict=True, old_style=False,
Decodes a JSON-compatible object based on its data type into a
representative Python object.
data_type (Validator): Validator for serialized_obj.
obj: The JSON-compatible object to decode based on data_type.
strict (bool): If strict, then unknown struct fields will raise an
error, and unknown union variants will raise an error even if a
catch all field is specified. See json_decode() for more.
See json_decode().
if isinstance(data_type, bv.Primitive):
return _make_stone_friendly(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, True, for_msgpack)
return _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack)
def _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack):
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
if isinstance(data_type, bv.StructTree):
return _decode_struct_tree(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack)
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Struct):
return _decode_struct(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack)
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Union):
if old_style:
return _decode_union_old(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack)
return _decode_union(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack)
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.List):
return _decode_list(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack)
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Map):
return _decode_map(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack)
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Nullable):
return _decode_nullable(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack)
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Primitive):
# Set validate to false because validation will be done by the
# containing struct or union when the field is assigned.
return _make_stone_friendly(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, False, for_msgpack)
raise AssertionError('Cannot handle type %r.' % data_type)
def _decode_struct(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a Struct.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
if obj is None and data_type.has_default():
return data_type.get_default()
elif not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise bv.ValidationError('expected object, got %s' %
if strict:
for key in obj:
if (key not in data_type.definition._all_field_names_ and
not key.startswith('.tag')):
raise bv.ValidationError("unknown field '%s'" % key)
ins = data_type.definition()
ins, data_type.definition._all_fields_, obj, alias_validators, strict,
old_style, for_msgpack)
# Check that all required fields have been set.
return ins
def _decode_struct_fields(
ins, fields, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack):
ins: An instance of the class representing the data type being decoded.
The object will have its fields set.
fields: A tuple of (field_name: str, field_validator: Validator)
obj (dict): JSON-compatible dict that is being decoded.
strict (bool): See :func:`json_compat_obj_decode`.
None: `ins` has its fields set based on the contents of `obj`.
for name, field_data_type in fields:
if name in obj:
v = _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
field_data_type, obj[name], alias_validators, strict,
old_style, for_msgpack)
setattr(ins, name, v)
except bv.ValidationError as e:
elif field_data_type.has_default():
setattr(ins, name, field_data_type.get_default())
def _decode_union(data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a Union.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
val = None
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
# Handles the shorthand format where the union is serialized as only
# the string of the tag.
tag = obj
if tag in data_type.definition._tagmap:
val_data_type = data_type.definition._tagmap[tag]
if not isinstance(val_data_type, (bv.Void, bv.Nullable)):
raise bv.ValidationError(
"expected object for '%s', got symbol" % tag)
if tag == data_type.definition._catch_all:
raise bv.ValidationError(
"unexpected use of the catch-all tag '%s'" % tag)
if not strict and data_type.definition._catch_all:
tag = data_type.definition._catch_all
raise bv.ValidationError("unknown tag '%s'" % tag)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
tag, val = _decode_union_dict(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack)
raise bv.ValidationError("expected string or object, got %s" %
return data_type.definition(tag, val)
def _decode_union_dict(data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack):
if '.tag' not in obj:
raise bv.ValidationError("missing '.tag' key")
tag = obj['.tag']
if not isinstance(tag, six.string_types):
raise bv.ValidationError(
'tag must be string, got %s' % bv.generic_type_name(tag))
if tag not in data_type.definition._tagmap:
if not strict and data_type.definition._catch_all:
return data_type.definition._catch_all, None
raise bv.ValidationError("unknown tag '%s'" % tag)
if tag == data_type.definition._catch_all:
raise bv.ValidationError(
"unexpected use of the catch-all tag '%s'" % tag)
val_data_type = data_type.definition._tagmap[tag]
if isinstance(val_data_type, bv.Nullable):
val_data_type = val_data_type.validator
nullable = True
nullable = False
if isinstance(val_data_type, bv.Void):
if strict:
# In strict mode, ensure there are no extraneous keys set. In
# non-strict mode, we accept that other keys may be set due to a
# change of the void type to another.
if tag in obj:
if obj[tag] is not None:
raise bv.ValidationError('expected null, got %s' %
for key in obj:
if key != tag and key != '.tag':
raise bv.ValidationError("unexpected key '%s'" % key)
val = None
elif isinstance(val_data_type,
(bv.Primitive, bv.List, bv.StructTree, bv.Union, bv.Map)):
if tag in obj:
raw_val = obj[tag]
val = _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
val_data_type, raw_val, alias_validators, strict, False, for_msgpack)
except bv.ValidationError as e:
# Check no other keys
if nullable:
val = None
raise bv.ValidationError("missing '%s' key" % tag)
for key in obj:
if key != tag and key != '.tag':
raise bv.ValidationError("unexpected key '%s'" % key)
elif isinstance(val_data_type, bv.Struct):
if nullable and len(obj) == 1: # only has a .tag key
val = None
# assume it's not null
raw_val = obj
val = _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
val_data_type, raw_val, alias_validators, strict, False,
except bv.ValidationError as e:
assert False, type(val_data_type)
return tag, val
def _decode_union_old(data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a Union.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
val = None
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
# Union member has no associated value
tag = obj
if tag in data_type.definition._tagmap:
val_data_type = data_type.definition._tagmap[tag]
if not isinstance(val_data_type, (bv.Void, bv.Nullable)):
raise bv.ValidationError(
"expected object for '%s', got symbol" % tag)
if not strict and data_type.definition._catch_all:
tag = data_type.definition._catch_all
raise bv.ValidationError("unknown tag '%s'" % tag)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
# Union member has value
if len(obj) != 1:
raise bv.ValidationError('expected 1 key, got %s' % len(obj))
tag = list(obj)[0]
raw_val = obj[tag]
if tag in data_type.definition._tagmap:
val_data_type = data_type.definition._tagmap[tag]
if isinstance(val_data_type, bv.Nullable) and raw_val is None:
val = None
elif isinstance(val_data_type, bv.Void):
if raw_val is None or not strict:
# If raw_val is None, then this is the more verbose
# representation of a void union member. If raw_val isn't
# None, then maybe the spec has changed, so check if we're
# in strict mode.
val = None
raise bv.ValidationError('expected null, got %s' %
val = _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
val_data_type, raw_val, alias_validators, strict, True,
except bv.ValidationError as e:
if not strict and data_type.definition._catch_all:
tag = data_type.definition._catch_all
raise bv.ValidationError("unknown tag '%s'" % tag)
raise bv.ValidationError("expected string or object, got %s" %
return data_type.definition(tag, val)
def _decode_struct_tree(data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a StructTree.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
subtype = _determine_struct_tree_subtype(data_type, obj, strict)
return _decode_struct(
subtype, obj, alias_validators, strict, False, for_msgpack)
def _determine_struct_tree_subtype(data_type, obj, strict):
Searches through the JSON-object-compatible dict using the data type
definition to determine which of the enumerated subtypes `obj` is.
if '.tag' not in obj:
raise bv.ValidationError("missing '.tag' key")
if not isinstance(obj['.tag'], six.string_types):
raise bv.ValidationError('expected string, got %s' %
# Find the subtype the tags refer to
full_tags_tuple = (obj['.tag'],)
if full_tags_tuple in data_type.definition._tag_to_subtype_:
subtype = data_type.definition._tag_to_subtype_[full_tags_tuple]
if isinstance(subtype, bv.StructTree):
raise bv.ValidationError("tag '%s' refers to non-leaf subtype" %
return subtype
if strict:
# In strict mode, the entirety of the tag hierarchy should
# point to a known subtype.
raise bv.ValidationError("unknown subtype '%s'" %
# If subtype was not found, use the base.
if data_type.definition._is_catch_all_:
return data_type
raise bv.ValidationError(
"unknown subtype '%s' and '%s' is not a catch-all" %
('.'.join(full_tags_tuple), data_type.definition.__name__))
def _decode_list(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a List.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
if not isinstance(obj, list):
raise bv.ValidationError(
'expected list, got %s' % bv.generic_type_name(obj))
return [
data_type.item_validator, item, alias_validators, strict,
old_style, for_msgpack)
for item in obj]
def _decode_map(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a Map.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise bv.ValidationError(
'expected dict, got %s' % bv.generic_type_name(obj))
return {
data_type.key_validator, key, alias_validators, strict,
old_style, for_msgpack):
data_type.value_validator, value, alias_validators, strict,
old_style, for_msgpack)
for key, value in obj.items()
def _decode_nullable(
data_type, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style, for_msgpack):
The data_type argument must be a Nullable.
