mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:05:26 +01:00
pep8 comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def get_params():
args = i
if('=' in args):
args = args[1:] #legacy in case of url params
args = args[1:] # legacy in case of url params
splitString = args.split('=')
param[splitString[0]] = splitString[1]
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def get_params():
return param
#the program mode
# the program mode
mode = -1
params = get_params()
@ -29,33 +29,33 @@ if("mode" in params):
elif(params['mode'] == 'restore'):
mode = 1
#if mode wasn't passed in as arg, get from user
# if mode wasn't passed in as arg, get from user
if(mode == -1):
#by default, Backup,Restore,Open Settings
# by default, Backup,Restore,Open Settings
options = [utils.getString(30016),utils.getString(30017),utils.getString(30099)]
#find out if we're using the advanced editor
# find out if we're using the advanced editor
if(int(utils.getSetting('backup_selection_type')) == 1):
#figure out if this is a backup or a restore from the user
# figure out if this is a backup or a restore from the user
mode = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(utils.getString(30010) + " - " + utils.getString(30023),options)
#check if program should be run
# check if program should be run
if(mode != -1):
#run the profile backup
# run the profile backup
backup = XbmcBackup()
if(mode == 2):
#open the settings dialog
# open the settings dialog
elif(mode == 3 and int(utils.getSetting('backup_selection_type')) == 1):
#open the advanced editor
# open the advanced editor
if(mode == backup.Restore):
#get list of valid restore points
# get list of valid restore points
restorePoints = backup.listBackups()
pointNames = []
folderNames = []
@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ if(mode != -1):
selectedRestore = -1
if("archive" in params):
#check that the user give archive exists
# check that the user give archive exists
if(params['archive'] in folderNames):
#set the index
# set the index
selectedRestore = folderNames.index(params['archive'])
utils.log(str(selectedRestore) + " : " + params['archive'])
utils.log(params['archive'] + ' is not a valid restore point')
#allow user to select the backup to restore from
# allow user to select the backup to restore from
selectedRestore = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(utils.getString(30010) + " - " + utils.getString(30021),pointNames)
if(selectedRestore != -1):
@ -89,6 +89,6 @@ if(mode != -1):
#can't go any further
# can't go any further
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ from resources.lib.authorizers import DropboxAuthorizer
from resources.lib.advanced_editor import AdvancedBackupEditor
#launcher for various helpful functions found in the settings.xml area
# launcher for various helpful functions found in the settings.xml area
def authorize_cloud(cloudProvider):
# drobpox
if(cloudProvider == 'dropbox'):
authorizer = DropboxAuthorizer()
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ def authorize_cloud(cloudProvider):
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(utils.getString(30010),utils.getString(30107) + ' ' + utils.getString(30027))
def remove_auth():
#triggered from settings.xml - asks if user wants to delete OAuth token information
# triggered from settings.xml - asks if user wants to delete OAuth token information
shouldDelete = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(utils.getString(30093),utils.getString(30094),utils.getString(30095),autoclose=7000)
#delete any of the known token file types
xbmcvfs.delete(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "tokens.txt")) #dropbox
xbmcvfs.delete(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "google_drive.dat")) #google drive
# delete any of the known token file types
xbmcvfs.delete(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "tokens.txt")) # dropbox
xbmcvfs.delete(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "google_drive.dat")) # google drive
def get_params():
param = {}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def get_params():
args = i
if('=' in args):
args = args[1:] #legacy in case of url params
args = args[1:] # legacy in case of url params
splitString = args.split('=')
param[splitString[0]] = splitString[1]
@ -9,33 +9,33 @@ class BackupSetManager:
def __init__(self):
self.paths = {}
#try and read in the custom file
# try and read in the custom file
def addSet(self,aSet):
self.paths[aSet['name']] = {'root':aSet['root'],'dirs':[{"type":"include","path":aSet['root'],'recurse':True}]}
#save the file
# save the file
def updateSet(self,name,aSet):
self.paths[name] = aSet
#save the file
# save the file
def deleteSet(self,index):
#match the index to a key
# match the index to a key
keys = self.getSets()
#delete this set
# delete this set
del self.paths[keys[index]]
#save the file
def getSets(self):
#list all current sets by name
# list all current sets by name
keys = list(self.paths.keys())
@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ class BackupSetManager:
def getSet(self,index):
keys = self.getSets();
#return the set at this index
# return the set at this index
return {'name':keys[index],'set':self.paths[keys[index]]}
def validateSetName(self,name):
return (name not in self.getSets())
def _writeFile(self):
#create the custom file
# create the custom file
aFile = xbmcvfs.File(self.jsonFile,'w')
@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ class BackupSetManager:
#read in the custom file
# read in the custom file
aFile = xbmcvfs.File(self.jsonFile)
#load custom dirs
