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synced 2025-03-12 14:45:25 +01:00
Removed version-based CVE information. (#240)
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,9 +30,8 @@
- analyze SSH client configuration;
- grab banner, recognize device or software and operating system, detect compression;
- gather key-exchange, host-key, encryption and message authentication code algorithms;
- output algorithm information (available since, removed/disabled, unsafe/weak/legacy, etc);
- output algorithm security information (available since, removed/disabled, unsafe/weak/legacy, etc);
- output algorithm recommendations (append or remove based on recognized software version);
- output security information (related issues, assigned CVE list, etc);
- analyze SSH version compatibility based on algorithm information;
- historical information from OpenSSH, Dropbear SSH and libssh;
- policy scans to ensure adherence to a hardened/standard configuration;
@ -226,6 +225,7 @@ For convenience, a web front-end on top of the command-line tool is available at
- Added IPv6 support for DHEat and connection rate tests.
- Added TCP port information to JSON policy scan results; credit [Fabian Malte Kopp](https://github.com/dreizehnutters).
- Added LANcom LCOS server recognition and Ed448 key extraction; credit [Daniel Lenski](https://github.com/dlenskiSB).
- Removed CVE information based on server/client version numbers, as this was wildly inaccurate (see [this thread](https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit/issues/240) for the full discussion, as well as the results of the community vote on this matter).
- Fixed crash when running with `-P` and `-T` options simultaneously.
- Fixed host key tests from only reporting a key type at most once despite multiple hosts supporting it; credit [Daniel Lenski](https://github.com/dlenskiSB).
- Fixed DHEat connection rate testing on MacOS X and BSD platforms; credit [Drew Noel](https://github.com/drewmnoel) and [Michael Osipov](https://github.com/michael-o).
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ from ssh_audit.ssh2_kex import SSH2_Kex
from ssh_audit.ssh2_kexdb import SSH2_KexDB
from ssh_audit.ssh_socket import SSH_Socket
from ssh_audit.utils import Utils
from ssh_audit.versionvulnerabilitydb import VersionVulnerabilityDB
# no_idna_workaround = False
@ -273,65 +272,18 @@ def output_compatibility(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, client_audit: bool
out.good('(gen) compatibility: ' + ', '.join(comp_text))
def output_security_sub(out: OutputBuffer, sub: str, software: Optional[Software], client_audit: bool, padlen: int) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]:
ret: List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]] = []
secdb = VersionVulnerabilityDB.CVE if sub == 'cve' else VersionVulnerabilityDB.TXT
if software is None or software.product not in secdb:
return ret
for line in secdb[software.product]:
vfrom: str = ''
vtill: str = ''
vfrom, vtill = line[0:2]
if not software.between_versions(vfrom, vtill):
target: int = 0
name: str = ''
target, name = line[2:4]
is_server = target & 1 == 1
is_client = target & 2 == 2
# is_local = target & 4 == 4
# If this security entry applies only to servers, but we're testing a client, then skip it. Similarly, skip entries that apply only to clients, but we're testing a server.
if (is_server and not is_client and client_audit) or (is_client and not is_server and not client_audit):
p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name))
if sub == 'cve':
cvss: float = 0.0
descr: str = ''
cvss, descr = line[4:6]
# Critical CVSS scores (>= 8.0) are printed as a fail, otherwise they are printed as a warning.
out_func = out.warn
if cvss >= 8.0:
out_func = out.fail
out_func('(cve) {}{} -- (CVSSv2: {}) {}'.format(name, p, cvss, descr))
ret.append({'name': name, 'cvssv2': cvss, 'description': descr})
descr = line[4]
out.fail('(sec) {}{} -- {}'.format(name, p, descr))
return ret
def output_security(out: OutputBuffer, banner: Optional[Banner], client_audit: bool, padlen: int, is_json_output: bool) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]:
cves = []
def output_security(out: OutputBuffer, banner: Optional[Banner], padlen: int, is_json_output: bool) -> None:
with out:
if banner is not None:
software = Software.parse(banner)
cves = output_security_sub(out, 'cve', software, client_audit, padlen)
_ = output_security_sub(out, 'txt', software, client_audit, padlen)
if banner.protocol[0] == 1:
p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - 14)
out.fail('(sec) SSH v1 enabled{} -- SSH v1 can be exploited to recover plaintext passwords'.format(p))
if (banner is not None) and (banner.protocol[0] == 1):
p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - 14)
out.fail('(sec) SSH v1 enabled{} -- SSH v1 can be exploited to recover plaintext passwords'.format(p))
if not out.is_section_empty() and not is_json_output:
out.head('# security')
return cves
def output_fingerprints(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, is_json_output: bool) -> None:
with out:
@ -384,31 +336,6 @@ def output_fingerprints(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, is_json_output: boo
def output_recommendations(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list: List[str], software: Optional[Software], is_json_output: bool, padlen: int = 0) -> bool:
ret = True
# PuTTY's algorithms cannot be modified, so there's no point in issuing recommendations.
if (software is not None) and (software.product == Product.PuTTY):
max_vuln_version = 0.0
max_cvssv2_severity = 0.0
# Search the CVE database for the most recent vulnerable version and the max CVSSv2 score.
for cve_list in VersionVulnerabilityDB.CVE['PuTTY']:
vuln_version = float(cve_list[1])
cvssv2_severity = cve_list[4]
max_vuln_version = max(vuln_version, max_vuln_version)
max_cvssv2_severity = max(cvssv2_severity, max_cvssv2_severity)
fn = out.warn
if max_cvssv2_severity > 8.0:
fn = out.fail
# Assuming that PuTTY versions will always increment by 0.01, we can calculate the first safe version by adding 0.01 to the latest vulnerable version.
current_version = float(software.version)
upgrade_to_version = max_vuln_version + 0.01
if current_version < upgrade_to_version:
out.head('# recommendations')
fn('(rec) Upgrade to PuTTY v%.2f' % upgrade_to_version)
ret = False
return ret
level_to_output = {
"informational": out.good,
"warning": out.warn,
@ -694,7 +621,7 @@ def output(out: OutputBuffer, aconf: AuditConf, banner: Optional[Banner], header
maxlen = algs.maxlen + 1
cves = output_security(out, banner, client_audit, maxlen, aconf.json)
output_security(out, banner, maxlen, aconf.json)
# Filled in by output_algorithms() with unidentified algs.
unknown_algorithms: List[str] = []
@ -729,7 +656,7 @@ def output(out: OutputBuffer, aconf: AuditConf, banner: Optional[Banner], header
if aconf.json:
# Build & write the JSON struct.
out.info(json.dumps(build_struct(aconf.host + ":" + str(aconf.port), banner, cves, kex=kex, client_host=client_host, software=software, algorithms=algs, algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list=algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list, additional_notes=additional_notes), indent=4 if aconf.json_print_indent else None, sort_keys=True))
out.info(json.dumps(build_struct(aconf.host + ":" + str(aconf.port), banner, kex=kex, client_host=client_host, software=software, algorithms=algs, algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list=algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list, additional_notes=additional_notes), indent=4 if aconf.json_print_indent else None, sort_keys=True))
elif len(unknown_algorithms) > 0: # If we encountered any unknown algorithms, ask the user to report them.
out.warn("\n\n!!! WARNING: unknown algorithm(s) found!: %s. If this is the latest version of ssh-audit (see <https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit/releases>), please create a new Github issue at <https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit/issues> with the full output above.\n" % ','.join(unknown_algorithms))
@ -1078,7 +1005,7 @@ def process_commandline(out: OutputBuffer, args: List[str], usage_cb: Callable[.
return aconf
def build_struct(target_host: str, banner: Optional['Banner'], cves: List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]], kex: Optional['SSH2_Kex'] = None, pkm: Optional['SSH1_PublicKeyMessage'] = None, client_host: Optional[str] = None, software: Optional[Software] = None, algorithms: Optional[Algorithms] = None, algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, additional_notes: List[str] = []) -> Any: # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
def build_struct(target_host: str, banner: Optional['Banner'], kex: Optional['SSH2_Kex'] = None, pkm: Optional['SSH1_PublicKeyMessage'] = None, client_host: Optional[str] = None, software: Optional[Software] = None, algorithms: Optional[Algorithms] = None, algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, additional_notes: List[str] = []) -> Any: # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
def fetch_notes(algorithm: str, alg_type: str) -> Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]]:
'''Returns a dictionary containing the messages in the "fail", "warn", and "info" levels for this algorithm.'''
