# Super-Vision :eyeglasses: [![Project Incubating](https://docs.outscale.com/fr/userguide/_images/Project-Incubating-blue.svg)](https://docs.outscale.com/en/userguide/Open-Source-Projects.html) ## Description Super-Vision is a monitoring dashboard for Zabbix. Tested for Zabbix 4.4.10 and 6.2 ![](super-vision-example.png) ## Prerequisites You will need [Python 3.6+](https://www.python.org/) or later. - gcc - python3-devel ## Installation It is a good practice to create a dedicated virtualenv first. Even if it usually won't harm to install Python libraries directly on the system, better to contain dependencies in a virtual environment. - Clone this repository - Change directory ``` cd super-vision ``` - Create a virtualenv ``` python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate ``` - Install Python packages ``` pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Usage Fill the settings.py file with your informations about Zabbix server IP, severity ... ``` cd zabbix_super_vision uvicorn --host --port 8003 super_server:app ``` ### TV Mode You can use the TV Mode :tv: to remove the menu from the page by adding /tv/ in your URL. _Example:_ ### MOTD You can write a message which will be displayed for ALL host groups or only one with a different severity (Info, Warning, Disaster) by clicking on the button :speech_balloon: ### Multi Team You can display multi host groups on the same page by adding a "+" between them. _Example:_ ## Contributing - If you think you've found a bug in the code or you have a question regarding the usage of this software, please reach out to us by opening an issue in this GitHub repository. - Contributions to this project are welcome: if you want to add a feature or a fix a bug, please do so by opening a Pull Request in this GitHub repository. In case of feature contribution, we kindly ask you to open an issue to discuss it beforehand. ## License > Copyright Outscale SAS > > BSD-3-Clause