# load custom dirs
self.paths = json.loads(aFile.read())
#write a blank file
# write a blank file
class AdvancedBackupEditor:
@ -89,23 +89,23 @@ class AdvancedBackupEditor:
if(name != None):
#give a choice to start in home or enter a root path
# give a choice to start in home or enter a root path
enterHome = self.dialog.yesno(utils.getString(30111),line1=utils.getString(30112) + " - " + utils.getString(30114),line2=utils.getString(30113) + " - " + utils.getString(30115),nolabel=utils.getString(30112),yeslabel=utils.getString(30113))
rootFolder = 'special://home'
rootFolder = self.dialog.input(utils.getString(30116),defaultt=rootFolder)
#direcotry has to end in slash
# direcotry has to end in slash
if(rootFolder[:-1] != '/'):
rootFolder = rootFolder + '/'
#check that this path even exists
# check that this path even exists
if(not xbmcvfs.exists(xbmc.translatePath(rootFolder))):
return None
#select path to start set
# select path to start set
rootFolder = self.dialog.browse(type=0,heading=utils.getString(30119),shares='files',defaultt=rootFolder)
backupSet = {'name':name,'root':rootFolder}
@ -128,23 +128,23 @@ class AdvancedBackupEditor:
optionSelected = self.dialog.select(utils.getString(30122) + ' ' + name,options,useDetails=True)
if(optionSelected == 0 or optionSelected == 1):
#add a folder, will equal root if cancel is hit
# add a folder, will equal root if cancel is hit
addFolder = self.dialog.browse(type=0,heading=utils.getString(30120),shares='files',defaultt=backupSet['root'])
if(not any(addFolder == aDir['path'] for aDir in backupSet['dirs'])):
#cannot add root as an exclusion
# cannot add root as an exclusion
if(optionSelected == 0 and addFolder != backupSet['root']):
elif(optionSelected == 1):
#can add root as inclusion
# can add root as inclusion
#this path is already part of another include/exclude rule
# this path is already part of another include/exclude rule
#folder must be under root folder
# folder must be under root folder
self.dialog.ok(utils.getString(30117), utils.getString(30136),rootPath)
elif(optionSelected == 2):
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ class AdvancedBackupEditor:
if(contextOption == 0):
#remove folder
# remove folder
del backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]
elif(contextOption == 1 and backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['type'] == 'include'):
#toggle if this folder should be recursive
# toggle if this folder should be recursive
backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['recurse'] = not backupSet['dirs'][optionSelected - 3]['recurse']
return backupSet
@ -171,50 +171,50 @@ class AdvancedBackupEditor:
exitCondition = ""
customPaths = BackupSetManager()
#show this every time
# show this every time
while(exitCondition != -1):
#load the custom paths
# load the custom paths
options = [xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.getString(30126),'',utils.addon_dir() + '/resources/images/plus-icon.png')]
for index in range(0,len(customPaths.getSets())):
aSet = customPaths.getSet(index)
options.append(xbmcgui.ListItem(aSet['name'],utils.getString(30121) + ': ' + aSet['set']['root'],utils.addon_dir() + '/resources/images/folder-icon.png'))
#show the gui
# show the gui
exitCondition = self.dialog.select(utils.getString(30125),options,useDetails=True)
if(exitCondition >= 0):
if(exitCondition == 0):
newSet = self.createSet()
#check that the name is unique
# check that the name is unique
self.dialog.ok(utils.getString(30117), utils.getString(30138),newSet['name'])
#bring up a context menu
# bring up a context menu
menuOption = self.dialog.contextmenu([utils.getString(30122),utils.getString(30123)])
if(menuOption == 0):
#get the set
# get the set
aSet = customPaths.getSet(exitCondition -1)
#edit the set
# edit the set
updatedSet = self.editSet(aSet['name'],aSet['set'])
#save it
# save it
elif(menuOption == 1):
#delete this path - subtract one because of "add" item
# delete this path - subtract one because of "add" item
customPaths.deleteSet(exitCondition -1)
def copySimpleConfig(self):
#disclaimer in case the user hit this on accident
# disclaimer in case the user hit this on accident
shouldContinue = self.dialog.yesno(utils.getString(30139),utils.getString(30140),utils.getString(30141))
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcvfs
import resources.lib.tinyurl as tinyurl
import resources.lib.utils as utils
#don't die on import error yet, these might not even get used
# don't die on import error yet, these might not even get used
from . import dropbox
except ImportError:
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class DropboxAuthorizer:
result = True
if(self.APP_KEY == '' and self.APP_SECRET == ''):
#we can't go any farther, need these for sure
# we can't go any farther, need these for sure
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(utils.getString(30010),utils.getString(30027) + ' ' + utils.getString(30058),utils.getString(30059))
result = False
@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ class DropboxAuthorizer:
return False
#delete the token to start over
# delete the token to start over
#copied flow from http://dropbox-sdk-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/moduledoc.html#dropbox.oauth.DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect
# copied flow from http://dropbox-sdk-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/moduledoc.html#dropbox.oauth.DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect
flow = dropbox.oauth.DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(self.APP_KEY,self.APP_SECRET)