@ -1240,8 +1167,8 @@ def build_struct(target_host: str, banner: Optional['Banner'], cves: List[Dict[s
'fp': pkm_fp,
# Add in the CVE information.
res['cves'] = cves
# Historically, CVE information was returned. Now we'll just return an empty dictionary so as to not break any legacy clients.
res['cves'] = []
# Add in the recommendations.
res['recommendations'] = get_algorithm_recommendations(algorithms, algorithm_recommendation_suppress_list, software, for_server=True)
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Joe Testa (jtesta@positronsecurity.com)
Copyright (C) 2017 Andris Raugulis (moo@arthepsy.eu)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Sequence, Tuple, Iterable # noqa: F401
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, Any # noqa: F401
class VersionVulnerabilityDB: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
# Format: [starting_vuln_version, last_vuln_version, affected, CVE_ID, CVSSv2, description]
# affected: 1 = server, 2 = client, 4 = local
# Example: if it affects servers, both remote & local, then affected
# = 1. If it affects servers, but is a local issue only,
# then affected = 1 + 4 = 5.
CVE: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]] = {
'Dropbear SSH': [
['0.0', '2020.81', 2, 'CVE-2021-36369', 7.5, 'trivial authentication attack to bypass FIDO tokens and SSH-ASKPASS'],
['0.0', '2018.76', 1, 'CVE-2018-15599', 5.0, 'remote users may enumerate users on the system'],
['0.0', '2017.74', 5, 'CVE-2017-9079', 4.7, 'local users can read certain files as root'],
['0.0', '2017.74', 5, 'CVE-2017-9078', 9.3, 'local users may elevate privileges to root under certain conditions'],
['0.0', '2016.73', 5, 'CVE-2016-7409', 2.1, 'local users can read process memory under limited conditions'],
['0.0', '2016.73', 1, 'CVE-2016-7408', 6.5, 'remote users can execute arbitrary code'],
['0.0', '2016.73', 5, 'CVE-2016-7407', 10.0, 'local users can execute arbitrary code'],
['0.0', '2016.73', 1, 'CVE-2016-7406', 10.0, 'remote users can execute arbitrary code'],
['0.44', '2015.71', 1, 'CVE-2016-3116', 5.5, 'bypass command restrictions via xauth command injection'],
['0.28', '2013.58', 1, 'CVE-2013-4434', 5.0, 'discover valid usernames through different time delays'],
['0.28', '2013.58', 1, 'CVE-2013-4421', 5.0, 'cause DoS via a compressed packet (memory consumption)'],
['0.52', '2011.54', 1, 'CVE-2012-0920', 7.1, 'execute arbitrary code or bypass command restrictions'],
['0.40', '0.48.1', 1, 'CVE-2007-1099', 7.5, 'conduct a MitM attack (no warning for hostkey mismatch)'],
['0.28', '0.47', 1, 'CVE-2006-1206', 7.5, 'cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)'],
['0.39', '0.47', 1, 'CVE-2006-0225', 4.6, 'execute arbitrary commands via scp with crafted filenames'],
['0.28', '0.46', 1, 'CVE-2005-4178', 6.5, 'execute arbitrary code via buffer overflow vulnerability'],
['0.28', '0.42', 1, 'CVE-2004-2486', 7.5, 'execute arbitrary code via DSS verification code']],
'libssh': [
['0.6.4', '0.6.4', 1, 'CVE-2018-10933', 6.4, 'authentication bypass'],
['0.7.0', '0.7.5', 1, 'CVE-2018-10933', 6.4, 'authentication bypass'],
['0.8.0', '0.8.3', 1, 'CVE-2018-10933', 6.4, 'authentication bypass'],
['0.1', '0.7.2', 1, 'CVE-2016-0739', 4.3, 'conduct a MitM attack (weakness in DH key generation)'],
['0.5.1', '0.6.4', 1, 'CVE-2015-3146', 5.0, 'cause DoS via kex packets (null pointer dereference)'],
['0.5.1', '0.6.3', 1, 'CVE-2014-8132', 5.0, 'cause DoS via kex init packet (dangling pointer)'],
['0.4.7', '0.6.2', 1, 'CVE-2014-0017', 1.9, 'leak data via PRNG state reuse on forking servers'],
['0.4.7', '0.5.3', 1, 'CVE-2013-0176', 4.3, 'cause DoS via kex packet (null pointer dereference)'],
['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-6063', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code via sftp (double free)'],
['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4562', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (overflow check)'],
['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4561', 5.0, 'cause DoS via unspecified vectors (invalid pointer)'],
['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4560', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (buffer overflow)'],
['0.4.7', '0.5.2', 1, 'CVE-2012-4559', 6.8, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free)']],
'OpenSSH': [
['6.2', '8.7', 5, 'CVE-2021-41617', 7.0, 'privilege escalation via supplemental groups'],
['1.0', '8.8', 2, 'CVE-2021-36368', 3.7, 'trivial authentication attack to bypass FIDO tokens and SSH-ASKPASS'],
['8.2', '8.4', 2, 'CVE-2021-28041', 7.1, 'double free via ssh-agent'],
['1.0', '8.3', 5, 'CVE-2020-15778', 7.8, 'command injection via anomalous argument transfers'],
['5.7', '8.3', 2, 'CVE-2020-14145', 5.9, 'information leak via algorithm negotiation'],
['8.2', '8.2', 2, 'CVE-2020-12062', 7.5, 'arbitrary files overwrite via scp'],
['7.7', '8.0', 7, 'CVE-2019-16905', 7.8, 'memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow'],