See json_compat_obj_decode() for argument descriptions.
if obj is not None:
return _json_compat_obj_decode_helper(
data_type.validator, obj, alias_validators, strict, old_style,
return None
def _make_stone_friendly(
data_type, val, alias_validators, strict, validate, for_msgpack):
Convert a Python object to a type that will pass validation by its
Validation by ``alias_validators`` is performed even if ``validate`` is
fix found at:
if isinstance(data_type, bv.Timestamp):
ret = datetime.datetime.strptime(val, data_type.format)
#print("datetime.datetime.strptime(val, data_type.format) returned NoneType. Trying alterntive")
ret = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(val, data_type.format)[0:6]))
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
raise bv.ValidationError(e.args[0])
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Bytes):
if for_msgpack:
if isinstance(val, six.text_type):
ret = val.encode('utf-8')
ret = val
ret = base64.b64decode(val)
except TypeError:
raise bv.ValidationError('invalid base64-encoded bytes')
elif isinstance(data_type, bv.Void):
if strict and val is not None:
raise bv.ValidationError("expected null, got value")
return None
if validate:
ret = val
if alias_validators is not None and data_type in alias_validators:
return ret
# Adapted from:
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/306860-proleptic-gregorian-dates-and-strftime-before-1900/
# Remove the unsupposed "%s" command. But don't do it if there's an odd
# number of %s before the s because those are all escaped. Can't simply
# remove the s because the result of %sY should be %Y if %s isn't
# supported, not the 4 digit year.
_ILLEGAL_S = re.compile(r'((^|[^%])(%%)*%s)')
def _findall(text, substr):
# Also finds overlaps
sites = []
i = 0
while 1:
j = text.find(substr, i)
if j == -1:
i = j + 1
return sites
# Every 28 years the calendar repeats, except through century leap years
# where it's 6 years. But only if you're using the Gregorian calendar. ;)
def _strftime(dt, fmt):
return dt.strftime(fmt)
except ValueError:
if not six.PY2 or dt.year > 1900:
if _ILLEGAL_S.search(fmt):
raise TypeError("This strftime implementation does not handle %s")
year = dt.year
# For every non-leap year century, advance by 6 years to get into the
# 28-year repeat cycle
delta = 2000 - year
off = 6 * (delta // 100 + delta // 400)
year = year + off
# Move to around the year 2000
year = year + ((2000 - year) // 28) * 28
timetuple = dt.timetuple()
s1 = time.strftime(fmt, (year,) + timetuple[1:])
sites1 = _findall(s1, str(year))
s2 = time.strftime(fmt, (year + 28,) + timetuple[1:])
sites2 = _findall(s2, str(year + 28))
sites = []
for site in sites1:
if site in sites2:
s = s1
syear = '%4d' % (dt.year,)
for site in sites:
s = s[:site] + syear + s[site + 4:]
return s
import msgpack
except ImportError:
msgpack_compat_obj_encode = functools.partial(json_compat_obj_encode,
def msgpack_encode(data_type, obj):
return msgpack.dumps(
msgpack_compat_obj_encode(data_type, obj), encoding='utf-8')
msgpack_compat_obj_decode = functools.partial(json_compat_obj_decode,
def msgpack_decode(
data_type, serialized_obj, alias_validators=None, strict=True):
# We decode everything as utf-8 because we want all object keys to be
# unicode. Otherwise, we need to do a lot more refactoring to make
# json/msgpack share the same code. We expect byte arrays to fail
# decoding, but when they don't, we have to convert them to bytes.
deserialized_obj = msgpack.loads(
serialized_obj, encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='ignore')
return msgpack_compat_obj_decode(
data_type, deserialized_obj, alias_validators, strict)