url = flow.start()
#print url in log
# print url in log
utils.log("Authorize URL: " + url)
#get the auth code
# get the auth code
code = xbmcgui.Dialog().input(utils.getString(30027) + ' ' + utils.getString(30103))
#if user authorized this will work
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class DropboxAuthorizer:
return result;
#return the DropboxClient, or None if can't be created
# return the DropboxClient, or None if can't be created
def getClient(self):
result = None
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ class DropboxAuthorizer:
return result
def _setToken(self,token):
#write the token files
# write the token files
token_file = open(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "tokens.txt"),'w')
def _getToken(self):
#get token, if it exists
# get token, if it exists
if(xbmcvfs.exists(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "tokens.txt"))):
token_file = open(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "tokens.txt"))
token = token_file.read()
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ def folderSort(aKey):
class XbmcBackup:
#constants for initiating a back or restore
# constants for initiating a back or restore
Backup = 0
Restore = 1
#list of dirs for the "simple" file selection
# list of dirs for the "simple" file selection
simple_directory_list = ['addons','addon_data','database','game_saves','playlists','profiles','thumbnails','config']
#file systems
# file systems
xbmc_vfs = None
remote_vfs = None
saved_remote_vfs = None
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ class XbmcBackup:
restoreFile = None
remote_base_path = None
#for the progress bar
# for the progress bar
progressBar = None
filesLeft = 0
filesTotal = 1
restore_point = None
skip_advanced = False #if we should check for the existance of advancedsettings in the restore
skip_advanced = False # if we should check for the existance of advancedsettings in the restore
def __init__(self):
self.xbmc_vfs = XBMCFileSystem(xbmc.translatePath('special://home'))
@ -68,17 +68,17 @@ class XbmcBackup:
return result
#reverse - should reverse the resulting, default is true - newest to oldest
def listBackups(self,reverse=True):
# reverse - should reverse the resulting, default is true - newest to oldest
def listBackups(self, reverse=True):
result = []
#get all the folders in the current root path
# get all the folders in the current root path
dirs,files = self.remote_vfs.listdir(self.remote_base_path)
for aDir in dirs:
if(self.remote_vfs.exists(self.remote_base_path + aDir + "/xbmcbackup.val")):
#format the name according to regional settings
# format the name according to regional settings
folderName = self._dateFormat(aDir)
@ -89,33 +89,33 @@ class XbmcBackup:
if(file_ext == 'zip' and len(folderName) == 12 and folderName.isdigit()):
#format the name according to regional settings
# format the name according to regional settings
folderName = self._dateFormat(folderName)
result.append((aFile ,folderName))
result.append((aFile, folderName))
return result
def selectRestore(self,restore_point):
def selectRestore(self, restore_point):
self.restore_point = restore_point
def skipAdvanced(self):
self.skip_advanced = True
def backup(self,progressOverride=False):
shouldContinue = self._setupVFS(self.Backup,progressOverride)
def backup(self, progressOverride=False):
shouldContinue = self._setupVFS(self.Backup, progressOverride)
utils.log(utils.getString(30023) + " - " + utils.getString(30016))
#check if remote path exists
# check if remote path exists
#may be data in here already
# may be data in here already
#make the remote directory
# make the remote directory
@ -123,35 +123,35 @@ class XbmcBackup:
allFiles = []
if(int(utils.getSetting('backup_selection_type')) == 0):
#read in a list of the directories to backup
# read in a list of the directories to backup
selectedDirs = self._readBackupConfig(utils.addon_dir() + "/resources/data/default_files.json")
#simple mode - get file listings for all enabled directories
# simple mode - get file listings for all enabled directories
for aDir in self.simple_directory_list:
#if this dir enabled
# if this dir enabled
if(utils.getSetting('backup_' + aDir) == 'true'):
#get a file listing and append it to the allfiles array
# get a file listing and append it to the allfiles array
#advanced mode - load custom paths
# advanced mode - load custom paths
selectedDirs = self._readBackupConfig(utils.data_dir() + "/custom_paths.json")
#get the set names
# get the set names
keys = list(selectedDirs.keys())
#go through the custom sets
# go through the custom sets
for aKey in keys:
#get the set
# get the set
aSet = selectedDirs[aKey]
#get file listing and append
# get file listing and append
#create a validation file for backup rotation
# create a validation file for backup rotation
writeCheck = self._createValidationFile(allFiles)
if(not writeCheck):
#we may not be able to write to this destination for some reason
# we may not be able to write to this destination for some reason
shouldContinue = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(utils.getString(30089),utils.getString(30090), utils.getString(30044),autoclose=25000)
if(not shouldContinue):
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
orig_base_path = self.remote_vfs.root_path
#backup all the files
# backup all the files
self.filesLeft = self.filesTotal
for fileGroup in allFiles:
@ -170,20 +170,20 @@ class XbmcBackup:
#reset remote and xbmc vfs
# reset remote and xbmc vfs
if(utils.getSetting("compress_backups") == 'true'):
fileManager = FileManager(self.xbmc_vfs)
#send the zip file to the real remote vfs