['1.0', '7.9', 2, 'CVE-2019-6111', 5.9, 'arbitrary files overwrite via scp'],
['1.0', '7.9', 2, 'CVE-2019-6110', 6.8, 'output manipulation'],
['1.0', '7.9', 2, 'CVE-2019-6109', 6.8, 'output manipulation'],
['1.0', '7.9', 2, 'CVE-2018-20685', 5.3, 'directory permissions modification via scp'],
['5.9', '7.8', 1, 'CVE-2018-15919', 5.3, 'username enumeration via GS2'],
['1.0', '7.7', 1, 'CVE-2018-15473', 5.3, 'enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies'],
['1.2', '6.292', 1, 'CVE-2017-15906', 5.3, 'readonly bypass via sftp'],
['1.0', '8.7', 1, 'CVE-2016-20012', 5.3, 'enumerate usernames via challenge response'],
['7.2', '7.2p2', 1, 'CVE-2016-6515', 7.8, 'cause DoS via long password string (crypt CPU consumption)'],
['1.2.2', '7.2', 1, 'CVE-2016-3115', 5.5, 'bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data'],
['5.4', '7.1', 1, 'CVE-2016-1907', 5.0, 'cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)'],
['5.4', '7.1p1', 2, 'CVE-2016-0778', 4.6, 'cause DoS via requesting many forwardings (heap based buffer overflow)'],
['5.0', '7.1p1', 2, 'CVE-2016-0777', 4.0, 'leak data via allowing transfer of entire buffer'],
['6.0', '7.2p2', 5, 'CVE-2015-8325', 7.2, 'privilege escalation via triggering crafted environment'],
['6.8', '6.9', 5, 'CVE-2015-6565', 7.2, 'cause DoS via writing to a device (terminal disruption)'],
['5.0', '6.9', 5, 'CVE-2015-6564', 6.9, 'privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid'],
['5.0', '6.9', 5, 'CVE-2015-6563', 1.9, 'conduct impersonation attack'],
['6.9p1', '6.9p1', 1, 'CVE-2015-5600', 8.5, 'cause Dos or aid in conduct brute force attack (CPU consumption)'],
['6.0', '6.6', 1, 'CVE-2015-5352', 4.3, 'bypass access restrictions via a specific connection'],
['6.0', '6.6', 2, 'CVE-2014-2653', 5.8, 'bypass SSHFP DNS RR check via unacceptable host certificate'],
['5.0', '6.5', 1, 'CVE-2014-2532', 5.8, 'bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard'],
['1.2', '6.4', 1, 'CVE-2014-1692', 7.5, 'cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)'],
['6.2', '6.3', 1, 'CVE-2013-4548', 6.0, 'bypass command restrictions via crafted packet data'],
['1.2', '5.6', 1, 'CVE-2012-0814', 3.5, 'leak data via debug messages'],
['1.2', '5.8', 1, 'CVE-2011-5000', 3.5, 'cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)'],
['5.6', '5.7', 2, 'CVE-2011-0539', 5.0, 'leak data or conduct hash collision attack'],
['1.2', '6.1', 1, 'CVE-2010-5107', 5.0, 'cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)'],
['1.2', '5.8', 1, 'CVE-2010-4755', 4.0, 'cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)'],
['1.2', '5.6', 1, 'CVE-2010-4478', 7.5, 'bypass authentication check via crafted values'],
['4.3', '4.8', 1, 'CVE-2009-2904', 6.9, 'privilege escalation via hard links to setuid programs'],
['4.0', '5.1', 1, 'CVE-2008-5161', 2.6, 'recover plaintext data from ciphertext'],
['1.2', '4.6', 1, 'CVE-2008-4109', 5.0, 'cause DoS via multiple login attempts (slot exhaustion)'],
['1.2', '4.8', 1, 'CVE-2008-1657', 6.5, 'bypass command restrictions via modifying session file'],
['1.2.2', '4.9', 1, 'CVE-2008-1483', 6.9, 'hijack forwarded X11 connections'],
['4.0', '4.6', 1, 'CVE-2007-4752', 7.5, 'privilege escalation via causing an X client to be trusted'],
['4.3p2', '4.3p2', 1, 'CVE-2007-3102', 4.3, 'allow attacker to write random data to audit log'],
['1.2', '4.6', 1, 'CVE-2007-2243', 5.0, 'discover valid usernames through different responses'],
['4.4', '4.4', 1, 'CVE-2006-5794', 7.5, 'bypass authentication'],
['4.1', '4.1p1', 1, 'CVE-2006-5229', 2.6, 'discover valid usernames through different time delays'],
['1.2', '4.3p2', 1, 'CVE-2006-5052', 5.0, 'discover valid usernames through different responses'],
['1.2', '4.3p2', 1, 'CVE-2006-5051', 9.3, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free)'],
['4.5', '4.5', 1, 'CVE-2006-4925', 5.0, 'cause DoS via invalid protocol sequence (crash)'],
['1.2', '4.3p2', 1, 'CVE-2006-4924', 7.8, 'cause DoS via crafted packet (CPU consumption)'],
['3.8.1p1', '3.8.1p1', 1, 'CVE-2006-0883', 5.0, 'cause DoS via connecting multiple times (client connection refusal)'],
['3.0', '4.2p1', 1, 'CVE-2006-0225', 4.6, 'execute arbitrary code'],
['2.1', '4.1p1', 1, 'CVE-2005-2798', 5.0, 'leak data about authentication credentials'],
['3.5', '3.5p1', 1, 'CVE-2004-2760', 6.8, 'leak data through different connection states'],
['2.3', '3.7.1p2', 1, 'CVE-2004-2069', 5.0, 'cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)'],
['3.0', '3.4p1', 1, 'CVE-2004-0175', 4.3, 'leak data through directory traversal'],
['1.2', '3.9p1', 1, 'CVE-2003-1562', 7.6, 'leak data about authentication credentials'],
['3.1p1', '3.7.1p1', 1, 'CVE-2003-0787', 7.5, 'privilege escalation via modifying stack'],
['3.1p1', '3.7.1p1', 1, 'CVE-2003-0786', 10.0, 'privilege escalation via bypassing authentication'],
['1.0', '3.7.1', 1, 'CVE-2003-0695', 7.5, 'cause DoS or execute arbitrary code'],