# send the zip file to the real remote vfs
zip_name = self.remote_vfs.root_path[:-1] + ".zip"
self.xbmc_vfs.rename(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/xbmc_backup_temp.zip"), xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + zip_name))
fileManager.addFile(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + zip_name))
#set root to data dir home
# set root to data dir home
self.remote_vfs = self.saved_remote_vfs
@ -191,16 +191,16 @@ class XbmcBackup:
fileCopied = self._copyFiles(fileManager.getFiles(),self.xbmc_vfs, self.remote_vfs)
if(not fileCopied):
#zip archive copy filed, inform the user
# zip archive copy filed, inform the user
shouldContinue = xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(utils.getString(30089),utils.getString(30090), utils.getString(30091))
#delete the temp zip file
# delete the temp zip file
self.xbmc_vfs.rmfile(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + zip_name))
#remove old backups
# remove old backups
#close any files
# close any files
def restore(self,progressOverride=False,selectedSets=None):
@ -209,16 +209,16 @@ class XbmcBackup:
utils.log(utils.getString(30023) + " - " + utils.getString(30017))
#catch for if the restore point is actually a zip file
# catch for if the restore point is actually a zip file
if(self.restore_point.split('.')[-1] == 'zip'):
self.progressBar.updateProgress(2, utils.getString(30088))
utils.log("copying zip file: " + self.restore_point)
#set root to data dir home
# set root to data dir home
if(not self.xbmc_vfs.exists(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + self.restore_point))):
#copy just this file from the remote vfs
# copy just this file from the remote vfs
zipFile = []
zipFile.append(self.remote_base_path + self.restore_point)
@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ class XbmcBackup:
utils.log("zip file exists already")
#extract the zip file
# extract the zip file
zip_vfs = ZipFileSystem(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/"+ self.restore_point),'r')
extractor = ZipExtractor()
if(not extractor.extract(zip_vfs, xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/"), self.progressBar)):
#we had a problem extracting the archive, delete everything
# we had a problem extracting the archive, delete everything
self.xbmc_vfs.rmfile(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + self.restore_point))
@ -241,60 +241,60 @@ class XbmcBackup:
self.progressBar.updateProgress(0,utils.getString(30049) + "......")
#set the new remote vfs and fix xbmc path
# set the new remote vfs and fix xbmc path
self.remote_vfs = XBMCFileSystem(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + self.restore_point.split(".")[0] + "/"))
#for restores remote path must exist
# for restores remote path must exist
if(not self.remote_vfs.exists(self.remote_vfs.root_path)):
valFile = self._checkValidationFile(self.remote_vfs.root_path)
if(valFile == None):
#don't continue
# don't continue
allFiles = []
fileManager = FileManager(self.remote_vfs)
#check for the existance of an advancedsettings file
# check for the existance of an advancedsettings file
if(self.remote_vfs.exists(self.remote_vfs.root_path + "config/advancedsettings.xml") and not self.skip_advanced):
#let the user know there is an advanced settings file present
# let the user know there is an advanced settings file present
restartXbmc = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(utils.getString(30038),utils.getString(30039),utils.getString(30040), utils.getString(30041))
#add only this file to the file list
# add only this file to the file list
fileManager.addFile(self.remote_vfs.root_path + "config/advancedsettings.xml")
#let the service know to resume this backup on startup
# let the service know to resume this backup on startup
#do not continue running
# do not continue running
#use a multiselect dialog to select sets to restore
# use a multiselect dialog to select sets to restore
restoreSets = [n['name'] for n in valFile['directories']]
#if passed in list, skip selection
# if passed in list, skip selection
if(selectedSets == None):
selectedSets = xbmcgui.Dialog().multiselect(utils.getString(30131),restoreSets)
selectedSets = [restoreSets.index(n) for n in selectedSets if n in restoreSets] #if set name not found just skip it
selectedSets = [restoreSets.index(n) for n in selectedSets if n in restoreSets] # if set name not found just skip it
if(selectedSets != None):
#go through each of the directories in the backup and write them to the correct location
# go through each of the directories in the backup and write them to the correct location
for index in selectedSets:
#add this directory
# add this directory
aDir = valFile['directories'][index]
if(self.remote_vfs.exists(self.remote_vfs.root_path + aDir['name'] + '/')):
#walk the directory
# walk the directory
fileManager.walkTree(self.remote_vfs.root_path + aDir['name'] + '/')
self.filesTotal = self.filesTotal + fileManager.size()
allFiles.append({"source":self.remote_vfs.root_path + aDir['name'],"dest":self.xbmc_vfs.root_path,"files":fileManager.getFiles()})
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
utils.log("error path not found: " + self.remote_vfs.root_path + aDir['name'])
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(utils.getString(30010),utils.getString(30045),self.remote_vfs.root_path + aDir['name'])
#restore all the files
# restore all the files
self.filesLeft = self.filesTotal
for fileGroup in allFiles:
@ -312,35 +312,35 @@ class XbmcBackup:
self.progressBar.updateProgress(99,"Clean up operations .....")
if(self.restore_point.split('.')[-1] == 'zip'):
#delete the zip file and the extracted directory
# delete the zip file and the extracted directory
self.xbmc_vfs.rmfile(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/" + self.restore_point))
#update the guisettings information (or what we can from it)
# update the guisettings information (or what we can from it)
gui_settings = GuiSettingsManager()
#call update addons to refresh everything
# call update addons to refresh everything
def _setupVFS(self,mode=-1,progressOverride=False):
#set windows setting to true
# set windows setting to true
window = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
window.setProperty(utils.__addon_id__ + ".running","true")
#append backup folder name
# append backup folder name
progressBarTitle = utils.getString(30010) + " - "
if(mode == self.Backup and self.remote_vfs.root_path != ''):
if(utils.getSetting("compress_backups") == 'true'):
#delete old temp file
# delete old temp file
if(not self.xbmc_vfs.rmfile(xbmc.translatePath('special://temp/xbmc_backup_temp.zip'))):
#we had some kind of error deleting the old file
# we had some kind of error deleting the old file
return False
#save the remote file system and use the zip vfs
# save the remote file system and use the zip vfs
self.saved_remote_vfs = self.remote_vfs
self.remote_vfs = ZipFileSystem(xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/xbmc_backup_temp.zip"),"w")
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
self.remote_vfs.set_root(self.remote_vfs.root_path + self.restore_point + "/")
progressBarTitle = progressBarTitle + utils.getString(30023) + ": " + utils.getString(30017)
#kill the program here
# kill the program here
self.remote_vfs = None
return False
@ -359,11 +359,11 @@ class XbmcBackup:
utils.log(utils.getString(30048) + ": " + self.remote_vfs.root_path)
#setup the progress bar
# setup the progress bar
self.progressBar = BackupProgressBar(progressOverride)
self.progressBar.create(progressBarTitle,utils.getString(30049) + "......")
#if we made it this far we're good
# if we made it this far we're good
return True
def _closeVFS(self):
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
#reset the window setting
# reset the window setting
window = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
window.setProperty(utils.__addon_id__ + ".running","")
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
utils.log("Source: " + source.root_path)
utils.log("Desintation: " + dest.root_path)
#make sure the dest folder exists - can cause write errors if the full path doesn't exist
# make sure the dest folder exists - can cause write errors if the full path doesn't exist
if(not dest.exists(dest.root_path)):
@ -397,13 +397,13 @@ class XbmcBackup:
wroteFile = True
destFile = dest.root_path + aFile[len(source.root_path):]
#if copying from cloud storage we need the file handle, use get_file
# if copying from cloud storage we need the file handle, use get_file
wroteFile = source.get_file(aFile,destFile)
#copy using normal method
# copy using normal method
wroteFile = dest.put(aFile,destFile)
#if result is still true but this file failed
# if result is still true but this file failed
if(not wroteFile and result):
result = False
@ -418,18 +418,18 @@ class XbmcBackup:
for aDir in dirList:
#walk all the root trees
# walk all the root trees
#update total files
# update total files
self.filesTotal = self.filesTotal + fileManager.size()
return {"name":folder_name,"source":root_path,"dest":self.remote_vfs.root_path,"files":fileManager.getFiles()}
def _dateFormat(self,dirName):
#create date_time object from foldername YYYYMMDDHHmm
# create date_time object from foldername YYYYMMDDHHmm
date_time = datetime(int(dirName[0:4]),int(dirName[4:6]),int(dirName[6:8]),int(dirName[8:10]),int(dirName[10:12]))
#format the string based on region settings
# format the string based on region settings
result = utils.getRegionalTimestamp(date_time, ['dateshort','time'])
return result
@ -442,21 +442,21 @@ class XbmcBackup:
total_backups = int(utils.getSetting('backup_rotation'))
if(total_backups > 0):
#get a list of valid backup folders
# get a list of valid backup folders
dirs = self.listBackups(reverse=False)
if(len(dirs) > total_backups):
#remove backups to equal total wanted
# remove backups to equal total wanted
remove_num = 0
self.filesTotal = self.filesTotal + remove_num + 1
#update the progress bar if it is available
# update the progress bar if it is available
while(remove_num < (len(dirs) - total_backups) and not self.progressBar.checkCancel()):
self._updateProgress(utils.getString(30054) + " " + dirs[remove_num][1])
utils.log("Removing backup " + dirs[remove_num][0])
if(dirs[remove_num][0].split('.')[-1] == 'zip'):
#this is a file, remove it that way
# this is a file, remove it that way
self.remote_vfs.rmfile(self.remote_base_path + dirs[remove_num][0])
self.remote_vfs.rmdir(self.remote_base_path + dirs[remove_num][0] + "/")
@ -478,11 +478,11 @@ class XbmcBackup:
success = self.remote_vfs.put(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "xbmcbackup.val"),self.remote_vfs.root_path + "xbmcbackup.val")
#remove the validation file
# remove the validation file
xbmcvfs.delete(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "xbmcbackup.val"))
#android requires a .nomedia file to not index the directory as media
# android requires a .nomedia file to not index the directory as media
if(not xbmcvfs.exists(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + ".nomedia"))):
nmFile = xbmcvfs.File(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + ".nomedia"),'w')
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
def _checkValidationFile(self,path):
result = None