['1.0', '3.7', 1, 'CVE-2003-0693', 10.0, 'execute arbitrary code'],
['3.0', '3.6.1p2', 1, 'CVE-2003-0386', 7.5, 'bypass address restrictions for connection'],
['3.1p1', '3.6.1p1', 1, 'CVE-2003-0190', 5.0, 'discover valid usernames through different time delays'],
['3.2.2', '3.2.2', 1, 'CVE-2002-0765', 7.5, 'bypass authentication'],
['1.2.2', '3.3p1', 1, 'CVE-2002-0640', 10.0, 'execute arbitrary code'],
['1.2.2', '3.3p1', 1, 'CVE-2002-0639', 10.0, 'execute arbitrary code'],
['2.1', '3.2', 1, 'CVE-2002-0575', 7.5, 'privilege escalation'],
['2.1', '3.0.2p1', 2, 'CVE-2002-0083', 10.0, 'privilege escalation'],
['3.0', '3.0p1', 1, 'CVE-2001-1507', 7.5, 'bypass authentication'],
['1.2.3', '3.0.1p1', 5, 'CVE-2001-0872', 7.2, 'privilege escalation via crafted environment variables'],
['1.2.3', '2.1.1', 1, 'CVE-2001-0361', 4.0, 'recover plaintext from ciphertext'],
['1.2', '2.1', 1, 'CVE-2000-0525', 10.0, 'execute arbitrary code (improper privileges)']],
'PuTTY': [
# info for CVE-2021-36367 - only PuTTY up to 0.71 is affected - see https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/reject-trivial-auth.html
['0.0', '0.71', 2, 'CVE-2021-36367', 8.1, 'trivial authentication attack to bypass FIDO tokens and SSH-ASKPASS'],
['0.0', '0.74', 2, 'CVE-2021-33500', 5.0, 'denial of service of the complete windows desktop'],
['0.68', '0.73', 2, 'CVE-2020-14002', 4.3, 'Observable Discrepancy which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to target initial connection attempts'],
['0.54', '0.73', 2, 'CVE-2020-XXXX', 5.0, 'out of bounds memory read'],
['0.0', '0.72', 2, 'CVE-2019-17069', 5.0, 'potential DOS by remote SSHv1 server'],
['0.71', '0.72', 2, 'CVE-2019-17068', 5.0, 'xterm bracketed paste mode command injection'],
['0.52', '0.72', 2, 'CVE-2019-17067', 7.5, 'port rebinding weakness in port forward tunnel handling'],
['0.0', '0.71', 2, 'CVE-2019-XXXX', 5.0, 'undefined vulnerability in obsolete SSHv1 protocol handling'],
['0.0', '0.71', 6, 'CVE-2019-XXXX', 5.0, 'local privilege escalation in Pageant'],
['0.0', '0.70', 2, 'CVE-2019-9898', 7.5, 'potential recycling of random numbers'],
['0.0', '0.70', 2, 'CVE-2019-9897', 5.0, 'multiple denial-of-service issues from writing to the terminal'],
['0.0', '0.70', 6, 'CVE-2019-9896', 4.6, 'local application hijacking through malicious Windows help file'],
['0.0', '0.70', 2, 'CVE-2019-9894', 6.4, 'buffer overflow in RSA key exchange'],
['0.0', '0.69', 6, 'CVE-2016-6167', 4.4, 'local application hijacking through untrusted DLL loading'],
['0.0', '0.67', 2, 'CVE-2017-6542', 7.5, 'buffer overflow in UNIX client that can result in privilege escalation or denial-of-service'],
['0.0', '0.66', 2, 'CVE-2016-2563', 7.5, 'buffer overflow in SCP command-line utility'],
['0.0', '0.65', 2, 'CVE-2015-5309', 4.3, 'integer overflow in terminal-handling code'],
TXT: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]] = {
'Dropbear SSH': [
['0.28', '0.34', 1, 'remote root exploit', 'remote format string buffer overflow exploit (exploit-db#387)']],
'libssh': [
['0.3.3', '0.3.3', 1, 'null pointer check', 'missing null pointer check in "crypt_set_algorithms_server"'],
['0.3.3', '0.3.3', 1, 'integer overflow', 'integer overflow in "buffer_get_data"'],
['0.3.3', '0.3.3', 3, 'heap overflow', 'heap overflow in "packet_decrypt"']]
@ -10,118 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies",
"name": "CVE-2018-15473"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "readonly bypass via sftp",
"name": "CVE-2017-15906"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cvssv2": 5.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data",
"name": "CVE-2016-3115"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)",
"name": "CVE-2014-1692"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "leak data via debug messages",
"name": "CVE-2012-0814"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2011-5000"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2010-5107"
"cvssv2": 4.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2010-4755"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values",
"name": "CVE-2010-4478"
"cvssv2": 2.6,
"description": "recover plaintext data from ciphertext",
"name": "CVE-2008-5161"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via multiple login attempts (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2008-4109"
"cvssv2": 6.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via modifying session file",
"name": "CVE-2008-1657"
"cvssv2": 6.9,
"description": "hijack forwarded X11 connections",
"name": "CVE-2008-1483"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "privilege escalation via causing an X client to be trusted",
"name": "CVE-2007-4752"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "discover valid usernames through different responses",
"name": "CVE-2007-2243"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "discover valid usernames through different responses",
"name": "CVE-2006-5052"
"cvssv2": 9.3,
"description": "cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free)",
"name": "CVE-2006-5051"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted packet (CPU consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2006-4924"
"cvssv2": 4.6,
"description": "execute arbitrary code",
"name": "CVE-2006-0225"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "leak data about authentication credentials",
"name": "CVE-2005-2798"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "aes128-cbc",
@ -6,28 +6,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2018-15473 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2017-15906 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) readonly bypass via sftp[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2008-5161 -- (CVSSv2: 2.6) recover plaintext data from ciphertext[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2008-4109 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via multiple login attempts (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2008-1657 -- (CVSSv2: 6.5) bypass command restrictions via modifying session file[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2008-1483 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) hijack forwarded X11 connections[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2007-4752 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) privilege escalation via causing an X client to be trusted[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2007-2243 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) discover valid usernames through different responses[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2006-5052 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) discover valid usernames through different responses[0m
[0;31m(cve) CVE-2006-5051 -- (CVSSv2: 9.3) cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2006-4924 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) cause DoS via crafted packet (CPU consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2006-0225 -- (CVSSv2: 4.6) execute arbitrary code[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2005-2798 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) leak data about authentication credentials[0m
[0;31m(sec) SSH v1 enabled -- SSH v1 can be exploited to recover plaintext passwords[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
@ -10,83 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies",
"name": "CVE-2018-15473"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "readonly bypass via sftp",
"name": "CVE-2017-15906"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cvssv2": 5.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data",
"name": "CVE-2016-3115"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)",
"name": "CVE-2016-1907"
"cvssv2": 6.9,
"description": "privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid",
"name": "CVE-2015-6564"
"cvssv2": 1.9,
"description": "conduct impersonation attack",
"name": "CVE-2015-6563"
"cvssv2": 5.8,
"description": "bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard",
"name": "CVE-2014-2532"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)",
"name": "CVE-2014-1692"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "leak data via debug messages",
"name": "CVE-2012-0814"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2011-5000"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2010-5107"
"cvssv2": 4.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2010-4755"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values",
"name": "CVE-2010-4478"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "aes128-ctr",
@ -4,23 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 4.7-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2018-15473 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2017-15906 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) readonly bypass via sftp[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
@ -10,83 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies",
"name": "CVE-2018-15473"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "readonly bypass via sftp",
"name": "CVE-2017-15906"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cvssv2": 5.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data",
"name": "CVE-2016-3115"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)",
"name": "CVE-2016-1907"
"cvssv2": 6.9,
"description": "privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid",
"name": "CVE-2015-6564"
"cvssv2": 1.9,
"description": "conduct impersonation attack",
"name": "CVE-2015-6563"
"cvssv2": 5.8,
"description": "bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard",
"name": "CVE-2014-2532"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)",
"name": "CVE-2014-1692"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "leak data via debug messages",