#copy the file and open it
# copy the file and open it
self.remote_vfs.get_file(path + "xbmcbackup.val", xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "xbmcbackup_restore.val"))
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
jsonString = vFile.read()
#delete after checking
# delete after checking
xbmcvfs.delete(xbmc.translatePath(utils.data_dir() + "xbmcbackup_restore.val"))
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ class XbmcBackup:
result = None
except ValueError:
#may fail on older archives
# may fail on older archives
result = None
return result
@ -560,17 +560,17 @@ class FileManager:
dirs,files = self.vfs.listdir(directory)
#create all the subdirs first
# create all the subdirs first
for aDir in dirs:
dirPath = xbmc.validatePath(xbmc.translatePath(directory + self.pathSep + aDir))
file_ext = aDir.split('.')[-1]
#check if directory is excluded
# check if directory is excluded
if(not any(dirPath.startswith(exDir) for exDir in self.exclude_dir)):
self.addFile("-" + dirPath)
#catch for "non directory" type files
# catch for "non directory" type files
shouldWalk = True
for s in file_ext:
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ class FileManager:
#copy all the files
# copy all the files
for aFile in files:
filePath = xbmc.translatePath(directory + self.pathSep + aFile)
@ -592,17 +592,17 @@ class FileManager:
def addFile(self,filename):
#write the full remote path name of this file
# write the full remote path name of this file
utils.log("Add File: " + filename)
def excludeFile(self,filename):
#remove trailing slash
# remove trailing slash
if(filename[-1] == '/' or filename[-1] == '\\'):
filename = filename[:-1]
#write the full remote path name of this file
# write the full remote path name of this file
utils.log("Exclude File: " + filename)
@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
from . import utils as utils
class ZipExtractor:
def extract(self,zipFile,outLoc,progressBar):
def extract(self, zipFile, outLoc, progressBar):
utils.log("extracting zip archive")
result = True #result is true unless we fail
#update the progress bar
result = True # result is true unless we fail
# update the progress bar
#list the files
# list the files
fileCount = float(len(zipFile.listFiles()))
currentFile = 0
for aFile in zipFile.listFiles():
#update the progress bar
# update the progress bar
currentFile += 1
progressBar.updateProgress(int((currentFile/fileCount) * 100),utils.getString(30100))
#extract the file
except Exception as e:
progressBar.updateProgress(int((currentFile / fileCount) * 100), utils.getString(30100))
# extract the file
zipFile.extract(aFile, outLoc)
except Exception:
utils.log("Error extracting file")
result = False
return result
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ class GuiSettingsManager:
doc = None
def __init__(self):
#first make a copy of the file
# first make a copy of the file
xbmcvfs.copy(xbmc.translatePath('special://home/userdata/guisettings.xml'), xbmc.translatePath("special://home/userdata/guisettings.xml.restored"))
#read in the copy
# read in the copy
def run(self):
#get a list of all the settings we can manipulate via json
# get a list of all the settings we can manipulate via json
json_response = json.loads(xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"Settings.GetSettings","params":{"level":"advanced"}}'))
settings = json_response['result']['settings']
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ class GuiSettingsManager:
if('value' in aSetting):
currentSettings[aSetting['id']] = aSetting['value']
#parse the existing xml file and get all the settings we need to restore
# parse the existing xml file and get all the settings we need to restore
restoreSettings = self.__parseNodes(self.doc.getElementsByTagName('setting'))
#get a list where the restore setting value != the current value
# get a list where the restore setting value != the current value
updateSettings = {k: v for k, v in list(restoreSettings.items()) if (k in currentSettings and currentSettings[k] != v)}
#go through all the found settings and update them
# go through all the found settings and update them
jsonObj = {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Settings.SetSettingValue","params":{"setting":"","value":""}}
for anId, aValue in list(updateSettings.items()):
utils.log("updating: " + anId + ", value: " + str(aValue))
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class GuiSettingsManager:
if(node.firstChild != None):
nodeValue = node.firstChild.nodeValue
#check for numbers and booleans
# check for numbers and booleans
nodeValue = int(nodeValue)
elif(nodeValue == 'true'):
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ class BackupProgressBar:
def __init__(self,progressOverride):
self.override = progressOverride
#check if we should use the progress bar
# check if we should use the progress bar
if(int(utils.getSetting('progress_mode')) != 2):
#check if background or normal
# check if background or normal
if(int(utils.getSetting('progress_mode')) == 0 and not self.override):
self.mode = self.DIALOG
self.progressBar = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ class BackupProgressBar:
def updateProgress(self,percent,message=None):
#update the progress bar
# update the progress bar
if(self.mode != self.NONE):
if(message != None):
#need different calls for dialog and background bars
# need different calls for dialog and background bars
if(self.mode == self.DIALOG):
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
from future.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
#this is duplicated in snipppets of code from all over the web, credit to no one
#in particular - to all those that have gone before me!