"name": "CVE-2012-0814"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2011-5000"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2010-5107"
"cvssv2": 4.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2010-4755"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values",
"name": "CVE-2010-4478"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "aes128-ctr",
@ -4,23 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2018-15473 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2017-15906 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) readonly bypass via sftp[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
@ -10,83 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies",
"name": "CVE-2018-15473"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "readonly bypass via sftp",
"name": "CVE-2017-15906"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cvssv2": 5.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data",
"name": "CVE-2016-3115"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)",
"name": "CVE-2016-1907"
"cvssv2": 6.9,
"description": "privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid",
"name": "CVE-2015-6564"
"cvssv2": 1.9,
"description": "conduct impersonation attack",
"name": "CVE-2015-6563"
"cvssv2": 5.8,
"description": "bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard",
"name": "CVE-2014-2532"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)",
"name": "CVE-2014-1692"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "leak data via debug messages",
"name": "CVE-2012-0814"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2011-5000"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2010-5107"
"cvssv2": 4.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2010-4755"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values",
"name": "CVE-2010-4478"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "aes128-ctr",
@ -4,23 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2018-15473 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2017-15906 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) readonly bypass via sftp[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
@ -10,83 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies",
"name": "CVE-2018-15473"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "readonly bypass via sftp",
"name": "CVE-2017-15906"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cvssv2": 5.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data",
"name": "CVE-2016-3115"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)",
"name": "CVE-2016-1907"
"cvssv2": 6.9,
"description": "privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid",
"name": "CVE-2015-6564"
"cvssv2": 1.9,
"description": "conduct impersonation attack",
"name": "CVE-2015-6563"
"cvssv2": 5.8,
"description": "bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard",
"name": "CVE-2014-2532"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)",
"name": "CVE-2014-1692"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "leak data via debug messages",
"name": "CVE-2012-0814"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2011-5000"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2010-5107"
"cvssv2": 4.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2010-4755"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values",
"name": "CVE-2010-4478"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "aes128-ctr",
@ -4,23 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2018-15473 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2017-15906 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) readonly bypass via sftp[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
@ -10,83 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies",
"name": "CVE-2018-15473"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "readonly bypass via sftp",
"name": "CVE-2017-15906"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cvssv2": 5.5,
"description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data",
"name": "CVE-2016-3115"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)",
"name": "CVE-2016-1907"
"cvssv2": 6.9,
"description": "privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid",
"name": "CVE-2015-6564"
"cvssv2": 1.9,
"description": "conduct impersonation attack",
"name": "CVE-2015-6563"
"cvssv2": 5.8,
"description": "bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard",
"name": "CVE-2014-2532"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)",
"name": "CVE-2014-1692"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "leak data via debug messages",
"name": "CVE-2012-0814"
"cvssv2": 3.5,
"description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2011-5000"
"cvssv2": 5.0,
"description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)",
"name": "CVE-2010-5107"
"cvssv2": 4.0,
"description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)",