# this is duplicated in snipppets of code from all over the web, credit to no one
# in particular - to all those that have gone before me!
def shorten(aUrl):
tinyurl = 'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='
req = urlopen(tinyurl + aUrl)
data = req.read()
#should be a tiny url
# should be a tiny url
return str(data)
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ class Vfs:
old_root = self.root_path
self.root_path = rootString
#fix slashes
# fix slashes
self.root_path = self.root_path.replace("\\","/")
#check if trailing slash is included
# check if trailing slash is included
if(self.root_path[-1:] != "/"):
self.root_path = self.root_path + "/"
#return the old root
# return the old root
return old_root
def listdir(self,directory):
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem(Vfs):
return [[],[]]
def mkdir(self,directory):
# self.zip.write(directory[len(self.root_path):])
return False
def put(self,source,dest):
@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ class ZipFileSystem(Vfs):
def extract(self,aFile,path):
#extract zip file to path
# extract zip file to path
def listFiles(self):
return self.zip.infolist()
class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
MAX_CHUNK = 50 * 1000 * 1000 #dropbox uses 150, reduced to 50 for small mem systems
MAX_CHUNK = 50 * 1000 * 1000 # dropbox uses 150, reduced to 50 for small mem systems
client = None
APP_KEY = ''
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
self.client = authorizer.getClient()
#tell the user to go back and run the authorizer
# tell the user to go back and run the authorizer
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
def mkdir(self,directory):
directory = self._fix_slashes(directory)
if(self.client != None):
#sort of odd but always return true, folder create is implicit with file upload
# sort of odd but always return true, folder create is implicit with file upload
return True
return False
@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
def rmdir(self,directory):
directory = self._fix_slashes(directory)
if(self.client != None and self.exists(directory)):
#dropbox is stupid and will refuse to do this sometimes, need to delete recursively
# dropbox is stupid and will refuse to do this sometimes, need to delete recursively
dirs,files = self.listdir(directory)
for aDir in dirs:
#finally remove the root directory
# finally remove the root directory
return True
@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
aFile = self._fix_slashes(aFile)
if(self.client != None):
#can't list root metadata
# can't list root metadata
if(aFile == ''):
return True
meta_data = self.client.files_get_metadata(aFile)
#if we make it here the file does exist
# if we make it here the file does exist
return True
return False
@ -204,46 +204,46 @@ class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
dest = self._fix_slashes(dest)
if(self.client != None):
#open the file and get its size
# open the file and get its size
f = open(source,'rb')
f_size = os.path.getsize(source)
if(f_size < self.MAX_CHUNK):
#use the regular upload
# use the regular upload
response = self.client.files_upload(f.read(),dest,mode=WriteMode('overwrite'))
#start the upload session
# start the upload session
upload_session = self.client.files_upload_session_start(f.read(self.MAX_CHUNK))
upload_cursor = UploadSessionCursor(upload_session.session_id,f.tell())
while(f.tell() < f_size):
#check if we should finish the upload
# check if we should finish the upload
if((f_size - f.tell()) <= self.MAX_CHUNK):
#upload and close
# upload and close
#upload a part and store the offset
# upload a part and store the offset
upload_cursor.offset = f.tell()
#if no errors we're good!
# if no errors we're good!
return True
except Exception as anError:
#if we have an exception retry
# if we have an exception retry
return self.put(source,dest,False)
#tried once already, just quit
# tried once already, just quit
return False
return False
def get_file(self,source,dest):
if(self.client != None):
#write the file locally
# write the file locally
f = self.client.files_download_to_file(dest,source)
return True
@ -252,11 +252,11 @@ class DropboxFileSystem(Vfs):
def _fix_slashes(self,filename):
result = filename.replace('\\','/')
#root needs to be a blank string
# root needs to be a blank string
if(result == '/'):
result = ""
#if dir ends in slash, remove it
# if dir ends in slash, remove it
if(result[-1:] == "/"):
result = result[:-1]
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import resources.lib.utils as utils
from resources.lib.croniter import croniter
from resources.lib.backup import XbmcBackup
UPGRADE_INT = 2 #to keep track of any upgrade notifications
UPGRADE_INT = 2 # to keep track of any upgrade notifications
class BackupScheduler:
monitor = None
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class BackupScheduler:
if(self.enabled == "true"):
#sleep for 2 minutes so Kodi can start and time can update correctly
# sleep for 2 minutes so Kodi can start and time can update correctly
nr = 0
@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ class BackupScheduler:
fh = xbmcvfs.File(self.next_run_path)
#check if we saved a run time from the last run
# check if we saved a run time from the last run
nr = float(fh.read())
except ValueError:
nr = 0
#if we missed and the user wants to play catch-up
# if we missed and the user wants to play catch-up
if(0 < nr <= time.time() and utils.getSetting('schedule_miss') == 'true'):
utils.log("scheduled backup was missed, doing it now...")
progress_mode = int(utils.getSetting('progress_mode'))
@ -49,49 +49,49 @@ class BackupScheduler:
def setup(self):
#scheduler was turned on, find next run time
# scheduler was turned on, find next run time
utils.log("scheduler enabled, finding next run time")
def start(self):
#display upgrade messages if they exist
# display upgrade messages if they exist
if(int(utils.getSetting('upgrade_notes')) < UPGRADE_INT):
#check if a backup should be resumed
# check if a backup should be resumed
resumeRestore = self._resumeCheck()
restore = XbmcBackup()
#skip the advanced settings check
# skip the advanced settings check
while(not self.monitor.abortRequested()):
if(self.enabled == "true"):
#scheduler is still on
# scheduler is still on
now = time.time()
if(self.next_run <= now):
progress_mode = int(utils.getSetting('progress_mode'))
#check if we should shut the computer down
# check if we should shut the computer down
if(utils.getSetting("cron_shutdown") == 'true'):
#wait 10 seconds to make sure all backup processes and files are completed
# wait 10 seconds to make sure all backup processes and files are completed
#find the next run time like normal
# find the next run time like normal
#delete monitor to free up memory
# delete monitor to free up memory
del self.monitor
def doScheduledBackup(self,progress_mode):
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ class BackupScheduler:
#check if this is a "one-off"
# check if this is a "one-off"
if(int(utils.getSetting("schedule_interval")) == 0):
#disable the scheduler after this run
# disable the scheduler after this run
self.enabled = "false"
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class BackupScheduler:
def findNextRun(self,now):
progress_mode = int(utils.getSetting('progress_mode'))
#find the cron expression and get the next run time
# find the cron expression and get the next run time
cron_exp = self.parseSchedule()
cron_ob = croniter(cron_exp,datetime.fromtimestamp(now))
@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ class BackupScheduler:
self.next_run = new_run_time
utils.log("scheduler will run again on " + utils.getRegionalTimestamp(datetime.fromtimestamp(self.next_run),['dateshort','time']))
#write the next time to a file
# write the next time to a file
fh = xbmcvfs.File(self.next_run_path, 'w')
#only show when not in silent mode
# only show when not in silent mode
if(progress_mode != 2):
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(30081) + " " + utils.getRegionalTimestamp(datetime.fromtimestamp(self.next_run),['dateshort','time']))
@ -141,15 +141,15 @@ class BackupScheduler:
current_enabled = utils.getSetting("enable_scheduler")
if(current_enabled == "true" and self.enabled == "false"):
#scheduler was just turned on
# scheduler was just turned on
self.enabled = current_enabled
elif (current_enabled == "false" and self.enabled == "true"):
#schedule was turn off
# schedule was turn off
self.enabled = current_enabled
if(self.enabled == "true"):
#always recheck the next run time after an update
# always recheck the next run time after an update
def parseSchedule(self):
@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ class BackupScheduler:
hour_of_day = utils.getSetting("schedule_time")
hour_of_day = int(hour_of_day[0:2])
if(schedule_type == 0 or schedule_type == 1):
#every day
# every day
cron_exp = "0 " + str(hour_of_day) + " * * *"
elif(schedule_type == 2):
#once a week
# once a week
day_of_week = utils.getSetting("day_of_week")
cron_exp = "0 " + str(hour_of_day) + " * * " + day_of_week
elif(schedule_type == 3):
#first day of month
# first day of month
cron_exp = "0 " + str(hour_of_day) + " 1 * *"
return cron_exp
Reference in New Issue
Block a user