"name": "CVE-2010-4755"
"cvssv2": 7.5,
"description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values",
"name": "CVE-2010-4478"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "aes128-ctr",
@ -4,23 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2018-15473 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2017-15906 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) readonly bypass via sftp[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
@ -10,28 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.0,
"description": "privilege escalation via supplemental groups",
"name": "CVE-2021-41617"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow",
"name": "CVE-2019-16905"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com",
@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 7.4+, Dropbear SSH 2020.79+[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2021-41617 -- (CVSSv2: 7.0) privilege escalation via supplemental groups[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2019-16905 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.4, Dropbear SSH 2018.76[0m
[0;32m `- [info] default key exchange from OpenSSH 7.4 to 8.9[0m
@ -10,28 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.0,
"description": "privilege escalation via supplemental groups",
"name": "CVE-2021-41617"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow",
"name": "CVE-2019-16905"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com",
@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 7.4+, Dropbear SSH 2020.79+[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2021-41617 -- (CVSSv2: 7.0) privilege escalation via supplemental groups[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2019-16905 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.4, Dropbear SSH 2018.76[0m
[0;32m `- [info] default key exchange from OpenSSH 7.4 to 8.9[0m
@ -10,28 +10,7 @@
"cves": [
"cvssv2": 7.0,
"description": "privilege escalation via supplemental groups",
"name": "CVE-2021-41617"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers",
"name": "CVE-2020-15778"
"cvssv2": 7.8,
"description": "memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow",
"name": "CVE-2019-16905"
"cvssv2": 5.3,
"description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response",
"name": "CVE-2016-20012"
"cves": [],
"enc": [
"algorithm": "chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com",
@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 7.4+, Dropbear SSH 2020.79+[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2021-41617 -- (CVSSv2: 7.0) privilege escalation via supplemental groups[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2020-15778 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) command injection via anomalous argument transfers[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2019-16905 -- (CVSSv2: 7.8) memory corruption and local code execution via pre-authentication integer overflow[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-20012 -- (CVSSv2: 5.3) enumerate usernames via challenge response[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.4, Dropbear SSH 2018.76[0m
[0;32m `- [info] default key exchange from OpenSSH 7.4 to 8.9[0m
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def test_prevent_runtime_error_regression(ssh_audit, kex):
kex.set_host_key("ssh-rsa7", b"\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00", 1024, '', 0)
kex.set_host_key("ssh-rsa8", b"\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00", 1024, '', 0)
rv = ssh_audit.build_struct('localhost', None, [], kex=kex)
rv = ssh_audit.build_struct('localhost', None, kex=kex)
assert len(rv["fingerprints"]) == (9 * 2) # Each host key generates two hash fingerprints: one using SHA256, and one using MD5.
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class TestSSH1:
self.audit(out, self._conf())
lines = output_spy.flush()
assert len(lines) == 21
assert len(lines) == 13
def test_ssh1_server_invalid_first_packet(self, output_spy, virtual_socket):
vsocket = virtual_socket
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class TestSSH1:
assert ret != 0
lines = output_spy.flush()
assert len(lines) == 14
assert len(lines) == 6
assert 'unknown message' in lines[-1]
def test_ssh1_server_invalid_checksum(self, output_spy, virtual_socket):
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class TestSSH2:
self.audit(out, self._conf())
lines = output_spy.flush()
assert len(lines) == 83
assert len(lines) == 78
def test_ssh2_server_invalid_first_packet(self, output_spy, virtual_socket):
vsocket = virtual_socket
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class TestSSH2:
assert ret != 0
lines = output_spy.flush()
assert len(lines) == 9
assert len(lines) == 4
assert 'unknown message' in lines[-1]
def test_ssh2_gss_kex(self, output_spy, virtual_socket):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user